NVIDIA Deep Learning cuDNN Documentation
Release Notes (PDF) - Last updated February 7, 2023

cuDNN Release 7.x.x

cuDNN Release 7.6.5

This is the cuDNN 7.6.5 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes. These release notes are applicable to both cuDNN and NVIDIA JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previous cuDNN release notes, refer to the cuDNN Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been added to this release:

  • Made performance improvements to several APIs including cudnnAddTensor, cudnnOpTensor, cudnnActivationForward, and cudnnActivationBackward.

  • Separated the cuDNN datatype references and APIs from the cuDNN Developer Guide into a new cuDNN API.

  • Published Best Practices For Using cuDNN 3D Convolutions.


For the latest compatibility software versions of the OS, CUDA, the CUDA driver, and the NVIDIA hardware, see the cuDNN Support Matrix for v7.6.5.


Updated: June 5, 2020
  • RNN and multihead attention API calls may exhibit non-deterministic behavior when the cuDNN 7.6.5 library is built with CUDA Toolkit 10.2 or higher. This is the result of a new buffer management and heuristics in the cuBLAS library. As described in the Results Reproducibility section in the cuBLAS Library User's Guide, numerical results may not be deterministic when cuBLAS APIs are launched in more than one CUDA stream using the same cuBLAS handle. This is caused by two buffer sizes (16 KB and 4 MB) used in the default configuration.

    When a larger buffer size is not available at runtime, instead of waiting for a buffer of that size to be released, a smaller buffer may be used with a different GPU kernel. The kernel selection may affect numerical results. The user can eliminate the non-deterministic behavior of cuDNN RNN and multihead attention APIs, by setting a single buffer size in the CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG environmental variable, for example, :16:8 or :4096:2.

    The first configuration instructs cuBLAS to allocate eight buffers of 16 KB each in GPU memory while the second setting creates two buffers of 4 MB each. The default buffer configuration in cuBLAS 10.2 and 11.0 is :16:8:4096:2, that is, we have two buffer sizes. In earlier cuBLAS libraries, such as cuBLAS 10.0, it used the :16:8 non-adjustable configuration. When buffers of only one size are available, the behavior of cuBLAS calls is deterministic in multi-stream setups.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • Corrected the documentation for cudnnBatchNormalization* API functions, clarifying which are optional arguments and when the user must pass them to the API.

  • Fixed a lack-of-synchronization issue when cudnnRNNBackwardData() and cudnnRNNBackwardDataEx() calls a kernel that is not synchronized back to the application's stream. This issue only appears when users are using bidirectional RNN using algo of CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD. This issue affects cuDNN versions 5 through 7.6.4.

  • Corrected-supported tensor format tables for cudnnConvolutionForward().

  • cudnnConvolutionBackwardData used to give wrong answers when the kernel size was >=30 in any dimension and the stride is 2 in that dimension; with the algorithm set to CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_FFT_TILING. This has been fixed.

  • Fixed an issue where if the user uses cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference with the mode of CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT, the API will return CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED and not fall back to CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL mode. Now, it falls back correctly similar to the behavior of the other batch normalization APIs including cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining, cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx, cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward, and cudnnBatchNormalizationBackwardEx.

  • Previously, when cuDNN invoked convolve_common_engine_int8_NHWC kernel for NHWC format, irrespective of the output data precision, the output values were clipped to be in the range from -128 to 127. In this release, we have fixed the issue. As a result, output values are clipped only for INT8 precision. Whereas if the output data is float precision, the values are not clipped.

Known Issues

  • Updated: August 24, 2020

    Two-dimensional forward convolutions using algo1 may segfault when the filter size is large. For example, we have observed this issue when the filter width and height are more than or equal to 363.

  • Updated: September 28, 2020

    cudnnConvolutionForward(), cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(), and cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() calls with algo0 or algo1 can result in an illegal memory access for PSEUDO_HALF_CONFIG data configuration when the number of elements in the output tensor is odd. This can be mitigated by allocating one extra element in the output buffer.

cuDNN Release 7.6.4

This is the cuDNN 7.6.4 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

For previous cuDNN release notes, see the cuDNN Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been added to this release:

  • Gained significant speed-up in multihead-attention forward training and inference.


For the latest compatibility software versions of the OS, CUDA, the CUDA driver, and the NVIDIA hardware, see the cuDNN Support Matrix for v7.6.4.


  • When launching a CUDA graph constructed using a stream capture that includes a cudnnConvolutionForward operation, the subsequent synchronization point reports a cudaErrorLaunchFailure error. This error appears when cuDNN is set to use a non-default stream.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • Earlier versions of cuDNN v7.6 contained symbols that would conflict with those of in TensorRT 5.1 and later. In some cases, these conflicts could lead to application crashes when applications linked against cuDNN and TensorRT. This issue is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.4.
  • Addressed the regressions that were introduced in the cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward function in cuDNN 7.6.3. Previously, if this API had different values in destination data buffer and zData buffer, then incorrect results were computed. This issue has been resolved and now the API will compute correct results even if users provide an arbitrary set of values to the destination data and zData.
  • Multihead attention will now return CUDNN_STATUS_ARCH_MISMATCH for true-half configuration on devices with compute capability less than 5.3 (for example, most of Maxwell and all of NVIDIA Kepler, and so on), which do not have native hardware support for true half computation. Previously, an error like CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED may be triggered or inaccurate results may be produced.

cuDNN Release 7.6.3

This is the cuDNN 7.6.3 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes. These release notes are applicable to both cuDNN and NVIDIA JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previous cuDNN release notes, see the cuDNN Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been added to this release:

  • The cuDNN 7.6.3 library now supports auto-padding for NHWC layout. The functional behavior, and the benefits of auto-padding as follows: (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
    • For use cases where C and K dimensions of input and filter Tensors are not multiples of 8, the auto-padding feature increases the Tensor size so that the Tensor dimensions are multiples of eight.
    • With auto-padding, the cuDNN library invokes faster kernels, improving the performance.
    • With auto-padding, the performance with NHWC data layout is now comparable to that of the NCHW layout.
  • Added support for dataType=CUDNN_DATA_HALF and computePrec=CUDNN_DATA_HALF in multihead attention forward (https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/sdk/cudnn-api/index.html#cudnnMultiHeadAttnForward) and backward (gradient) (cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardData() and cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardWeights()) API functions. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)

  • Multihead attention API now supports bias after the projections on Q, K, V, and O in the cudnnMultiHeadAttnForward() call (backward bias gradient is not yet supported). (not applicable for Jetson platforms)

    The new feature required a small API change in cudnnSetAttnDescriptor(): the cudnnAttnQueryMap_t queryMap argument is replaced with unsigned attnMode to pass various on and off options. This change is backward compatible with earlier API versions. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)

  • Significantly improved the performance in typical multihead attention use cases in forward inference and training, especially when the vector length of each head is a multiple of 32 up to 128. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)

  • Tensor Core support is added for true half and single-precision use cases in multihead attention. Users may use it by setting the mathType argument in cudnnSetAttnDescriptor() to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH or CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)

  • The multiHeadAttention sample code is added. The sample code includes a compact NumPy/Autograd reference model of the multihead attention block that computes the forward response and all first-order derivatives. The test code demonstrates how to use the multihead attention API, access attention weights, and sequence data. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)

  • Improved depth-wise convolution for forward, dgrad, and wgrad under the following conditions:
    • Algorithm is algo1.
    • Tensor format for filter is NCHW (wgrad supports NHWC also).
    • Input and outputs are in FP16 and computation is in FP32.
    • Filter size: 1x1, 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 (dgrad only supports stride 1).
    • Math type is CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH.
  • Improved-grouped convolution for cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() in the configuration under the following conditions:
    • Math type is CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH.
    • Tensor format for filter is NCHW.
    • Input and outputs are in FP16 and computation is in FP32.
    • Filter size: 1x1, 3x3, 5x5, 7x7
  • Improved the performance of grouped convolution, for cudnnConvolutionForward() in the configuration under the following conditions:
    • Tensor format for filter is NHWC.
    • Input and outputs are in FP16 and computation is in FP16/ FP32.
    • Per group C and K == 4/8/16/32
    • Filter size: 3x3
  • Improved the performance of grouped convolution, for cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() in the configuration under the following conditions:
    • Tensor format for filter is NHWC.
    • Input and outputs are in FP16 and computation is in FP32.
    • On NVIDIA Volta (compute capability 7.0)
    • Per group C and K == 4/8/16/32
    • Filter size: 1x1, 3x3

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • Fixed an issue where cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardData() was producing incorrect results when K sequence length is longer than 32.

