Software Tools
The following standalone tools can be used with the NVIDIA Clara Parabricks Pipelines software. Click on a tool name for tool-specific options.
Tool |
Details |
Apply BQSR report to a BAM file and generate new BAM file |
Convert a BAM file to FASTQ |
Collect WGS Metrics on a BAM file |
Sort a BAM file |
Collect BQSR report on a BAM file |
Collect multiple classes of metrics on a BAM file |
Annotate variants based on a dbSNP |
Run GPU-DeepVariant for calling germline variants |
Run bwa mem, coordinate sorting, marking duplicates, and Base Quality Score Recalibration |
Convert a GVCF to VCF |
Run GPU-HaplotypeCaller for calling germline variants |
Index a GVCF file |
Run GPU-Mutect2 for tumor-normal analysis |
Generate the final VCF output of doing mutect PON |
Build an index for a PON file, which is the prerequisite to performing mutect PON |
Run RNA-seq data through the fq2bam pipeline |
Identify candidate fusion transcripts supported by Illumina reads |