Welcome to NVIDIA Parabricks v4.3.2
NVIDIA Parabricks v4.3.2

Output Accuracy and Compatible CPU Software Versions

Parabricks produces the same results in terms of functionality as the following baseline tools. There might be mismatches in the output file caused by a variety of factors: pseudo-random generation, rounding error, library dependencies, use of additional arguments, etc. For more details please see the Source of Mismatches section in the respective tool page.

Also, please refer to ComparisonsToBaselineTools to learn to how to accurately diff the output files between Parabricks and baseline.



BWA 0.7.15
bwa-meth 0.2.7
Deepvariant 1.6.1
minimap2 2.26
pbmm2 1.13.0
STAR 2.7.2a
STAR-Fusion 1.7.0
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