  • Fixed a race condition in cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardData() that was producing intermittent incorrect results.

  • The function cudnnCTCLoss() produced incorrect gradient result for label whose length is smaller than the maximal sequence length in the batch. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.3.

cuDNN Release 7.6.2

This is the cuDNN 7.6.2 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

For previous cuDNN release notes, see the cuDNN Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been added to this release:

  • Enhanced the performance of 3D deconvolution using cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(), for the following configuration:
    • 2x2x2 filter and 2x2x2 convolution stride.
    • For FP16 for data input and output, and for accumulation.
    • For FP32 for data input and output, and for accumulation.
  • Enhanced the performance of 3D convolution using cudnnConvolutionForward(), for the following configuration:
  • Enhanced the functionality of the data type cudnnFusedOps_t by adding the following three enums:

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • In cuDNN 7.6.1, on NVIDIA Volta architecture only, there may be a performance degradation when the function cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() is used for 3D convolutions with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.2.
  • In cuDNN 7.6.1, on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Pascal architectures, performance may be degraded for cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(), when used with the following conditions:
    • CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_0 for 3D convolutions
    • wDesc, dyDesc, and dxDesc are all in NCDHW.
    • Data type configuration is FLOAT_CONFIG (that is, single-precision data and compute).

    This is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.2.

  • In cuDNN 7.6.1, in some cases the function cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() may fail with “disallowed mismatches” error on NVIDIA Turing (T4) and NVIDIA Volta (V100) architectures, when used with the following configuration:

    This is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.2.

cuDNN Release 7.6.1

This is the cuDNN 7.6.1 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been added to this release:

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • In cuDNN 7.6.0, the function cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataWorkspaceSize() returns a value for which cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(), when used with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_0, returns CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.1 so that now cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataWorkspaceSize() returns a proper value for cudnnConvolutionBackwardData().
  • In cuDNN 7.6.0 and earlier versions, when all the following conditions are true,
    • RNN model is bi-directional,
    • Cell type is LSTM,
    • cudnnRNNAlgo_t= CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD, and
    • Dropout probability was greater than zero,

    then the cudnnRNNBackwardWeights() function produces inaccurate and occasionally non-deterministic results.

    This is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.1.

    An underlying issue, where the same buffer was used for left to right and right-to-left directions when re-computing forward dropout results passed from one RNN layer to the next, was the cause of the bug.

  • A bug in cuDNN 7.6.0 and earlier versions, in the cudnnRNNForwardTraining() function, related to dropout, is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.1.

    When all the following conditions are true:

    • input data type is CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT,

    then the FP32-to-FP16 conversion might be applied as a performance optimization.

    When this down conversion is scheduled, a GPU kernel invoked by cudnnDropoutForward() would crash due to incorrect parameters being passed. In this case CUDA runtime reports the "misaligned address" error when reading the data from global memory.

  • In cuDNN 7.6.0, on RHEL7 only, the /usr/src/cudnn_samples_v7/samples_common.mk file is missing. This requires a workaround to compile the cuDNN samples. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.1 and the workaround is not needed for cuDNN 7.6.1.
  • In cuDNN 7.6.0, on pre-Volta hardware only, the function cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize() can erroneously return CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS for cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() for 3D convolutions, using CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1 with NDHWC layout. When this occurs, the cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() function will process the data using a kernel that expects the data in NCDHW layout (the only format supported by wDesc in this case), leading to incorrect results. In cuDNN 7.6.1, this is fixed so that cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize() will now return CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.
  • In cuDNN 7.5.x and 7.6.0 for Jetson platform, in some cases the function cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() , when used with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_WINOGRAD, might return incorrect results. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.1.
  • When the data type configuration is FLOAT_CONFIG, then cudnnGetConvolution*Algorithm(), for a few convolution sizes, incorrectly returns a slow algorithm for the NVIDIA Pascal architecture. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.5.0 and later versions.
  • When using the fusedOps API with the enum CUDNN_FUSED_SCALE_BIAS_ACTIVATION_CONV_BNSTATS or CUDNN_FUSED_SCALE_BIAS_ACTIVATION_WGRAD, and when input tensor is in NCHW format or is not fully packed, then incorrect results may be produced. This is now fixed in cuDNN 7.6.1.

Known Issues

The following issues and limitations exist in this release:

  • Algorithms returned by cudnnGetConvolution*Algorithm() may, in some limited use cases, fail to execute when they are actually run. This is a cuDNN library-wide issue and applies for convolution forward, convolution backward data, and convolution backward filter operations. This issue is also present in versions before cuDNN 7.6.1.
  • When the input and output tensors are in NHWC and the filter is 1x1 and NCHW, the performance of the function cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() might be degraded.
  • In cuDNN 7.6.1, when using the experimental multihead attention API, it is possible that the forward and backward paths produce different results for the BERT model, when the batch size is greater than one and the number of heads is greater than one.
  • In cuDNN 7.6.1, on NVIDIA Volta architecture only, there may be a performance degradation when the function cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() is used for 3D convolutions with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1.
  • In cuDNN 7.6.1, on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Pascal architectures, performance may be degraded for cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(), when used with the following conditions:
    • CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_0 for 3D convolutions.
    • wDesc, dyDesc, and dxDesc are all in NCDHW.
    • Data type configuration is FLOAT_CONFIG (that is, single-precision data and compute).

cuDNN Release 7.6.0

This is the cuDNN 7.6.0 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been added to this release:

  • A new API is introduced for fused ops, which can accelerate many use cases in ResNet-like networks. With this new API, it is now possible to execute various fused operations such as apply per channel scale and bias, perform activation, compute convolution, and generate batchnorm statistics. Below is a list of supported datatype and functions in this API:
    • cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamPack_t
    • cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t
    • cudnnFusedOpsPlan_t
    • cudnnFusedOps_t
    • cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t
    • cudnnFusedOpsPointerPlaceHolder_t
    • cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamLabel_t
    • cudnnCreateFusedOpsConstParamPack
    • cudnnDestroyFusedOpsConstParamPack
    • cudnnSetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute
    • cudnnGetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute
    • cudnnCreateFusedOpsVariantParamPack
    • cudnnDestroyFusedOpsVariantParamPack
    • cudnnSetFusedOpsVariantParamPackAttribute
    • cudnnGetFusedOpsVariantParamPackAttribute
    • cudnnCreateFusedOpsPlan
    • cudnnDestroyFusedOpsPlan
    • cudnnMakeFusedOpsPlan
    • cudnnFusedOpsExecute
  • Improved the performance of grouped convolution layers in ResNeXt-50, for cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() in the configuration below:
    • On NVIDIA Volta (compute capability 7.0)
    • Stride of 1
    • Tensor format for filter is NHWC.
    • Input and outputs are in FP16 and computation is in FP32.
  • A new API is introduced to enhance the inference time. With this new API, it is now possible to separate the filter layout transformation that was applied on every call, which in turn leads to inference time enhancement. Below is a list of supported datatype and functions in this API.
    • cudnnReorderType_t
    • cudnnReorderFilterAndBias
    • cudnnSetConvolutionReorderType
    • cudnnGetConvolutionReorderType
  • Performance is enhanced (by selecting a faster kernel) on NVIDIA T4 cards for INT8x4 and INT8x32.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • In cuDNN 7.5.0 and cuDNN 7.5.1, a bug in the cudnnRNNBackwardData() function affected the thread synchronization. This effect is limited to only the first iteration of the loop, and only in some paths. This occurs when using the function with the CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC method. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.6.0.

