8. Data Fields
Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- accessDescCount
- cudaMemAllocNodeParams
- accessDescs
- cudaMemAllocNodeParams
- accessPolicyMaxWindowSize
- cudaDeviceProp
- accessPolicyWindow
- cudaKernelNodeAttrValue
- addressMode
- textureReference
- cudaTextureDesc
- allocType
- cudaMemPoolProps
- args
- cudaLaunchParams
- array
- cudaResourceDesc
- asyncEngineCount
- cudaDeviceProp
- base_ptr
- cudaAccessPolicyWindow
- binaryVersion
- cudaFuncAttributes
- blockDim
- cudaKernelNodeParams
- cudaLaunchParams
- borderColor
- cudaTextureDesc
- bytes
- cudaUUID_t
- bytesize
- cudaMemAllocNodeParams
- cacheModeCA
- cudaFuncAttributes
- canMapHostMemory
- cudaDeviceProp
- canUseHostPointerForRegisteredMem
- cudaDeviceProp
- channelDesc
- cudaEglPlaneDesc
- surfaceReference
- textureReference
- clockRate
- cudaDeviceProp
- computeMode
- cudaDeviceProp
- computePreemptionSupported
- cudaDeviceProp
- concurrentKernels
- cudaDeviceProp
- concurrentManagedAccess
- cudaDeviceProp
- constSizeBytes
- cudaFuncAttributes
- cooperativeLaunch
- cudaDeviceProp
- cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch
- cudaDeviceProp
- depth
- cudaEglPlaneDesc
- cudaArraySparseProperties
- cudaResourceViewDesc
- cudaExtent
- desc
- cudaResourceDesc
- device
- cudaPointerAttributes
- deviceOverlap
- cudaDeviceProp
- devicePointer
- cudaPointerAttributes
- devPtr
- cudaResourceDesc
- directManagedMemAccessFromHost
- cudaDeviceProp
- disableTrilinearOptimization
- textureReference
- cudaTextureDesc
- dptr
- cudaMemAllocNodeParams
- dst
- cudaMemsetParams
- dstArray
- cudaMemcpy3DParms
- cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms
- dstDevice
- cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms
- dstPos
- cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms
- cudaMemcpy3DParms
- dstPtr
- cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms
- cudaMemcpy3DParms
- ECCEnabled
- cudaDeviceProp
- eglColorFormat
- cudaEglFrame
- elementSize
- cudaMemsetParams
- extent
- cudaMemcpy3DParms
- cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms
- cudaExternalMemoryMipmappedArrayDesc
- extra
- cudaKernelNodeParams
- extSemArray
- cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams
- cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams
- f
- cudaChannelFormatDesc
- fd
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc
- cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc
- fence
- cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams
- cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams
- filterMode
- textureReference
- cudaTextureDesc
- firstLayer
- cudaResourceViewDesc
- firstMipmapLevel
- cudaResourceViewDesc
- flags
- cudaExternalMemoryBufferDesc
- cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams
- cudaExternalMemoryMipmappedArrayDesc
- cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams
- cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc
- cudaArraySparseProperties
- cudaMemAccessDesc
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc
- fn
- cudaHostNodeParams
- format
- cudaResourceViewDesc
- formatDesc
- cudaExternalMemoryMipmappedArrayDesc
- frameType
- cudaEglFrame
- func
- cudaKernelNodeParams
- cudaLaunchParams
- handle
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc
- cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc
- handleTypes
- cudaMemPoolProps
- height
- cudaEglPlaneDesc
- cudaResourceDesc
- cudaResourceViewDesc
- cudaArraySparseProperties
- cudaMemsetParams
- cudaExtent
- hitProp
- cudaAccessPolicyWindow
- hitRatio
- cudaAccessPolicyWindow
- hostNativeAtomicSupported
- cudaDeviceProp
- hostPointer
- cudaPointerAttributes
- kernelExecTimeoutEnabled
- cudaDeviceProp
- kernelParams
- cudaKernelNodeParams
- key
- cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams
- keyedMutex
- cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams
- cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams
- kind
- cudaMemcpy3DParms
- l2CacheSize
- cudaDeviceProp
- lastLayer
- cudaResourceViewDesc
- lastMipmapLevel
- cudaResourceViewDesc
- localL1CacheSupported
- cudaDeviceProp
- localSizeBytes
- cudaFuncAttributes
- location
- cudaMemPoolProps
- cudaMemAccessDesc
- luid
- cudaDeviceProp
- luidDeviceNodeMask
- cudaDeviceProp
- major
- cudaDeviceProp
- managedMemory
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxAnisotropy
- cudaTextureDesc
- textureReference
- maxBlocksPerMultiProcessor
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxDynamicSharedSizeBytes
- cudaFuncAttributes
- maxGridSize
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxMipmapLevelClamp
- textureReference
- cudaTextureDesc
- maxSurface1D
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxSurface1DLayered
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxSurface2D
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxSurface2DLayered
