NVIDIA Modulus Core (Latest Release)
Core (Latest Release)

Modulus Datapipes

class modulus.datapipes.climate.era5_hdf5.ERA5DaliExternalSource(data_paths: Iterable[str], num_samples: int, channels: Iterable[int], num_steps: int, num_history: int, stride: int, num_samples_per_year: int, use_cos_zenith: bool, cos_zenith_args: Dict, use_time_of_year_index: bool, batch_size: int = 1, shuffle: bool = True, process_rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1)[source]

Bases: object

DALI Source for lazy-loading the HDF5 ERA5 files

  • data_paths (Iterable[str]) – Directory where ERA5 data is stored

  • num_samples (int) – Total number of training samples

  • channels (Iterable[int]) – List representing which ERA5 variables to load

  • start_year (int, optional) – Start year of dataset

  • stride (int) – Number of steps between input and output variables

  • num_steps (int) – Number of timesteps are included in the output variables

  • num_history (int) – Number of previous timesteps included in the input variables

  • num_samples_per_year (int) – Number of samples randomly taken from each year

  • batch_size (int, optional) – Batch size, by default 1

  • use_cos_zenith (bool) – If True, the cosine zenith angles corresponding to the coordinates will be produced,

  • cos_zenith_args (Dict) –

    Dictionary containing the following dt: float

    Time in hours between each timestep in the dataset


    Start year of dataset

  • shuffle (bool, optional) – Shuffle dataset, by default True

  • process_rank (int, optional) – Rank ID of local process, by default 0

  • world_size (int, optional) – Number of training processes, by default 1

class modulus.datapipes.climate.era5_hdf5.ERA5HDF5Datapipe(data_dir: str, stats_dir: Optional[str] = None, channels: Optional[List[int]] = None, batch_size: int = 1, num_steps: int = 1, num_history: int = 0, stride: int = 1, latlon_resolution: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, interpolation_type: Optional[str] = None, patch_size: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int], int]] = None, num_samples_per_year: Optional[int] = None, use_cos_zenith: bool = False, cos_zenith_args: Dict = {}, use_time_of_year_index: bool = False, shuffle: bool = True, num_workers: int = 1, device: Union[str, device] = 'cuda', process_rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1)[source]

Bases: Datapipe

ERA5 DALI data pipeline for HDF5 files

  • data_dir (str) – Directory where ERA5 data is stored

  • stats_dir (Union[str, None], optional) – Directory to data statistic numpy files for normalization, if None, no normalization will be used, by default None

  • channels (Union[List[int], None], optional) – Defines which ERA5 variables to load, if None will use all in HDF5 file, by default None

  • batch_size (int, optional) – Batch size, by default 1

  • stride (int, optional) – Number of steps between input and output variables. For example, if the dataset contains data at every 6 hours, a stride 1 = 6 hour delta t and stride 2 = 12 hours delta t, by default 1

  • num_steps (int, optional) – Number of timesteps are included in the output variables, by default 1

  • num_history (int, optional) – Number of previous timesteps included in the input variables, by default 0

  • latlon_resolution (Tuple[int, int], optional) – The resolution for the latitude-longitude grid (H, W). Needs to be specified for cos zenith angle computation, or interpolation. By default None

  • interpolation_type (str, optional) – Interpolation type for resizing. Supports [“INTERP_NN”, “INTERP_LINEAR”, “INTERP_CUBIC”, “INTERP_LANCZOS3”, “INTERP_TRIANGULAR”, “INTERP_GAUSSIAN”]. By default None (no interpolation is done)

  • patch_size (Union[Tuple[int, int], int, None], optional) – If specified, crops input and output variables so image dimensions are divisible by patch_size, by default None

  • num_samples_per_year (int, optional) – Number of samples randomly taken from each year. If None, all will be use, by default None

  • use_cos_zenith (bool, optional) – If True, the cosine zenith angles corresponding to the coordinates will be produced, by default False

  • cos_zenith_args (Dict, optional) –

    Dictionary containing the following dt: float, optional

    Time in hours between each timestep in the dataset, by default 6 hr

    start_year: int, optional

    Start year of dataset, by default 1980

    latlon_boundsTuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]], optional

    Bounds of latitude and longitude in the data, in the format ((lat_start, lat_end,), (lon_start, lon_end)). By default ((90, -90), (0, 360)).