Known Issues

The following issues and limitations exist in this release:

  • The cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() function for CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_0 fails with CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED when the input size is large.
  • A general known issue for cuDNN library: the Tensor pointers and the filter pointers require at a minimum 4-byte alignment, including for FP16 or INT8 data.
  • On RHEL7 only, the /usr/src/cudnn_samples_v7/samples_common.mk file is missing. This will prevent compiling the cuDNN samples. The workaround is to copy the below contents into “samples_common.mk” text file and place this file in the “/usr/src/cudnn_samples_v7/” directory, so that the /usr/src/cudnn_samples_v7/samples_common.mk file exists.
    # Setting SMS for all samples
    # architecture
    ifneq ($(TARGET_ARCH), ppc64le)
    CUDA_VERSION := $(shell cat $(CUDA_PATH)/include/cuda.h |grep "define CUDA_VERSION" |awk '{print $$3}')
    CUDA_VERSION := $(shell cat $(CUDA_PATH)/targets/ppc64le-linux/include/cuda.h |grep "define CUDA_VERSION" |awk '{print $$3}')
    #Link against cublasLt for CUDA 10.1 and up.
    ifeq ($(shell test $(CUDA_VERSION) -ge 10010; echo $$?),0)
    $(info Linking agains cublasLt = $(CUBLASLT))
    ifeq ($(CUDA_VERSION),8000 )
    ifneq ($(TARGET_ARCH), ppc64le)
    ifeq ($(CUDA_VERSION), $(filter $(CUDA_VERSION), 9000 9010 9020))
    SMS_VOLTA ?= 70
    ifeq ($(TARGET_OS), darwin)
    SMS_VOLTA ?= 70
    SMS_VOLTA ?= 70 72 75
    endif #ifneq ($(TARGET_OS), darwin)
    endif #ifeq ($(CUDA_VERSION), $(filter $(CUDA_VERSION), 9000 9010 9020))
    SMS_VOLTA ?= 70
    endif #ifneq ($(TARGET_ARCH), ppc64le)
    endif #ifeq ($(CUDA_VERSION),8000 )
    SMS ?= 30 35 50 53 60 61 62 $(SMS_VOLTA)

cuDNN Release 7.5.1

This is the cuDNN 7.5.1 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been added to this release:

  • The function cudnnMultiHeadAttnForward() is now enabled to sweep through all the time steps in a single API call. This is indicated by a negative value of the currIdx argument in the inference mode, that is, when reserveSpace=NULL so that either cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardData() or cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardWeights() will not be invoked. This sweep mode can be used to implement self-attention on the encoder side of the transformer model.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • In cuDNN 7.5.0, using the static link for cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward() function may result in CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED error message. The workaround is to perform a whole-archive link. This issue is fixed in cuDNN 7.5.1.
  • In cuDNN 7.5.0 and 7.4.x, in some cases of input images with large dimensions, the 3D forward convolution operations with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM will cause a crash with “illegal memory access” error. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.5.1.
  • In cuDNN 7.5.0, setting attnDropoutDesc=NULL in cudnnSetAttnDescriptor() triggered a segmentation fault in cudnnMultiHeadAttnForward(), even though the user is required to set it to NULL in the inference mode. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.5.1.

Known Issues

The following issues and limitations exist in this release:

  • In cuDNN7.5 and cudnn7.5.1, image size smaller than filter size is unsupported, even with sufficient padding.

cuDNN Release 7.5.0

This is the cuDNN 7.5.0 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been added to this release:

  • In cudnnConvolutionForward() for 2D convolutions, for wDesc NCHW, the IMPLICIT_GEMM algorithm (algo 0) now supports the data type configuration of INT8x4_CONFIG and INT8x4_EXT_CONFIG.
  • A new set of APIs is added to provide support for multihead attention computation. The following is a list of the new functions and data types:

    • cudnnSeqDataAxis_t
    • cudnnMultiHeadAttnWeightKind_t
    • cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t
    • cudnnWgradMode_t
    • cudnnAttnQueryMap_t
    • cudnnAttnDescriptor_t
    • cudnnCreateAttnDescriptor
    • cudnnDestroyAttnDescriptor
    • cudnnSetAttnDescriptor
    • cudnnGetAttnDescriptor
    • cudnnGetMultiHeadAttnBuffers
    • cudnnGetMultiHeadAttnWeights
    • cudnnMultiHeadAttnForward
    • cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardData
    • cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardWeights
    • cudnnSetSeqDataDescriptor
    • cudnnGetSeqDataDescriptor
    • cudnnCreateSeqDataDescriptor
    • cudnnDestroySeqDataDescriptor
  • A new set of APIs for general tensor folding is introduced. The following is a list of the new functions and data types:

    • cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t
    • cudnnFoldingDirection_t
    • cudnnTransformTensorEx
    • cudnnCreateTensorTransformDescriptor
    • cudnnDestroyTensorTransformDescriptor
    • cudnnInitTransformDest
    • cudnnSetTensorTransformDescriptor
    • cudnnGetTensorTransformDescriptor
  • A new set of APIs, and enhancements for the existing APIs, are introduced for RNNs. The following is the list of the new and enhanced functions and data types:

    • cudnnRNNBiasMode_t (new)
    • cudnnRNNMode_t (enhanced)
    • cudnnSetRNNBiasMode (new)
    • cudnnGetRNNBiasMode (new)
    • cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams (enhanced)
  • All cudnnRNNForward/Backward* functions are enhanced to support FP16 math precision mode when both input and output are in FP16. To switch to FP16 math precision, set the mathPrec parameter in cudnnSetRNNDescriptor to CUDNN_DATA_HALF. To switch to FP32 math precision, set the mathPrec parameter in cudnnSetRNNDescriptor to CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT. This feature is only available for CUDNN_ALGO_STANDARD and for the compute capability 5.3 or higher.
  • Added support for INT8x4 and INT8x32 data type for cudnnPoolingForward. Using these will provide improved performance over scalar data type.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • When the following is true for the cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() function:
    • convDesc's vertical stride is exactly 2, and
    • the vertical padding is a multiple of 2, and
    • the filter height is a multiple of 2
    • convDesc's horizontal stride is exactly 2, and
    • the horizontal padding is a multiple of 2, and
    • the filter width is a multiple of 2

    then the resulting output is incorrect. This issue was present in cuDNN 7.3.1 and later. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.5.0.

  • The mathPrec parameter in cudnnSetRNNDescriptor is reserved for controlling math precision in RNN, but was not checked or enforced. This parameter is now strictly enforced. As a result, the following applies:
    • For the I/O in FP16, the parameter mathPrec can be CUDNN_DATA_HALF or CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT.
    • For the I/O in FP32, the parameter mathPrec can only be CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT.
    • For the I/O in FP64, double type, the parameter mathPrec can only be CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE.
  • Users upgrading to cuDNN 7.4 may see insufficiently small values returned from the function cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize () for dimensions 5 and greater, resulting in a CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED error message. In cuDNN 7.4, the workaround for this issue is to calculate the workspace by using the formula below:

    Let M be the product of output tensor (gradDesc) dimensions starting at 1.
    Let N be the output tensor dimension 0.
    Let Mp = (M+31)/32
    Let Np = (N+31)/32
    W = 2 * M * N * sizeof(int) is the workspace that should be used.

    This is fixed.

