NVIDIA Parabricks v4.3.0
NVIDIA Parabricks v4.3.0

NVIDIA Parabricks WDL/Nextflow Workflows

Parabricks containers are compatible with WDL and NextFlow for building customized workflows, intertwining GPU- and CPU-powered tasks with different compute requirements, and deploying at scale.

These enable workflows to be deployed on cloud batch services as well as local clusters (e.g. SLURM) in a well managed process, pulling from a combination of Parabricks and third-party containers and running these on pre-defined nodes.


For further information on running these workflows, and to see the open-source reference workflows, which can be easily forked/edited, visit the Parabricks Workflows repository. This repository includes recommended instance configurations for deploying the GPU-based tools on cloud and can be easily forked/edited for your own purposes.

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