    Defaults are only applicable if use_cos_zenith is True. Otherwise, defaults to {}.

  • use_time_of_year_index (bool) – If true, also returns the index that can be sued to determine the time of the year corresponding to each sample. By default False.

  • shuffle (bool, optional) – Shuffle dataset, by default True

  • num_workers (int, optional) – Number of workers, by default 1

  • device (Union[str, torch.device], optional) – Device for DALI pipeline to run on, by default cuda

  • process_rank (int, optional) – Rank ID of local process, by default 0

  • world_size (int, optional) – Number of training processes, by default 1

load_statistics() → None[source]

Loads ERA5 statistics from pre-computed numpy files

The statistic files should be of name global_means.npy and global_std.npy with a shape of [1, C, 1, 1] located in the stat_dir.

  • IOError – If mean or std numpy files are not found

  • AssertionError – If loaded numpy arrays are not of correct size

parse_dataset_files() → None[source]

Parses the data directory for valid HDF5 files and determines training samples


ValueError – In channels specified or number of samples per year is not valid

class modulus.datapipes.climate.era5_hdf5.MetaData(name: str = 'ERA5HDF5', auto_device: bool = True, cuda_graphs: bool = True, ddp_sharding: bool = True)[source]

Bases: DatapipeMetaData

class modulus.datapipes.climate.climate.ClimateDaliExternalSource(data_paths: Iterable[str], num_samples: int, channels: Iterable[int], num_steps: int, stride: int, dt: float, start_year: int, num_samples_per_year: int, latlon: ndarray, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, aux_variables: List[Union[str, Callable]] = (), batch_size: int = 1, shuffle: bool = True, process_rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1, backend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

Bases: ABC

DALI Source for lazy-loading the HDF5/NetCDF4 climate files

  • data_paths (Iterable[str]) – Directory where climate data is stored

  • num_samples (int) – Total number of training samples

  • channels (Iterable[int]) – List representing which climate variables to load

  • num_steps (int) – Number of timesteps to load

  • stride (int) – Number of steps between input and output variables

  • dt (float, optional) – Time in hours between each timestep in the dataset, by default 6 hr

  • start_year (int, optional) – Start year of dataset, by default 1980

  • num_samples_per_year (int) – Number of samples randomly taken from each year

  • variables (Union[List[str], None], optional for HDF5 files, mandatory for NetCDF4 files) – List of named variables to load. Variables will be read in the order specified by this parameter.

  • aux_variables (Union[Mapping[str, Callable], None], optional) – A dictionary mapping strings to callables that accept arguments (timestamps: numpy.ndarray, latlon: numpy.ndarray). These define any auxiliary variables returned from this source.

  • batch_size (int, optional) – Batch size, by default 1

  • shuffle (bool, optional) – Shuffle dataset, by default True

  • process_rank (int, optional) – Rank ID of local process, by default 0

  • world_size (int, optional) – Number of training processes, by default 1

class modulus.datapipes.climate.climate.ClimateDataSourceSpec(data_dir: str, name: Optional[str] = None, file_type: str = 'hdf5', stats_files: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, metadata_path: Optional[str] = None, channels: Optional[List[int]] = None, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, use_cos_zenith: bool = False, aux_variables: Optional[Mapping[str, Callable]] = None, num_steps: int = 1, stride: int = 1, backend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

Bases: object

A data source specification for ClimateDatapipe.

HDF5 files should contain the following variable with the corresponding name: fields: Tensor of shape (num_timesteps, num_channels, height, width), containing climate data. The order of the channels should match the order of the channels in the statistics files. The statistics files should be .npy files with the shape (1, num_channels, 1, 1). The names of the variables are found in the metadata file found in metadata_path.

NetCDF4 files should contain a variable of shape (num_timesteps, height, width) for each variable they provide. Only the variables listed in variables will be loaded.

  • data_dir (str) – Directory where climate data is stored

  • name (Union[str, None], optional) – The name that is used to label datapipe outputs from this source. If None, the datapipe uses the number of the source in sequential order.