  • In earlier cuDNN versions, when all the conditions below are true:
    • 3D convolution
    • Batch size > 1
    • convDesc's dataType is CUDNN_DATA_HALF, then, calls to ​​cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() may produce incorrect (and non-deterministic) results. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.5.0.
  • In cuDNN 7.4.2, for some cases the 3D convolution resulted in a reduced performance on NVIDIA Turing GPUs, compared to the previous cuDNN releases. This is fixed.
  • For int8x32 datatype, the function cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx erroneously returns CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM. Now it is fixed in cuDNN 7.5 so it no longer returns bad param.
  • In cuDNN 7.4.1 and 7.4.2, when cudnnBatchNormMode_t is set to CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT and the I/O tensors are in NHWC format and of CUDNN_DATA_HALF datatype, then, on Windows only, the cudnnBatchNormalization*Ex functions are supported only with the device in TCC mode. Refer to Tesla Compute Cluster Mode for Windows for more information.

    Starting with cuDNN 7.5.0, the following checks are added for the driver mode on Windows. If on Windows and not in TCC mode:

    • The functions fallback to a slower implementation if bnOps in the cudnnBatchNormalization*Ex function is set to CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN.
  • In cuDNN 7.4.2, in some cases the cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() function, when used with NHWC tensor format, resulted in the “disallowed mismatches” error. This is fixed.
  • In some cases, using cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward() with GroupCount() > 1 and xDesc's data type is CUDNN_DATA_HALF will produce incorrect results for all groups except the first. This is fixed.
  • When using cuDNN 7.3.1 on Quadro P4000, when calling the cudnnConvolutionForward() function with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED algorithm, there was a small chance of seeing intermittent inaccurate results. This is fixed.
  • When cudnnConvolutionForward() is called with these settings:
    • The datatype is CUDNN_DATA_INT8x4.
    • The convolution is 2D.
    • The architecture is sm_61.
    • The filter size is larger than 8x8.
    Then, incorrect results and potential illegal memory access errors occur. This is fixed.
  • For sm_72 and sm_75, the function cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward(), when used with INT8x32, failed to run. This is fixed.
  • In the function cudnnSetRNNDataDescriptor , if API logging is turned on, the seqLengthArray field in the log may not display the correct number of array elements. This is fixed.
  • For the batchNorm functions cudnnBatchNormalization{Backward|BackwardEx|ForwardInference|ForwardTraining|ForwardTrainingEx}, the value of epsilon is required to be greater or equal to CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON that was defined in the cudnn.h file to the value 1e-5. This threshold value is now lowered to 0.0 to allow a wider range of epsilon value. However, users should still choose the epsilon value carefully, since a too small a value of epsilon may cause batchNormalization to overflow when the input data's standard deviation is close to 0.
  • Some Grouped Convolutions (particularly those used in Depthwise-Separable convolutions) may return INTERNAL_ERROR if they have all inputs/outputs as NHWC-packed and do not match one of the following criteria:
    • filter_height = 1, filter_width = 1, vertical_conv_stride = 1, horizontal_conv_stride = 1
    • filter_height = 3, filter_width = 3, vertical_conv_stride = 1, horizontal_conv_stride = 1
    • filter_height = 3, filter_width = 3, vertical_conv_stride = 2, horizontal_conv_stride = 2

Known Issues

The following issues and limitations exist in this release:

  • The RNN persist-static algorithm returns incorrect results for GRU problems in backwards mode, when the hidden size is greater than 1024. Due to this, RNN persist-static algorithm is disabled in cuDNN 7.5.0. Users with such GRU problems are advised to use the standard or persist-dynamic RNN algorithms. See cudnnRNNAlgo_t. This note applies to all previous cuDNN 7 releases.
  • The function cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(), when used with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1, returns the error "Uninitialized __global__ memory read of size 4".

cuDNN Release 7.4.2

This is the cuDNN 7.4.2 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • In some cases when the data is in CUDNN_DATA_HALF and NHWC, illegal memory access may occur for cudnnBatchNormalization* functions in the cuDNN 7.4.1 library. This is now fixed.
  • When the data is in CUDNN_DATA_HALF and NHWC, for cudnnBatchNormalization* functions when (N*H*W) is large and odd number, the output may contain wrong results. This is fixed.
  • When calling the cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward() function with the algo parameter set to CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT and the activationDesc parameter set to CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU and sufficiently large inputs, the ReLU operation is not applied and negative values are passed through to the output. This issue is now fixed. This issue was present in all previous cuDNN versions.
  • Performance regression was introduced in cuDNN 7.4.1 for cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t() function with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1 algorithm. This is fixed.

Known Issues

The following issues and limitations exist in this release:

  • When cudnnBatchNormMode_t is set to CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT and the I/O tensors are in NHWC format and of CUDNN_DATA_HALF datatype, then, on Windows only, the cudnnBatchNormalization*Ex functions are supported only with the device in TCC mode. See Tesla Compute Cluster Mode for Windows. This issue is not present on Linux systems. This issue is present in cuDNN 7.4.1 and this current version.
  • In some cases, the 3D convolution will have a reduced performance on NVIDIA Turing GPUs, compared to the previous cuDNN releases.

  • The functions cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7() and cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize() will return CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS, but the execution of the convolution returns CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED. This issue is present in cuDNN 7.2.2 library and later versions.

cuDNN Release 7.4.1

This is the cuDNN 7.4.1 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to this release:

  • Added a new family of fast NHWC batch normalization functions. Refer to the following five new functions and one new type descriptor:

    • cudnnGetBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingExWorkspaceSize() function

    • cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx function

    • cudnnGetBatchNormalizationBackwardExWorkspaceSize() function

    • cudnnBatchNormalizationBackwardEx() function

    • cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize() function

    • cudnnBatchNormOps_t type descriptor

  • For API Logging, a conversion specifier for the process id is added. With this, the process id can be included in the log file name. Refer to API Logging for more information.
  • Performance of cudnnPoolingBackward() is enhanced for the average pooling when using NHWC data format-for both the CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_INCLUDE_PADDING and CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_EXCLUDE_PADDING cases of cudnnPoolingMode_t.
  • Performance of the strided convolution in cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() is enhanced when the filter is in NHWC format and the data type is TRUE_HALF_CONFIG, PSEUDO_HALF_CONFIG, or FLOAT_CONFIG. For strides u,v < r,s the performance is further enhanced.
  • Significantly improved the performance of cudnnConvolutionForward(), cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(), and cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() functions on RCNN models such as Fast RCNN, Faster RCNN, and Mask RCNN.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • The following set-up was giving “Misaligned Address” error in cuDNN 7.3.x. This is fixed in cuDNN 7.4.1: For the cudnnConvolutionForward() function with the CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM algorithm, in the data type configuration of PSEUDO_HALF_CONFIG, when the input and output tensors are in NHWC and the filter is 1x1 and NCHW, and Tensor Op is enabled.
  • For a few convolution sizes for ALGO_0 and ALGO_1, the performance of the function cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() was degraded in cuDNN 7.3.1. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed. In cuDNN 7.3.1, the function cudnnAddTensor was computing incorrect results when run on GPUs with the compute capability < 6.0 (before NVIDIA Pascal).

Known Issues

The following issues and limitations exist in this release:

  • When calling the cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward() function with the algo parameter set to CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT and the activationDesc parameter set to CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU and sufficiently large inputs, the ReLU operation is not applied and negative values are passed through to the output. This issue is present in all previous cuDNN versions.

cuDNN Release 7.3.1

This is the cuDNN 7.3.1 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to this release:

  • The FFT tiling algorithms for convolution have been enhanced to support strided convolution. In specific, for the algorithms CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT_TILING and CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_FFT_TILING, the convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride can be 2 when neither the filter width nor the filter height is 1.
  • The CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_WINOGRAD algorithm for cudnnConvolutionForward() and cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() now give superior performance for NVIDIA Volta architecture. In addition, the mobile version of this algorithm in the same functions gives superior performance for Maxwell and NVIDIA Pascal architectures.
  • Dilated convolutions now give superior performance for cudnnConvolutionForward(), cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(), and cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() on NVIDIA Volta architecture, in some cases.

