Frequently Asked Questions#

What are the different task variants available in Legate?#

Legate offers three different task variants: CPU, OMP, and GPU. A task variant determines the type of processor Legate chooses to perform the computations.

What is the difference between Legate and cuNumeric?#

Legate is a task-based runtime software stack that enables development of scalable and composable libraries for distributed and accelerated computing.

cuNumeric is one of the foundational libraries built using Legate and aspires to be a distributed and accelerated drop-in replacement library for NumPy, an array programming library widely used in scientific computing. cuNumeric scales idiomatic NumPy programs to multiple GPUs and CPUs and seamlessly interoperates with other Legate libraries.

Check out this blog post to learn more about cuNumeric.

When to use python vs legate?#

The legate launcher affords comman line options for configurtion, while using python requires configuring via LEGATE_CONFIG. When running local applications, it is mostly a matter of preference. When running in multi-node situations, legate has some additional command line options that may make usage simpler.

What if I don’t have a GPU?#

If you don’t have a GPU, you can either use the CPU or the OMP variant. See Resource allocation for informations on how to use the respective variants.

What does this warning mean?#

RuntimeWarning: cuNumeric has not implemented <API> and is falling back to canonical NumPy. You may notice significantly decreased performance for this function call.

This means that the NumPy <API> has not been implemented in cuNumeric and that the Legate runtime is falling back to using NumPy’s implementation which will be single-threaded execution and can lead to decreased performance for that function call.

[0 - 7f0524da9740]    0.000028 {4}{threads}: reservation ('dedicated worker (generic) #1') cannot be satisfied


[0 - 7fe90fa7d740]    0.000029 {4}{threads}: reservation ('utility proc 1d00000000000001') cannot be satisfied

This indicates that the runtime was unable to pin threads onto available cores, which usually means that the available CPU cores were oversubscribed because the user has requested more cores than is available.

If the user does not specify which type of processor to run on, legate will use 4 CPUs to execute the program. Legate will also need one core to perform the dependency analysis and schedule the tasks. If there are fewer than five cores on the machine, try reducing the number of cores (--cpus) passed to legate.

This warning is currently expected on MacOS.

How to handle Out-Of-Memory errors?#

[0 - 7fb9fc426000]    0.985000 {5}{cunumeric.mapper}: Mapper cunumeric on Node 0 failed to allocate 144000000 bytes on memory 1e00000000000000 (of kind SYSTEM_MEM: Visible to all processors on a node) for region requirement 1 of Task cunumeric::WhereTask[./] (UID 39).

The above error indicates that the application ran out of memory during execution. More granular details on the type of memory, the task that triggered the error are provided in the error message, but this usually indicates that resources (add more cores/threads/ GPUs, or increase the amount of system memory or framebuffer memory) or decrease the problem size and confirm that you are able to run the program to completion.

Reducing the --eager-alloc-percentage to, say, 10 or less can also help since this reduces the amount of available memory available to the eager memory pool and will consequently increase the memory reserved for the deferred memory pool.

Why are the results different from NumPy?#

While a majority of the APIs will give the same result as NumPy, some APIs might be implemented differently from that of NumPy which might lead to differences in results. One such example is, Reshape returns a copy instead of view, which returns a copy of the array in cuNumeric but returns a view in NumPy. Such differences in implementation are noted in the documentation of the cuNumeric APIs, please review them before opening an issue on cuNumeric issue tracker.

Why doesn’t Legate use my GPU?#

If you explicitly asked legate to use the GPU but find that the GPU is not being used, it is possible that your problem size is too small to be run on GPU and be performant. Either increase your problem size significantly or set the environment variable LEGATE_TEST to 1 and run. Setting this environment variable tells Legate to always use the prescribed resources regardless of the problem size.

What are the anti-patterns in a NumPy code?#

Check out our Best practices to avoid some of the anti-patterns commonly encountered in applications.

How do I time the execution of my application?#

Check out the Performance Benchmarking section for information on how to accurately measure cuNumeric execution.

Why is cuNumeric slower than NumPy on my laptop?#

For small problem sizes, cuNumeric might be slower than NumPy. We suggest you increase the problem size and correspondingly increase the resources needed for the problem size as described in the Usage section. Take a look at our Best practices on how to do that.

Why is cuNumeric slower than cuPy on my laptop?#

For small problem sizes, cuNumeric might be slower than cuPy. We suggest you increase the problem size and correspondingly increase the resources needed for the problem size as described in the Usage section. Take a look at performance Best practices.

How do I use Jupyter Notebooks?#

Notebooks are useful for experimentation and evaluation on a single node.

How to pass Legion and Realm arguments?#

See Advanced topics.

What is the version of legate?#

Use legate-issue to know more about the version of Legate, Legion and several other key packages.

You can also run legate –verbose ./ <script-options> to get verbose output.

What are the defaults?#

The default values for several input arguments to Legate are mentioned in Legate’s documentation.

Are there resources where I can read more about Legate?#

Check out this blog post to learn more about cuNumeric.

Other questions?#

Follow us on GitHub or reach out to us there.