  • file_type (str) – Type of files to read, supported values are “hdf5” (default) and “netcdf4”

  • stats_files (Union[Mapping[str, str], None], optional) – Numpy files to data statistics for normalization. Supports either a channels format, in which case the dict should contain the keys “mean” and “std”, or a named-variable format, in which case the dict should contain the key “norm” . If None, no normalization will be used, by default None

  • metadata_path (Union[Mapping[str, str], None], optional for NetCDF, required for HDF5) – Path to the metadata JSON file for the dataset (usually called data.json).

  • channels (Union[List[int], None], optional) – Defines which climate variables to load, if None will use all in HDF5 file, by default None

  • variables (Union[List[str], None], optional for HDF5 files, mandatory for NetCDF4 files) – List of named variables to load. Variables will be read in the order specified by this parameter. Must be used for NetCDF4 files. Supported for HDF5 files in which case it will override channels.

  • use_cos_zenith (bool, optional) – If True, the cosine zenith angles corresponding to the coordinates of this data source will be produced, default False

  • aux_variables (Union[Mapping[str, Callable], None], optional) – A dictionary mapping strings to callables that accept arguments (timestamps: numpy.ndarray, latlon: numpy.ndarray). These define any auxiliary variables returned from this source.

  • num_steps (int, optional) – Number of timesteps to return, by default 1

  • stride (int, optional) – Number of steps between input and output variables. For example, if the dataset contains data at every 6 hours, a stride 1 = 6 hour delta t and stride 2 = 12 hours delta t, by default 1

dimensions_compatible(other) → bool[source]

Basic sanity check to test if two ClimateDataSourceSpec are compatible.

parse_dataset_files(num_samples_per_year: Optional[int] = None, patch_size: Optional[int] = None) → None[source]

Parses the data directory for valid files and determines training samples

  • num_samples_per_year (int, optional) – Number of samples taken from each year. If None, all will be used, by default None

  • patch_size (Union[Tuple[int, int], int, None], optional) – If specified, crops input and output variables so image dimensions are divisible by patch_size, by default None


ValueError – In channels specified or number of samples per year is not valid

class modulus.datapipes.climate.climate.ClimateDatapipe(sources: Iterable[ClimateDataSourceSpec], batch_size: int = 1, dt: float = 6.0, start_year: int = 1980, latlon_bounds: Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]] = ((90, -90), (0, 360)), crop_window: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]] = None, invariants: Optional[Mapping[str, Callable]] = None, num_samples_per_year: Optional[int] = None, shuffle: bool = True, num_workers: int = 1, device: Union[str, device] = 'cuda', process_rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1)[source]

Bases: Datapipe

A Climate DALI data pipeline. This pipeline loads data from HDF5/NetCDF4 files. It can also return additional data such as the solar zenith angle for each time step. Additionally, it normalizes the data if a statistics file is provided. The pipeline returns a dictionary with the following structure, where {name} indicates the name of the data source provided:

  • state_seq-{name}: Tensors of shape

    (batch_size, num_steps, num_channels, height, width). This sequence is drawn from the data file and normalized if a statistics file is provided.

  • timestamps-{name}: Tensors of shape (batch_size, num_steps), containing

    timestamps for each timestep in the sequence.

  • {aux_variable}-{name}: Tensors of shape

    (batch_size, num_steps, aux_channels, height, width), containing the auxiliary variables returned by each data source

  • cos_zenith-{name}: Tensors of shape (batch_size, num_steps, 1, height, width),

    containing the cosine of the solar zenith angle if specified.

  • `{invariant_name}: Tensors of shape (batch_size, invariant_channels, height, width),

    containing the time-invariant data (depending only on spatial coordinates) returned by the datapipe. These can include e.g. land-sea mask and geopotential/surface elevation.

To use this data pipeline, your data directory must be structured as follows: ` data_dir ├── 1980.h5 ├── 1981.h5 ├── 1982.h5 ├── ... └── 2020.h5 `

The files are assumed have no metadata, such as timestamps. Because of this, it’s important to specify the dt parameter and the start_year parameter so that the pipeline can compute the correct timestamps for each timestep. These timestamps are then used to compute the cosine of the solar zenith angle, if specified.