Known Issues and Limitations

The following issues and limitations exist in this release:

  • For the cudnnConvolutionForward(), when using a 1x1 filter with input and output tensors of NHWC format and of CUDNN_DATA_HALF (half precision) type, and the filter format is NCHW, with compute type of float, cuDNN will generate incorrect results.
  • On Quadro P4000, when calling cudnnConvolutionForward() function with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED algorithm, there may be a small chance of seeing intermittent inaccurate results.
  • When using cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_0 in mixed precision computation, with I/O in CUDNN_DATA_HALF (half precision) and compute type of float, when the number of batches (N) is larger than 1 the results might include INF due to an intermediate down convert to half float. In other words, with an accumulation of float for all intermediate values (such as in CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1) the result will be a finite half precision float. This limitation also exists in all previous cuDNN versions.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • Fixed a pointer arithmetic integer overflow issue in RNN forward and backward functions, when sequence length and mini-batch size are sufficiently large.
  • When tensor cores are enabled in cuDNN 7.3.0, the cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() calculations were performing an illegal memory access when K and C values are both non-integral multiples of 8. This issue is fixed.
  • For the CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1 algorithm in cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(), on NVIDIA Volta, the tensor operations were occasionally failing when the filter-spatial size (filter h * filter w) was greater than 64. This issue is fixed.
  • While running cuDNN 7.3.0 on NVIDIA Turing with CUDA 10.0, r400 driver, the functions cudnnRNNForwardTraining(Ex) and cudnnRNNForwardInference(Ex) errored out returning CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED. This issue is fixed.
  • In cuDNN 7.3.0, when using CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1 with tensor data or filter data in NHWC format, the function might have resulted in a silent failure. This is now fixed.

cuDNN Release 7.3.0

This is the cuDNN 7.3.0release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to this release:

  • Support is added to the following for the dilated convolution, for NCHW and NHWC filter formats:
    • cudnnConvolutionForward() for 2D
    • cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() for 2D
    • cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() for 2D

    For these supported cases, the dilated convolution is expected to offer superior speed, compared to the existing dilated convolution with algo 0.

  • Grouped convolutions for depth-wise separable convolutions are optimized for the following NHWC formats: HHH (input: Half, compute: Half, output: Half), HSH, and SSS.
  • While using CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH or CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION, with the tensor cores, the c, and k dimensions of the tensors are now padded to multiples of 8 (as needed), to allow a tensor core kernel to run.
  • The CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT algo is enhanced in cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining() and cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward() to propagate NaN-s or Inf-s as in a pure floating point implementation (the "persistent" flavor of the batch normalization is optimized for speed and it uses integer atomics for inter thread-block reductions). In earlier versions of cuDNN, we recommended invoking cudnnQueryRuntimeError() to ensure that no overflow was encountered. When it happened, the best practice was to discard the results, and use CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL instead, as some results generated by CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT could be finite but invalid. This behavior is now corrected: NaN-s and Inf-s are consistently output when intermediate results are out of range. The refined implementation simulates math operations on special floating point values, for example, +Inf-Inf=NaN.

Known Issues and Limitations

Following issues and limitations exist in this release:

  • When tensor cores are enabled in cuDNN 7.3.0, the wgrad calculations will perform an illegal memory access when K and C values are both non-integral multiples of 8. This will not likely produce incorrect results, but may corrupt other memory depending on the user buffer locations. This issue is present on NVIDIA Volta and NVIDIA Turing architectures.
  • Using cudnnGetConvolution*_v7 routines with cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t set to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION leads to incorrect outputs. These incorrect outputs will consist only of CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION cases, instead of also returning the performance results for both DEFAULT_MATH and CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION cases.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • Using cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() with CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_WINOGRAD algorithm produced incorrect results due to an incorrect filter transform. This issue was present in cuDNN 7.2.1.
  • For INT8 type, with xDesc and yDesc of NHWC format, the cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7 function was incorrectly returning CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_GEMM as a valid algorithm. This is fixed.
  • cudnnConvolutionForward() using CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_WINOGRAD intermittently produced incorrect results in cuDNN 7.2, due to a race condition. This issue is fixed.
  • When running cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() with NHWC filter format, when n, c, and k are all multiple of 8, and when the workSpace input is exactly as indicated by cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize(), leads to error in cuDNN 7.2. This is fixed.
  • When the user runs cudnnRNNForward* or cudnnRNNBackward* with FP32 I/O on sm_70 or sm_72, with RNN descriptor's algo field set to CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC, and cudnnMathType_t type set to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH using cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType, then the results were incorrect. This is fixed.
  • When the user runs cudnnRNNForward* or cudnnRNNBackward* with FP32 I/O on sm_70 or sm_72, with RNN descriptor's algo field set to CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC, and cudnnMathType_t type set to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION using cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType, then the resulting performance was suboptimal. This is fixed.
  • Convolution routines with filter format as NHWC require both input and output formats to be NHWC. However, in cuDNN 7.2 and earlier, this condition was not being checked for, as a result of which silent failures may have occurred. This is fixed in 7.3.0 to correctly return CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.

cuDNN Release 7.2.1

This is the cuDNN 7.2.1 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to this release:

  • The following new functions are added to provide support for the padding mask for the cudnnRNN* family of functions:
    • cudnnSetRNNPaddingMode(): Enables/disables the padded RNN I/O.
    • cudnnGetRNNPaddingMode(): Reads the padding mode status.
    • cudnnCreateRNNDataDescriptor() and cudnnDestroyRNNDataDescriptor(): Creates and destroys, respectively, cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t, an RNN data descriptor.
    • cudnnSetRNNDataDescriptor() and cudnnGetRNNDataDescriptor(): Initializes and reads, respectively, the RNN data descriptor.
    • cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx(): An extended version of the cudnnRNNForwardTraining() to allow for the padded (unpacked) layout for the I/O.
    • cudnnRNNForwardInferenceEx(): An extended version of the cudnnRNNForwardInference() to allow for the padded (unpacked) layout for the I/O.
    • cudnnRNNBackwardDataEx(): An extended version of the cudnnRNNBackwardData() to allow for the padded (unpacked) layout for the I/O.
    • cudnnRNNBackwardWeightsEx(): An extended version of the cudnnRNNBackwardWeights() to allow for the padded (unpacked) layout for the I/O.
  • Added support for cell clipping in cuDNN LSTM. The following new functions are added:

    • cudnnRNNSetClip() and cudnnRNNGetClip(): Sets and retrieves, respectively, the LSTM cell clipping mode.
  • Accelerate your convolution computation with this new feature: When the input channel size c is a multiple of 32, you can use the new data type CUDNN_DATA_INT8x32 to accelerate your convolution computation.
    Note: This new data type CUDNN_DATA_INT8x32 is only supported by sm_72.
  • Enhanced the family of cudnnFindRNN* functions. The findIntensity input to these functions now enables the user to control the overall runtime of the RNN find algorithms, by selecting a percentage of a large Cartesian product space to be searched.
  • A new mode CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION is added to cudnnMathType_t. The computation time for FP32 tensors can be reduced by selecting this mode.
  • The functions cudnnRNNForwardInference(), cudnnRNNForwardTraining(), cudnnRNNBackwardData(), and cudnnRNNBackwardWeights() will now perform down conversion of FP32 I/O only when CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION is set.
  • Improved the heuristics for cudnnGet*Algorithm() functions.

