NVIDIA Modulus Core (Latest Release)
Core (Latest Release)


Source code for modulus.datapipes.gnn.stokes_dataset

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import os
import re
from typing import Any, List, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from .utils import load_json, read_vtp_file, save_json

    import dgl
    from dgl.data import DGLDataset
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        "Stokes flow Dataset requires the DGL library. Install the "
        + "desired CUDA version at: \n https://www.dgl.ai/pages/start.html"

    import vtk
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        "Stokes flow Dataset requires the vtk and pyvista libraries. Install with "
        + "pip install vtk pyvista"

[docs]class StokesDataset(DGLDataset): """ In-memory Stokes flow Dataset Parameters ---------- data_dir: str The directory where the data is stored. split: str, optional The dataset split. Can be 'train', 'validation', or 'test', by default 'train'. num_samples: int, optional The number of samples to use, by default 10. invar_keys: List[str], optional The input node features to consider. Default includes 'pos' and 'marker' outvar_keys: List[str], optional The output features to consider. Default includes 'u', 'v', and 'p'. normalize_keys List[str], optional The features to normalize. Default includes 'u', 'v', and 'p'. force_reload: bool, optional If True, forces a reload of the data, by default False. name: str, optional The name of the dataset, by default 'dataset'. verbose: bool, optional If True, enables verbose mode, by default False. """ def __init__( self, data_dir, split="train", num_samples=10, invar_keys=["pos", "marker"], outvar_keys=["u", "v", "p"], normalize_keys=["u", "v", "p"], force_reload=False, name="dataset", verbose=False, ): super().__init__( name=name, force_reload=force_reload, verbose=verbose, ) self.split = split self.num_samples = num_samples self.data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, self.split) self.input_keys = invar_keys self.output_keys = outvar_keys print(f"Preparing the {split} dataset...") all_entries = os.listdir(self.data_dir) data_list = [ os.path.join(self.data_dir, entry) for entry in all_entries if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, entry)) ] numbers = [] for directory in data_list: match = re.search(r"\d+", directory) if match: numbers.append(int(match.group())) numbers = [int(n) for n in numbers] # sort args = np.argsort(numbers) self.data_list = [data_list[index] for index in args] numbers = [numbers[index] for index in args] # create the graphs with edge features self.length = min(len(self.data_list), self.num_samples) if self.num_samples > self.length: raise ValueError( f"Number of available {self.split} dataset entries " f"({self.length}) is less than the number of samples " f"({self.num_samples})" ) self.graphs = [] for i in range(self.length): # create the dgl graph file_path = self.data_list[i] polydata = read_vtp_file(file_path) graph = self._create_dgl_graph(polydata, outvar_keys, dtype=torch.int32) self.graphs.append(graph) self.graphs = self.add_edge_features() if self.split == "train": self.node_stats = self._get_node_stats(keys=normalize_keys) self.edge_stats = self._get_edge_stats() else: self.node_stats = load_json("node_stats.json") self.edge_stats = load_json("edge_stats.json") self.graphs = self.normalize_node() self.graphs = self.normalize_edge() def __getitem__(self, idx): graph = self.graphs[idx] return graph def __len__(self): return self.length
[docs] def add_edge_features(self): """ adds relative displacement & displacement norm as edge features """ for i in range(len(self.graphs)): pos = self.graphs[i].ndata["pos"] row, col = self.graphs[i].edges() disp = torch.tensor(pos[row.long()] - pos[col.long()]) disp_norm = torch.linalg.norm(disp, dim=-1, keepdim=True) self.graphs[i].edata["x"] = torch.cat((disp, disp_norm), dim=-1) return self.graphs
[docs] def normalize_node(self): """normalizes node features""" invar_keys = set( [ key.replace("_mean", "").replace("_std", "") for key in self.node_stats.keys() ] ) for i in range(len(self.graphs)): for key in invar_keys: self.graphs[i].ndata[key] = ( self.graphs[i].ndata[key] - self.node_stats[key + "_mean"] ) / self.node_stats[key + "_std"] self.graphs[i].ndata["x"] = torch.cat( [self.graphs[i].ndata[key] for key in self.input_keys], dim=-1 ) self.graphs[i].ndata["y"] = torch.cat( [self.graphs[i].ndata[key] for key in self.output_keys], dim=-1 ) return self.graphs
[docs] def normalize_edge(self): """normalizes a tensor""" for i in range(len(self.graphs)): self.graphs[i].edata["x"] = ( self.graphs[i].edata["x"] - self.edge_stats["edge_mean"] ) / self.edge_stats["edge_std"] return self.graphs
[docs] @staticmethod def denormalize(invar, mu, std): """denormalizes a tensor""" denormalized_invar = invar * std + mu return denormalized_invar

