Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- a -
- b -
- c -
- d -
- f -
- h -
- i -
- m -
- n -
- nAlreadyLinked
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nAlreadyOutput
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nBufferSize
: NppiBufferDescriptor
- nConnected
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nConnectedPixelCount
: NppiConnectedRegion
- nContourDirectionCenterPixel
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nContourInteriorDirection
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nContourInteriorDirectionCenterPixel
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nContourPixelCount
: NppiCompressedMarkerLabelsInfo
, NppiContourBlockSegment
- nContourPixelsFound
: NppiCompressedMarkerLabelsInfo
- nContourStartingPixelOffset
: NppiContourBlockSegment
- nCudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMajor
: NppStreamContext
- nCudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMinor
: NppStreamContext
- nCudaDeviceId
: NppStreamContext
- nDstStep
: NppiColorTwistBatchCXR
, NppiResizeBatchCXR
, NppiMirrorBatchCXR
, NppiWarpAffineBatchCXR
, NppiWarpPerspectiveBatchCXR
- nEast1
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nFirstIndex
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nGeometryInfoIsValid
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nHistogramBins
: NppiHOGConfig
- nLastIndex
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nLongestImageContourPixelCount
: NppiContourTotalsInfo
- nMarkerLabelID
: NppiContourBlockSegment
, NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nMarkerLabelPixelCount
: NppiCompressedMarkerLabelsInfo
- nMaxThreadsPerBlock
: NppStreamContext
- nMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor
: NppStreamContext
- nMultiProcessorCount
: NppStreamContext
- nNextContourPixelIndex
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nNorth1
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nNorthEast1
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nNorthWest1
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nOrderIndex
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nPixelAlreadyUsed
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nPrevContourPixelIndex
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nReserved0
: NppStreamContext
- nReverseOrderIndex
: NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo
- nSegmentNum
: NppiContourBlockSegment
- nSharedMemPerBlock
: NppStreamContext
- nSouth1
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nSouthEast1
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nSouthWest1
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nSrcStep
: NppiColorTwistBatchCXR
, NppiWarpAffineBatchCXR
, NppiWarpPerspectiveBatchCXR
, NppiResizeBatchCXR
, NppiMirrorBatchCXR
- nStep
: NppiImageDescriptor
- nStreamFlags
: NppStreamContext
- nTest1EastConnected
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nTest1NorthConnected
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nTest1NorthEastConnected
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nTest1NorthWestConnected
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nTest1SouthConnected
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nTest1SouthEastConnected
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nTest1SouthWestConnected
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nTest1WestConnected
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- nTotalImagePixelContourCount
: NppiContourTotalsInfo
- numClassifiers
: NppiHaarClassifier_32f
- nWest1
: NppiContourPixelDirectionInfo
- o -
- p -
- pCoeffs
: NppiWarpAffineBatchCXR
, NppiWarpPerspectiveBatchCXR
- pData
: NppiBufferDescriptor
, NppiImageDescriptor
- pDst
: NppiWarpAffineBatchCXR
, NppiWarpPerspectiveBatchCXR
, NppiColorTwistBatchCXR
, NppiResizeBatchCXR
, NppiMirrorBatchCXR
- pSrc
: NppiWarpPerspectiveBatchCXR
, NppiColorTwistBatchCXR
, NppiResizeBatchCXR
, NppiMirrorBatchCXR
, NppiWarpAffineBatchCXR
- pTwist
: NppiColorTwistBatchCXR
- r -
- t -
- w -
- x -
- y -