  • sources (Iterable[ClimateDataSpec]) – A list of data specifications defining the sources for the climate variables

  • batch_size (int, optional) – Batch size, by default 1

  • dt (float, optional) – Time in hours between each timestep in the dataset, by default 6 hr

  • start_year (int, optional) – Start year of dataset, by default 1980

  • latlon_bounds (Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]], optional) – Bounds of latitude and longitude in the data, in the format ((lat_start, lat_end,), (lon_start, lon_end)). By default ((90, -90), (0, 360)).

  • crop_window (Union[Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]], None], optional) – The window to crop the data to, in the format ((i0,i1), (j0,j1)) where the first spatial dimension will be cropped to i0:i1 and the second to j0:j1. If not given, all data will be used.

  • invariants (Mapping[str,Callable], optional) – Specifies the time-invariant data (for example latitude and longitude) included in the data samples. Should be a dict where the keys are the names of the invariants and the values are the corresponding functions. The functions need to accept an argument of the shape (2, data_shape[0], data_shape[1]) where the first dimension contains latitude and longitude in degrees and the other dimensions corresponding to the shape of data in the data files. For example, invariants={“trig_latlon”: invariants.LatLon()} will include the sin/cos of lat/lon in the output.

  • num_samples_per_year (int, optional) – Number of samples taken from each year. If None, all will be used, by default None

  • shuffle (bool, optional) – Shuffle dataset, by default True

  • num_workers (int, optional) – Number of workers, by default 1

  • device (Union[str, torch.device], optional) – Device for DALI pipeline to run on, by default cuda

  • process_rank (int, optional) – Rank ID of local process, by default 0

  • world_size (int, optional) – Number of training processes, by default 1

class modulus.datapipes.climate.climate.ClimateHDF5DaliExternalSource(data_paths: Iterable[str], num_samples: int, channels: Iterable[int], num_steps: int, stride: int, dt: float, start_year: int, num_samples_per_year: int, latlon: ndarray, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, aux_variables: List[Union[str, Callable]] = (), batch_size: int = 1, shuffle: bool = True, process_rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1, backend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

Bases: ClimateDaliExternalSource

DALI source for reading HDF5 formatted climate data files.

class modulus.datapipes.climate.climate.ClimateNetCDF4DaliExternalSource(data_paths: Iterable[str], num_samples: int, channels: Iterable[int], num_steps: int, stride: int, dt: float, start_year: int, num_samples_per_year: int, latlon: ndarray, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, aux_variables: List[Union[str, Callable]] = (), batch_size: int = 1, shuffle: bool = True, process_rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1, backend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

Bases: ClimateDaliExternalSource

DALI source for reading NetCDF4 formatted climate data files.

class modulus.datapipes.climate.climate.MetaData(name: str = 'Climate', auto_device: bool = True, cuda_graphs: bool = True, ddp_sharding: bool = True)[source]

Bases: DatapipeMetaData

class modulus.datapipes.climate.synthetic.SyntheticWeatherDataLoader(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DataLoader

This custom DataLoader initializes the SyntheticWeatherDataset with given arguments.

class modulus.datapipes.climate.synthetic.SyntheticWeatherDataset(channels: List[int], num_samples_per_year: int, num_steps: int, device: str | torch.device = 'cuda', grid_size: Tuple[int, int] = (721, 1440), base_temp: float = 15, amplitude: float = 10, noise_level: float = 2, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: Dataset

A dataset for generating synthetic temperature data on a latitude-longitude grid for multiple atmospheric layers.

  • channels (list) – List of channels representing different atmospheric layers.

  • num_samples_per_year (int) – Total number of days to simulate per year.

  • num_steps (int) – Number of consecutive days in each training sample.

  • grid_size (tuple) – Latitude by longitude dimensions of the temperature grid.

  • base_temp (float) – Base temperature around which variations are simulated.

  • amplitude (float) – Amplitude of the sinusoidal temperature variation.

  • noise_level (float) – Standard deviation of the noise added to temperature data.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for advanced configurations.

generate_data(num_days: int, num_channels: int, grid_size: Tuple[int, int], base_temp: float, amplitude: float, noise_level: float) → ndarray[source]

Generates synthetic temperature data over a specified number of days for multiple atmospheric layers.

  • num_days (int) – Number of days to generate data for.

  • num_channels (int) – Number of channels representing different layers.

