
Default conda install#

Linux-64 packages for cuNumeric are available from conda on the legate channel. Please make sure you have at least conda version 24.1 installed, then create a new environment containing cuNumeric:

conda install -c conda-forge -c legate cunumeric

Once installed, you can verify the installation by running one of the examples from the cuNumeric repository, for instance:

$ legate examples/
Running black scholes on 10K options...
Elapsed Time: 129.017 ms

Manual CPU-only packages#

The default package contains GPU support, and is compatible with CUDA >= 11.8 (CUDA driver version >= r520), and Volta or later GPU architectures. There are also CPU-only packages available, and will be automatically selected by conda when installing on a machine without GPUs.

You can force installation of a CPU-only package by requesting it as follows:

conda ... cunumeric=*=*_cpu

Building from source#

See Building from source for instructions on building cuNumeric manually.


This project will download and install additional third-party open source software projects at install time. Review the license terms of these open source projects before use.

For license information regarding projects bundled directly, see Third-party notices.