Known Issues and Limitations

Following issues and limitations exist in this release:

  • For FP16 inputs, the functions cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm(), cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm(), and cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm() will obtain a slower algorithm.
  • For cases where beta is not equal to zero, and when the input channel size is greater than 65535, then the below cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() algorithms may return EXECUTION_FAILED error:
  • This is a rare occurrence: When beta is not equal to zero, the function cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm() may not return the fastest algorithm available for cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter().
  • Grouped convolutions are not supported in the TRUE_HALF_CONFIG (convDesc is CUDNN_DATA_HALF) data type configuration. As a workaround, the PSEUDO_HALF_CONFIG (convDesc is CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT) data type configuration can be used without losing any precision.
  • For the cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward() function, if the input cudnnActivationMode_t is set to enum value CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY, then the input cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t must be set to the enum value CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_​PRECOMP_GEMM.
  • When the user runs cudnnRNNForward* or cudnnRNNBackward* with FP32 I/O, on sm_70 or sm_72, with RNN descriptor's algo field set to CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC, and math type set to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH using cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType(), then the results are incorrect.
  • When the user runs cudnnRNNForward* or cudnnRNNBackward* with FP32 I/O, on sm_70 or sm_72, with RNN descriptor's algo field set to CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC, and math type set to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION using cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType(), then the resulting performance is suboptimal.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • The cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() function produced incorrect result under these conditions:
    • The algo input is set to CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_1 in cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t, and
    • CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH is selected.

      Under these conditions, the dgrad computation was giving incorrect results when the data is not packed and the data format is NCHW. This is fixed.

  • When the cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t() was set to CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT_TILING then the function cudnnConvolutionForward() was leading to illegal memory access. This is now fixed.

  • cudnnPoolingBackward() was failing when using a large kernel size used for 'global_pooling' with NHWC I/O layout. This is fixed.
  • The below two items are fixed: If you set RNN mathtype to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH, and run RNN on sm6x or earlier hardware:
    • You may have received incorrect results when algo selected is CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC.
  • If you passed in variable sequence length input tensor to cudnnRNNForwardInference(), cudnnRNNForwardTraining(), cudnnRNNBackwardData(), and used CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC or CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC, then you may have received incorrect results. Now this is being checked, and CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED will be returned.

cuDNN Release 7.1.4

This is the cuDNN 7.1.4 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to this release:

  • Improved performance for some cases of data-gradient convolutions and maxpooling. This is expected to improve performance of ResNet-50 like networks.
  • The runtime of the RNN Find algorithm suite is improved in v7.1.4 resulting in slightly improved runtime of cudnnFindRNN***AlgorithmEx.

Known Issues

Following are known issues in this release:

  • cudnnGet picks a slow algorithm that does not use Tensor Cores on NVIDIA Volta when inputs are FP16 and it is possible to do so.
  • The cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() function may output incorrect results for CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_FFT_TILING when the convolution mode is CUDNN_CONVOLUTION. This function should not be used in this mode.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • cudnnAddTensorNd might cause a segmentation fault if called with bad arguments (for example, null pointer). This issue is in 7.1.3 only and fixed in 7.1.4.
  • cudnnRNNBackwardData LSTM cell with FP16 (half) inputs might generate wrong values (silently). This issue exists in cuDNN 7.1.3 binaries compiled with CUDA Toolkit 9.0 and 9.2. This issue does not exist in cuDNN 7.1.3 binaries compiled with CUDA Toolkit 9.1.
  • cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams wrongly returns CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM when cudnnSetRNNDescriptor is called with dataType == CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT. This is an issue in 7.1.3 only and will be fixed in 7.1.4. The dataType argument as of today supports only CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT. We plan to support additional compute types in the future.
  • There is a small memory leak issue when calling cudnnRNNBackwardData with CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD. This issue also affects previous cuDNN v7 releases. This is fixed in 7.1.4.
  • RNN with half-precision returns CUDNN_EXECUTION_FAILED on NVIDIA Kepler GPU in 7.1.3. This is fixed in 7.1.4.
  • The RNN Find algorithm suite mistakenly did not test CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC and CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC kernels with tensor operations enabled when it was possible to do so. This is fixed in v7.1.4.

cuDNN Release 7.1.3

This is the cuDNN 7.1.3 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Known Issues

Following are known issues in this release:

  • cudnnGet picks a slow algorithm that does not use Tensor Cores on NVIDIA Volta when inputs are FP16 and it is possible to do so.
  • The cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() function may output incorrect results for CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_FFT_TILING when the convolution mode is CUDNN_CONVOLUTION and the product n*k (n - batch size, k - number of output feature maps) is large, that is, several thousand or more. It appears that the CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION mode is not affected by this bug.
  • There is a small memory leak issue when calling cudnnRNNBackwardData with CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD. This issue also affects previous cuDNN v7 releases.
  • RNN with half precision will not work on NVIDIA Kepler GPUs and will return CUDNN_EXECUTION_FAILED. This will be fixed in future releases to return CUDNN_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • cudnnRNNbackwardData for LSTM with recurrent projection in half-precision may fail in rare cases with misaligned memory access on NVIDIA Pascal and Maxwell.
  • cudnnRNNbackwardData for bidirectional LSTM with recurrent projection may produce inaccurate results or CUDNN_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED.
  • Algo 1 for forward convolution and dgrad may produce erroneous results when the filter size is greater than the input size. This issue is fixed in 7.1.3.
  • For very large RNN networks, the function cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize and cudnnGetRNNTrainingReserveSize may internally overflow and give incorrect results.
  • The small performance regression on multi-layer RNNs using the STANDARD algorithm and Tensor Core math in 7.1.2, as compared to 7.0.5, is fixed in this release.
  • Fixed an issue with persistent LSTM backward pass with a hidden state size in the range 257 to 512 on GPUs with number of SMs between 22 and 31 might hang. This issue also exists in 7.1.1. This is fixed in 7.1.3.
  • Fixed an issue persistent GRU backward pass with a hidden state size in the range 513->720 on GPUs with exactly 30 SMs would hang. This issue also exists in 7.1.1. This is fixed in 7.1.3.

cuDNN Release 7.1.2

This is the cuDNN 7.1.2 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to this release:

  • RNN search API extended to support all RNN algorithms.
  • Newly added projection layer supported for inference bidirectional RNN cells and for backward data and gradient.
  • Support IDENTITY Activation for all cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward data types for CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_GEMM.
  • Added documentation to clarify RNN/LSTM weight formats.

Known Issues

Following are known issues in this release:

  • cudnnGet picks a slow algorithm that does not use Tensor Cores on NVIDIA Volta when inputs are FP16 and it is possible to do so.
  • There may be a small performance regression on multi-layer RNNs using the STANDARD algorithm with Tensor Core math in this release compared to v7.0.5.
  • LSTM projection dgrad half precision may fail in rare cases with misaligned memory access on NVIDIA Pascal and Maxwell.
  • Dgrad for bidirectional LSTM with projection should not be used, may produce inaccurate results, or CUDNN_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED.
  • The cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() function may output incorrect results for CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_FFT_TILING when the convolution mode is CUDNN_CONVOLUTION and the product n*k (n - batch size, k - number of output feature maps) is large, that is, several thousand or more. It appears that the CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION mode is not affected by this.
  • Persistent LSTM backward passes with a hidden state size in the range 257 to 512 on GPUs with number of SMs between 22 and 31 might hang. This issue also exists in 7.1.1 and will be fixed in 7.1.3.
  • Persistent GRU backward passes with a hidden state size in the range 513 to 720 on GPUs with exactly 30 SMs would hang. This issue also exists in 7.1.1 and will be fixed in 7.1.3.
  • Algo 1 for forward convolution and dgrad may produce erroneous results when the filter size is greater than the input size.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • The uint8 input for convolution is restricted to NVIDIA Volta and later. We added support for older architectures, for algo: CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_GEMM.
  • In some cases when algorithm CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO1 was selected, the routine cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter could fail at runtime and return CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED. It now returns CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.
  • cudnnSetRNNDescriptor no longer needs valid Dropout Descriptor in inference mode, user can pass NULL for Dropout Descriptor in inference mode.

cuDNN Release 7.1.1

This is the cuDNN 7.1.1 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to this release:

  • Added new API cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers and cudnnGetRNNProjectionLayers to support Projection Layer for the RNN LSTM cell. In this release, only the inference use case will be supported. The bi-directional and the training forward and backward for training is not supported in 7.1.1 but will be supported in the upcoming 7.1.2 release without API changes. For all the unsupported cases in this release, CUDNN_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned when projection layer is set and the RNN is called.
  • The cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams() function was enhanced and a bug was fixed without modifying its prototype. Specifically:
    • The cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams() function was updated to support the RNN projection feature. An extra linLayerID value of eight can be used to retrieve the address and the size of the “recurrent” projection weight matrix when "mode" in cudnnSetRNNDescriptor() is configured to CUDNN_LSTM and the recurrent projection is enabled using cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers().
    • Instead of reporting the total number of elements in each weight matrix in the linLayerMatDesc filter descriptor, the cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams() function returns the matrix size as two dimensions: rows and columns. This allows the user to easily print and initialize RNN weight matrices. Elements in each weight matrix are arranged in the row-major order. Due to historical reasons, the minimum number of dimensions in the filter descriptor is three. In previous versions of the cuDNN library, cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams() returned the total number of weights as follows: filterDimA[0]=total_size, filterDimA[1]=1, filterDimA[2]=1. In v7.1.1, the format was changed to: filterDimA[0]=1, filterDimA[1]=rows, filterDimA[2]=columns. In both cases, the "format" field of the filter descriptor should be ignored when retrieved by cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor().
    • A bug in cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams() was fixed to return a zeroed filter descriptor when the corresponding weight matrix does not exist. This occurs, for example, for linLayerID values of 0-3 when the first RNN layer is configured to exclude matrix multiplications applied to RNN input data (inputMode=CUDNN_SKIP_INPUT in cudnnSetRNNDescriptor() specifies implicit, fixed identity weight matrices for RNN input). Such cases in previous versions of the cuDNN library caused cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams() to return corrupted filter descriptors with some entries from the previous call. A workaround was to create a new filter descriptor for every invocation of cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams().
  • The cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams() function was updated to report the bias column vectors in linLayerBiasDesc in the same format as cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams(). In previous versions of the cuDNN library, cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams() returned the total number of adjustable bias parameters as follows: filterDimA[0]=total_size, filterDimA[1]=1, filterDimA[2]=1. In v7.1.1, the format was changed to: filterDimA[0]=1, filterDimA[1]=rows, filterDimA[2]=1 (number of columns). In both cases, the format field of the filter descriptor should be ignored when retrieved by cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor(). The recurrent projection GEMM does not have a bias so the range of valid inputs for the linLayerID argument remains the same.
  • Added support for use of Tensor Core for the CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC. This required cuDNN v7.1 built with CUDA 9.1 and 387 or higher driver. It will not work with CUDA 9.0 and 384 driver.
  • Added RNN search API that allows the application to provide an RNN descriptor and get a list of possible algorithm choices with performance and memory usage, to allow applications to choose between different implementations. For more information, refer to the documentation of: cudnnFindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmEx, cudnnFindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmEx, cudnnFindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmEx, and cudnnFindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmEx. In this release, the search will operate on STANDARD algorithm and will not support PERSISTENT algorithms of RNN.
  • Added uint8 for support for the input data for cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward and cudnnConvolutionForward. Currently, the support is on NVIDIA Volta (sm 70 ) and later architectures. Support for older architectures will be gradually added in the upcoming releases.
  • Support for CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY is added to cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward. This allows users to perform Convolution and Bias without Activation.
  • All API functions now support logging. User can trigger logging by setting environment variable CUDNN_LOGINFO_DBG=1 and CUDNN_LOGDEST_DBG= <option> where <option> (that is, the output destination of the log) can be chosen from stdout, stderr, or a file path. User may also use the new Set/GetCallBack functions to install their customized callback function. Log files can be added to the reported bugs or shared with us for analysis and future optimizations through partners.nvidia.com.
  • Improved performance of 3D convolution on NVIDIA Volta architecture.
  • The following algo-related functions have been added for this release: cudnnGetAlgorithmSpaceSize, cudnnSaveAlgorithm, cudnnRestoreAlgorithm, cudnnCreateAlgorithmDescriptor, cudnnSetAlgorithmDescriptor, cudnnGetAlgorithmDescriptor, cudnnDestroyAlgorithmDescriptor, cudnnCreateAlgorithmPerformance, cudnnSetAlgorithmPerformance, cudnnGetAlgorithmPerformance, cudnnDestroyAlgorithmPerformance.
  • All algorithms for convolutions now support groupCount > 1. This includes cudnConvolutionForward(), cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(), and cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter().

Known Issues

Following are known issues in this release:

  • RNN search Algorithm is restricted to STANDARD algorithm.
  • Newly added projection Layer supported for inference and one directional RNN cell.
  • uint8 input for convolution is restricted to NVIDIA Volta and later.
  • cudnnGet picks a slow algorithm that does not use Tensor Cores on NVIDIA Volta when inputs are FP16 and it is possible to do so.
  • There may be a small performance regression on multi-layer RNNs using the STANDARD algorithm with Tensor Core math in this release compared to 7.0.5.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • 3D convolution performance improvements for NVIDIA Volta.
  • Added support for Algorithm 0 data gradients to cover cases previously not supported.
  • Removed the requirement for dropout Descriptor in RNN inference. Before application had to set a non-point for the dropout Descriptor that was not used.
  • Use of CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW_VECT_C with non-zero padding resulted in a return status of CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR. This issue is now fixed.

cuDNN Release 7.0.5

This is the cuDNN 7.0.5 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Known Issues

Following are known issues in this release:

  • cuDNN library may trigger a CPU floating point exception when FP exceptions are enabled by user. This issue exists for all 7.0.x releases.
  • There are heavy use cases of RNN layers that might hit a memory allocation issue in the CUDA driver when using cuDNN v7 with CUDA 8.0 and R375 driver on pre-Pascal architectures (NVIDIA Kepler and Maxwell). In these cases, subsequent CUDA kernels may fail to launch with an Error Code 30. To resolve the issue, it is recommended to use the latest R384 driver (from NVIDIA driver downloads) or to ensure that the persistence daemon is started. This behavior is observed on all 7.0.x releases.
  • When using TENSOR_OP_MATH mode with cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward, the pointer to the bias must be aligned to 16 bytes and the size of allocated memory must be multiples of 256 elements. This behavior exists for all 7.0.x releases.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • Corrected the algorithm fallback behavior in RNN when user set to use CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH when using compute card without Tensor Cores. Instead of returning CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED, the RNN algorithm will now continue to run using CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH. The correct behavior is to fall back to using default math when Tensor Core is not supported. Fixed to the expected behavior.
  • On NVIDIA Volta hardware, BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1 and BWD_DATA_ALGO_1 convolutions using a number of filter elements greater than 512 were causing CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS and CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR errors. Logic was added to fall back to a generic kernel for these filter sizes.
  • cuDNN v7 with CUDA 8.0 produced erroneous results on NVIDIA Volta for some common cases of Algo 1. Logic was added to fall back to a generic kernel when cudnn v7 with CUDA 8.0 is used on NVIDIA Volta.

cuDNN Release 7.0.4

This is the cuDNN 7.0.4 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

Performance improvements for grouped convolutions when input channels and output channels per group are one, two, or four for the following algorithms:


Known Issues

Following are known issues in this release:

  • The CUDA 8.0 build of cuDNN may produce incorrect computations when run on NVIDIA Volta.
  • cuDNN library triggers CPU floating point exception when FP exceptions are enabled by user. This issue exists for all 7.0.x releases.
  • There are heavy use cases of RNN layers that might hit a memory allocation issue in the CUDA driver when using cuDNN v7 with CUDA 8.0 and R375 driver on pre-Pascal architectures (NVIDIA Kepler and Maxwell). In these cases, subsequent CUDA kernels may fail to launch with an Error Code 30. To resolve the issue, it is recommended to use the latest R384 driver (from NVIDIA driver downloads) or to ensure that the persistence daemon is started. This behavior is observed on all 7.0.x releases.
  • When using TENSOR_OP_MATH mode with cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward, the pointer to the bias must be aligned to 16 bytes and the size of allocated memory must be multiples of 256 elements. This behavior exists for all 7.0.x releases.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • Fixed out-of-band global memory accesses in the 256-point 1D FFT kernel. The problem-affected convolutions with 1x1 filters and tall but narrow images, for example, 1x500 (WxH). In those cases, the workspace size for the FFT_TILING algo was computed incorrectly. There was no error in the FFT kernel.
  • Eliminated a source of floating point exceptions in the CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED algorithm. The host code to generate a negative infinity-floating point value was substituted with a different logic. By default, FP exceptions are disabled. However, a user program enabled them by invoking feenableexcept(). There are at least two other sources of FP exceptions in the cuDNN library, affecting for example BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT. Those sources of FP exceptions will be eliminated in future releases of the cuDNN library.

cuDNN Release 7.0.3

This is the cuDNN 7.0.3 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

Performance improvements for various cases:
  • Forward-grouped convolutions where input channel per groups is one, two, or four and hardware is NVIDIA Volta or NVIDIA Pascal.
  • cudnnTransformTensor() where input and output tensor is packed.
    Note: This is an improved fallback, improvements will not be seen in all cases.

Known Issues

The following are known issues in this release:

  • CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT_TILING may cause CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS. This issue affects input images of just one pixel in width and certain n, c, k, h combinations.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • AddTensor and TensorOp produce incorrect results for half and INT8 inputs for various use cases.
  • cudnnPoolingBackward() can produce incorrect values for rare cases of non-deterministic MAX pooling with window_width > 256. These rare cases are when the maximum element in a window is duplicated horizontally (along width) by a stride of 256*k for some k. The behavior is now fixed to accumulate derivatives for the duplicate that is left most.
  • cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize() produces incorrect workspace size for algorithm FFT_TILING for 1d convolutions. This only occurs for large sized convolutions where intermediate calculations produce values greater than 2^31 (2 to the power of 31).
  • CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED returned by cudnnPooling*() functions for small x image (channels * height * width < 4).

cuDNN Release 7.0.2

This is the cuDNN 7.0.2 release notes. This release includes fixes from the previous cuDNN v7.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

Key Features and Enhancements

This is a patch release of cuDNN 7.0 and includes bug fixes and performance improvements mainly on NVIDIA Volta.

Algo 1 Convolutions Performance Improvements
Performance improvements were made to CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM, CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1, and CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_1. These improvements consist of new SASS kernels and improved heuristics. The new kernels implement convolutions over various data sizes and tile sizes. The improved heuristics take advantage of these new kernels.

Known Issues

The following are known issues in this release:

  • cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize() returns overflowed size_t value for certain input shape for CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_*_ALGO_FFT_TILING.
  • cudnnPoolingBackward() fails for pooling window size > 256.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

  • Batch Norm CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT might get into race conditions in certain scenarios.
  • cuDNN convolution layers using TENSOR_OP_MATH with FP16 inputs and outputs and FP32 compute will use “round to nearest” mode instead of “round to zero” mode as in 7.0.1. This rounding mode has proven to achieve better results in training.
  • Fixed synchronization logic in the CUDNN_CTC_LOSS_ALGO_DETERMINISTIC algo for CTC. The original code would hang in rare cases.
  • Convolution algorithms using TENSOR_OP_MATH returned a workspace size from *GetWorkspaceSize() smaller than actually necessary.
  • The results of INT8 are inaccurate in certain cases when calling cudnnConvolutionForward() in convolution layer.
  • cudnnConvolutionForward() called with xDesc’s channel = yDesc’s channel = groupCount could compute incorrect values when vertical padding > 0.

cuDNN Release 7.0.1

This is the cuDNN 7.0.1 release notes. This release includes the following changes.

cuDNN v7.0.1 is the first release to support the NVIDIA Volta GPU architecture. In addition, cuDNN v7.0.1 brings new layers, grouped convolutions, and improved convolution find as error query mechanism.

Key Features and Enhancements

This cuDNN release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Tensor Cores
Version 7.0.1 of cuDNN is the first to support the Tensor Core operations in its implementation. Tensor Cores provide highly optimized matrix multiplication building blocks that do not have an equivalent numerical behavior in the traditional instructions, therefore, its numerical behavior is slightly different.

cudnnSetConvolutionMathType, cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType, and cudnnMathType_t
The cudnnSetConvolutionMathType and cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType functions enable you to choose whether or not to use Tensor Core operations in the convolution and RNN layers respectively by setting the math mode to either CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH or CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH.

Tensor Core operations perform parallel floating point accumulation of multiple floating point products.

Setting the math mode to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH indicates that the library will use Tensor Core operations.

The default is CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH. This default indicates that the Tensor Core operations will be avoided by the library. The default mode is a serialized operation whereas, the Tensor Core is a parallelized operation, therefore, the two might result in slightly different numerical results due to the different sequencing of operations.
Note: The library falls back to the default math mode when Tensor Core operations are not supported or not permitted.

A new interface that allows applications to perform convolution groups in the convolution layers in a single API call.

cudnnCTCLoss provides a GPU implementation of the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss function for RNNs. The CTC loss function is used for phoneme recognition in speech and handwriting recognition.

The CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT function is a new batch normalization mode for cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining and cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward. This mode is similar to CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL, however, it can be faster for some tasks.

The cudnnQueryRuntimeError function reports error codes written by GPU kernels when executing cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining and cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward with the CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT mode.

This new API returns all algorithms sorted by expected performance (using internal heuristics). These algorithms are output similarly to cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithm.

This new API returns all algorithms sorted by expected performance (using internal heuristics). These algorithms are output similarly to cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardAlgorithm.

This new API returns all algorithms sorted by expected performance (using internal heuristics). These algorithms are output similarly to cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm.

The MUL_NO_ZEROS function is a multiplication reduction that ignores zeros in the data.

The OP_TENSOR_NOT function is a unary operation that takes the negative of (alpha*A).

The cudnnGetDropoutDescriptor function allows applications to get dropout values.

Using cuDNN v7.0.1

Ensure you are familiar with the following notes when using this release.
  • Multi-threading behavior has been modified. Multi-threading is allowed only when using different cuDNN handles in different threads.
  • In cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter, dilated convolution did not support cases where the product of all filter dimensions was odd for half precision-floating point. These are now supported by CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO1.
  • Fixed bug that produced a silent computation error for when a batch size was larger than 65536 for CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM.
  • In getConvolutionForwardAlgorithm, an error was not correctly reported in v5 when the output size was larger than expected. In v6 the CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED, error message displayed. In v7, this error is modified to CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM.
  • In cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter, cuDNN now runs some exceptional cases correctly where it previously erroneously returned CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED. This impacted the algorithms CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO0 and CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO3.

Deprecated Features

The following routines have been removed:
  • cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor_v4
  • cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor_v5
  • cudnnGetConvolution2dDescriptor_v4
  • cudnnGetConvolution2dDescriptor_v5
Note: Only the non-suffixed versions of these routines remain.
The following routines have been created and have the same API prototype as their non-suffixed equivalent from cuDNN v6:
  • cudnnSetRNNDescriptor_v5 - The non-suffixed version of the routines in cuDNN v7.0.1 are now mapped to their _v6 equivalent.
    Attention: It is strongly advised using the non-suffixed version as the _v5 and _v6 routines will be removed in the next cuDNN release.
  • cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm, cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm, and cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm - A _v7 version of this routine has been created. For more information, see the Backward compatibility and deprecation policy chapter of the cuDNN documentation for details.

Known Issues

  • cuDNN pooling backwards fails for pooling window size > 256.