  • grid_size (tuple) – Grid size (latitude, longitude).

  • base_temp (float) – Base mean temperature for the data.

  • amplitude (float) – Amplitude of temperature variations.

  • noise_level (float) – Noise level to add stochasticity to the temperature.


A 4D array of temperature values across days, channels, latitudes, and longitudes.

Return type


class modulus.datapipes.healpix.timeseries_dataset.MetaData(name: str = 'TimeSeries', auto_device: bool = False, cuda_graphs: bool = False, ddp_sharding: bool = False)[source]

Bases: DatapipeMetaData

Metadata for this datapipe

class modulus.datapipes.healpix.timeseries_dataset.TimeSeriesDataset(dataset: Dataset, scaling: Optional[DictConfig] = None, input_time_dim: int = 1, output_time_dim: int = 1, data_time_step: Union[int, str] = '3h', time_step: Union[int, str] = '6h', gap: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, batch_size: int = 32, drop_last: bool = False, add_insolation: bool = False, forecast_init_times: Optional[Sequence] = None, meta: DatapipeMetaData = MetaData(name='TimeSeries', auto_device=False, cuda_graphs=False, ddp_sharding=False))[source]

Bases: Dataset, Datapipe

Dataset for sampling from continuous time-series data, compatible with pytorch data loading.


Returns the constants used in this dataset



Return type

The list of constants, None if there are no constants

class modulus.datapipes.gnn.ahmed_body_dataset.AhmedBodyDataset(data_dir: str, split: str = 'train', num_samples: int = 10, invar_keys: Iterable[str] = ('pos', 'velocity', 'reynolds_number', 'length', 'width', 'height', 'ground_clearance', 'slant_angle', 'fillet_radius'), outvar_keys: Iterable[str] = ('p', 'wallShearStress'), normalize_keys: Iterable[str] = ('p', 'wallShearStress', 'velocity', 'reynolds_number', 'length', 'width', 'height', 'ground_clearance', 'slant_angle', 'fillet_radius'), normalization_bound: Tuple[float, float] = (-1.0, 1.0), force_reload: bool = False, name: str = 'dataset', verbose: bool = False, compute_drag: bool = False, num_workers: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Bases: DGLDataset, Datapipe

In-memory Ahmed body Dataset

  • data_dir (str) – The directory where the data is stored.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split. Can be ‘train’, ‘validation’, or ‘test’, by default ‘train’.

  • num_samples (int, optional) – The number of samples to use, by default 10.

  • invar_keys (Iterable[str], optional) – The input node features to consider. Default includes ‘pos’, ‘velocity’, ‘reynolds_number’, ‘length’, ‘width’, ‘height’, ‘ground_clearance’, ‘slant_angle’, and ‘fillet_radius’.

  • outvar_keys (Iterable[str], optional) – The output features to consider. Default includes ‘p’ and ‘wallShearStress’.

  • Iterable[str] (normalize_keys) – The features to normalize. Default includes ‘p’, ‘wallShearStress’, ‘velocity’, ‘length’, ‘width’, ‘height’, ‘ground_clearance’, ‘slant_angle’, and ‘fillet_radius’.

  • optional – The features to normalize. Default includes ‘p’, ‘wallShearStress’, ‘velocity’, ‘length’, ‘width’, ‘height’, ‘ground_clearance’, ‘slant_angle’, and ‘fillet_radius’.

  • normalization_bound (Tuple[float, float], optional) – The lower and upper bounds for normalization. Default is (-1, 1).

  • force_reload (bool, optional) – If True, forces a reload of the data, by default False.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the dataset, by default ‘dataset’.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, enables verbose mode, by default False.

  • compute_drag (bool, optional) – If True, also returns the coefficient and mesh area and normals that are required for computing the drag coefficient.

  • num_workers (int, optional) – Number of dataset pre-loading workers. If None, will be chosen automatically.

add_edge_features() → List[DGLGraph][source]

Add relative displacement and displacement norm as edge features for each graph in the list of graphs. The calculations are done using the ‘pos’ attribute in the node data of each graph. The resulting edge features are stored in the ‘x’ attribute in the edge data of each graph.

This method will modify the list of graphs in-place.


The list of graphs with updated edge features.