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxSurface3D
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxSurfaceCubemap
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxSurfaceCubemapLayered
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture1D
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture1DLayered
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture1DLinear
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture1DMipmap
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture2D
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture2DGather
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture2DLayered
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture2DLinear
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture2DMipmap
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture3D
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTexture3DAlt
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTextureCubemap
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxTextureCubemapLayered
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxThreadsDim
- cudaDeviceProp
- maxThreadsPerBlock
- cudaDeviceProp
- cudaFuncAttributes
- maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor
- cudaDeviceProp
- memoryBusWidth
- cudaDeviceProp
- memoryClockRate
- cudaDeviceProp
- memPitch
- cudaDeviceProp
- minMipmapLevelClamp
- textureReference
- cudaTextureDesc
- minor
- cudaDeviceProp
- mipmap
- cudaResourceDesc
- mipmapFilterMode
- cudaTextureDesc
- textureReference
- mipmapLevelBias
- textureReference
- cudaTextureDesc
- miptailFirstLevel
- cudaArraySparseProperties
- miptailSize
- cudaArraySparseProperties
- missProp
- cudaAccessPolicyWindow
- multiGpuBoardGroupID
- cudaDeviceProp
- multiProcessorCount
- cudaDeviceProp
- name
- cudaDeviceProp
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc
- cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc
- normalized
- textureReference
- normalizedCoords
- cudaTextureDesc
- num_bytes
- cudaAccessPolicyWindow
- numChannels
- cudaEglPlaneDesc
- numExtSems
- cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams
- cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams
- numLevels
- cudaExternalMemoryMipmappedArrayDesc
- numRegs
- cudaFuncAttributes
- nvSciBufObject
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc
- nvSciSyncObj
- cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc
- pageableMemoryAccess
- cudaDeviceProp
- pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables
- cudaDeviceProp
- paramsArray
- cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams
- cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams
- pArray
- cudaEglFrame
- pciBusID
- cudaDeviceProp
- pciDeviceID
- cudaDeviceProp
- pciDomainID
- cudaDeviceProp
- persistingL2CacheMaxSize
- cudaDeviceProp
- pitch
- cudaEglPlaneDesc
- cudaPitchedPtr
- cudaMemsetParams
- pitchInBytes
- cudaResourceDesc
- planeCount
- cudaEglFrame
- planeDesc
- cudaEglFrame
- poolProps
- cudaMemAllocNodeParams
- pPitch
- cudaEglFrame
- preferredShmemCarveout
- cudaFuncAttributes
- ptr
- cudaPitchedPtr
- ptxVersion
- cudaFuncAttributes
- readMode
- cudaTextureDesc
- regsPerBlock
- cudaDeviceProp
- regsPerMultiprocessor
- cudaDeviceProp
- reserved
- cudaMemPoolProps
- cudaEglPlaneDesc
- reservedSharedMemPerBlock
- cudaDeviceProp
- resType
- cudaResourceDesc
- sharedMem
- cudaLaunchParams
- sharedMemBytes
- cudaKernelNodeParams
- sharedMemPerBlock
- cudaDeviceProp
- sharedMemPerBlockOptin
- cudaDeviceProp
- sharedMemPerMultiprocessor
- cudaDeviceProp
- sharedSizeBytes
- cudaFuncAttributes
- singleToDoublePrecisionPerfRatio
- cudaDeviceProp
- size
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc
- cudaExternalMemoryBufferDesc
- sizeInBytes
- cudaResourceDesc
- srcArray
- cudaMemcpy3DParms
- cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms
- srcDevice
- cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms
- srcPos
- cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms
- cudaMemcpy3DParms
- srcPtr
- cudaMemcpy3DParms
- cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms
- sRGB
- cudaTextureDesc
- textureReference
- stream
- cudaLaunchParams
- streamPrioritiesSupported
- cudaDeviceProp
- surfaceAlignment
- cudaDeviceProp
- tccDriver
- cudaDeviceProp
- textureAlignment
- cudaDeviceProp
- texturePitchAlignment
- cudaDeviceProp
- timeoutMs
- cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams
- totalConstMem
- cudaDeviceProp
- totalGlobalMem
- cudaDeviceProp
- type
- cudaMemLocation
- cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc
- cudaPointerAttributes
- w
- cudaChannelFormatDesc
- warpSize
- cudaDeviceProp
- width
- cudaArraySparseProperties
- cudaResourceViewDesc
- cudaExtent
- cudaResourceDesc
- cudaMemsetParams
- cudaEglPlaneDesc
- win32
- cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc
- win32SecurityAttributes
- cudaMemPoolProps