def _get_edge_stats(self): stats = { "edge_mean": 0, "edge_meansqr": 0, } for i in range(self.length): stats["edge_mean"] += ( torch.mean(self.graphs[i].edata["x"], dim=0) / self.length ) stats["edge_meansqr"] += ( torch.mean(torch.square(self.graphs[i].edata["x"]), dim=0) / self.length ) stats["edge_std"] = torch.sqrt( stats["edge_meansqr"] - torch.square(stats["edge_mean"]) ) stats.pop("edge_meansqr") # save to file save_json(stats, "edge_stats.json") return stats def _get_node_stats(self, keys): stats = {} for key in keys: stats[key + "_mean"] = 0 stats[key + "_meansqr"] = 0 for i in range(self.length): for key in keys: stats[key + "_mean"] += ( torch.mean(self.graphs[i].ndata[key], dim=0) / self.length ) stats[key + "_meansqr"] += ( torch.mean(torch.square(self.graphs[i].ndata[key]), dim=0) / self.length ) for key in keys: stats[key + "_std"] = torch.sqrt( stats[key + "_meansqr"] - torch.square(stats[key + "_mean"]) ) stats.pop(key + "_meansqr") # save to file save_json(stats, "node_stats.json") return stats @staticmethod def _create_dgl_graph( polydata: Any, outvar_keys: List[str], to_bidirected: bool = True, add_self_loop: bool = False, dtype: Union[torch.dtype, str] = torch.int32, ) -> dgl.DGLGraph: """ Create a DGL graph from vtkPolyData. Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData vtkPolyData from which the DGL graph is created. outvar_keys : list of str List of keys for the node attributes to be extracted from the vtkPolyData. to_bidirected : bool, optional Whether to make the graph bidirected. Default is True. add_self_loop : bool, optional Whether to add self-loops in the graph. Default is False. dtype : torch.dtype or str, optional Data type for the graph. Default is torch.int32. Returns ------- dgl.DGLGraph The DGL graph created from the vtkPolyData. """ # Extract point data and connectivity information from the vtkPolyData points = polydata.GetPoints() vertices = np.array( [points.GetPoint(i) for i in range(points.GetNumberOfPoints())] ) polys = polydata.GetPolys() polys.InitTraversal() edge_list = [] id_list = vtk.vtkIdList() for _ in range(polys.GetNumberOfCells()): polys.GetNextCell(id_list) num_ids = id_list.GetNumberOfIds() for j in range(num_ids): edge_list.append( # noqa: PERF401 (id_list.GetId(j), id_list.GetId((j + 1) % num_ids)) ) # Create DGL graph using the connectivity information graph = dgl.graph(edge_list, idtype=dtype) if to_bidirected: graph = dgl.to_bidirected(graph) if add_self_loop: graph = dgl.add_self_loop(graph) # Assign node features using the vertex data graph.ndata["pos"] = torch.tensor(vertices[:, :2], dtype=torch.float32) # Add one-hot embedding of markers point_data = polydata.GetPointData() marker = np.array(point_data.GetArray("marker")) num_classes = 5 one_hot_marker = np.eye(num_classes)[marker.astype(int)] graph.ndata["marker"] = torch.tensor(one_hot_marker, dtype=torch.float32) # Extract node attributes from the vtkPolyData point_data = polydata.GetPointData() for i in range(point_data.GetNumberOfArrays()): array = point_data.GetArray(i) array_name = array.GetName() if array_name in outvar_keys: array_data = np.zeros( (points.GetNumberOfPoints(), array.GetNumberOfComponents()) ) for j in range(points.GetNumberOfPoints()): array.GetTuple(j, array_data[j]) # Assign node attributes to the DGL graph graph.ndata[array_name] = torch.tensor(array_data, dtype=torch.float32) return graph

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Nov 27, 2024.