NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives (NPP)  Version 10.2.*.*
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Compare Image Differences With Epsilon Operations

Compare the pixels value differences of two images with an epsilon value and create a binary result image. More...


NppStatus  nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C1R_Ctx (const Npp32f *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const Npp32f *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  1 channel 32-bit floating point image compare whether two images are equal within epsilon. More...
NppStatus  nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C1R (const Npp32f *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const Npp32f *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon)
NppStatus  nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C3R_Ctx (const Npp32f *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const Npp32f *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  3 channel 32-bit floating point image compare whether two images are equal within epsilon. More...
NppStatus  nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C3R (const Npp32f *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const Npp32f *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon)
NppStatus  nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C4R_Ctx (const Npp32f *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const Npp32f *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  4 channel 32-bit floating point image compare whether two images are equal within epsilon. More...
NppStatus  nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C4R (const Npp32f *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const Npp32f *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon)
NppStatus  nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_AC4R_Ctx (const Npp32f *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const Npp32f *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  4 channel 32-bit signed floating point compare whether two images are equal within epsilon, not affecting Alpha. More...
NppStatus  nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_AC4R (const Npp32f *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const Npp32f *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon)

Detailed Description

Compare the pixels value differences of two images with an epsilon value and create a binary result image.

In case of multi-channel image types, the condition must be fulfilled for all channels, otherwise the comparison is considered false. The "binary" result image is of type 8u_C1. False is represented by 0, true by NPP_MAX_8U.

Common parameters for nppiCompareEqualEps functions include:

pSrc1 Source-Image Pointer.
nSrc1Step Source-Image Line Step.
pSrc2 Source-Image Pointer.
nSrc2Step Source-Image Line Step.
pDst Destination-Image Pointer.
nDstStep Destination-Image Line Step.
oSizeROI Region-of-Interest (ROI).
nEpsilon epsilon tolerance value to compare to pixel absolute differences
nppStreamCtx Application Managed Stream Context.
Image Data Related Error Codes, ROI Related Error Codes

Function Documentation

NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_AC4R ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
int  nSrc1Step,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
int  nSrc2Step,
Npp8u pDst,
int  nDstStep,
NppiSize  oSizeROI,
Npp32f  nEpsilon 
NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_AC4R_Ctx ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
int  nSrc1Step,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
int  nSrc2Step,
Npp8u pDst,
int  nDstStep,
NppiSize  oSizeROI,
Npp32f  nEpsilon,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

4 channel 32-bit signed floating point compare whether two images are equal within epsilon, not affecting Alpha.

Compare pSrc1's pixels with corresponding pixels in pSrc2 to determine whether they are equal with a difference of epsilon.

For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiCompareEqualEps functions.

NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C1R ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
int  nSrc1Step,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
int  nSrc2Step,
Npp8u pDst,
int  nDstStep,
NppiSize  oSizeROI,
Npp32f  nEpsilon 
NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C1R_Ctx ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
int  nSrc1Step,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
int  nSrc2Step,
Npp8u pDst,
int  nDstStep,
NppiSize  oSizeROI,
Npp32f  nEpsilon,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

1 channel 32-bit floating point image compare whether two images are equal within epsilon.

Compare pSrc1's pixels with corresponding pixels in pSrc2 to determine whether they are equal with a difference of epsilon.

For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiCompareEqualEps functions.

NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C3R ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
int  nSrc1Step,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
int  nSrc2Step,
Npp8u pDst,
int  nDstStep,
NppiSize  oSizeROI,
Npp32f  nEpsilon 
NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C3R_Ctx ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
int  nSrc1Step,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
int  nSrc2Step,
Npp8u pDst,
int  nDstStep,
NppiSize  oSizeROI,
Npp32f  nEpsilon,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

3 channel 32-bit floating point image compare whether two images are equal within epsilon.

Compare pSrc1's pixels with corresponding pixels in pSrc2 to determine whether they are equal with a difference of epsilon.

For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiCompareEqualEps functions.

NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C4R ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
int  nSrc1Step,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
int  nSrc2Step,
Npp8u pDst,
int  nDstStep,
NppiSize  oSizeROI,
Npp32f  nEpsilon 
NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEps_32f_C4R_Ctx ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
int  nSrc1Step,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
int  nSrc2Step,
Npp8u pDst,
int  nDstStep,
NppiSize  oSizeROI,
Npp32f  nEpsilon,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

4 channel 32-bit floating point image compare whether two images are equal within epsilon.

Compare pSrc1's pixels with corresponding pixels in pSrc2 to determine whether they are equal with a difference of epsilon.

For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiCompareEqualEps functions.