Return type


create_graph(index: int, file_path: str, info_path: str) → None[source]

Creates a graph from VTP file.

This method is used in parallel loading of graphs.

Return type

Tuple that contains graph index, graph, and optionally coeff, normal and area values.

denormalize(pred, gt, device) → Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

Denormalize the graph node data.

  • pred (Tensor) – Normalized prediction

  • gt (Tensor) – Normalized ground truth

  • device (Any) – The device


Denormalized prediction and ground truth

Return type

Tuple(Tensor, Tensor)

normalize_edge() → List[DGLGraph][source]

Normalize edge data ‘x’ in each graph in the list of graphs.


The list of graphs with normalized edge data ‘x’.

Return type


normalize_node() → List[DGLGraph][source]

Normalize node data in each graph in the list of graphs.


The list of graphs with normalized and concatenated node data.

Return type


class modulus.datapipes.gnn.ahmed_body_dataset.FileInfo(velocity: float, reynolds_number: float, length: float, width: float, height: float, ground_clearance: float, slant_angle: float, fillet_radius: float)[source]

Bases: object

VTP file info storage.

class modulus.datapipes.gnn.ahmed_body_dataset.MetaData(name: str = 'AhmedBody', auto_device: bool = True, cuda_graphs: bool = False, ddp_sharding: bool = True)[source]

Bases: DatapipeMetaData

class modulus.datapipes.gnn.drivaernet_dataset.DrivAerNetDataset(data_dir: str | pathlib.Path, split: str = 'train', num_samples: int = 10, coeff_filename: str = 'AeroCoefficients_DrivAerNet_FilteredCorrected.csv', invar_keys: Iterable[str] = ('pos',), outvar_keys: Iterable[str] = ('p', 'wallShearStress'), normalize_keys: Iterable[str] = ('p', 'wallShearStress'), cache_dir: str | pathlib.Path = './cache/', force_reload: bool = False, name: str = 'dataset', verbose: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DGLDataset, Datapipe

DrivAerNet dataset.

Note: DrivAerNetDataset does not use default DGLDataset caching functionality such as has_cache, download etc, as it is invoked during the __init__ call so takes a lot of time. Instead, DrivAerNetDataset caches graphs in __getitem__ call thus avoiding long initialization delay.

  • data_dir (str) – The directory where the data is stored.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split. Can be ‘train’, ‘validation’, or ‘test’, by default ‘train’.

  • num_samples (int, optional) – The number of samples to use, by default 10.

  • coeff_filename (str, optional) – DrivAerNet coefficients file name, default is from the dataset location.

  • invar_keys (Iterable[str], optional) – The input node features to consider. Default includes ‘pos’.

  • outvar_keys (Iterable[str], optional) – The output features to consider. Default includes ‘p’ and ‘wallShearStress’.

  • Iterable[str] (normalize_keys) – The features to normalize. Default includes ‘p’ and ‘wallShearStress’.

  • optional – The features to normalize. Default includes ‘p’ and ‘wallShearStress’.

  • cache_dir (str, optional) – Path to the cache directory to store graphs in DGL format for fast loading. Default is ./cache/.

  • force_reload (bool, optional) – If True, forces a reload of the data, by default False.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the dataset, by default ‘dataset’.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, enables verbose mode, by default False.

denormalize(pred: Tensor, gt: Tensor, device: device) → tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor][source]

Denormalizes the inputs using previously collected statistics.

class modulus.datapipes.gnn.drivaernet_dataset.MetaData(name: str = 'DrivAerNet', auto_device: bool = True, cuda_graphs: bool = False, ddp_sharding: bool = True)[source]

Bases: DatapipeMetaData

class modulus.datapipes.gnn.stokes_dataset.StokesDataset(data_dir, split='train', num_samples=10, invar_keys=['pos', 'marker'], outvar_keys=['u', 'v', 'p'], normalize_keys=['u', 'v', 'p'], force_reload=False, name='dataset', verbose=False)[source]

Bases: DGLDataset

In-memory Stokes flow Dataset

  • data_dir (str) – The directory where the data is stored.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split. Can be ‘train’, ‘validation’, or ‘test’, by default ‘train’.

  • num_samples (int, optional) – The number of samples to use, by default 10.

  • invar_keys (List[str], optional) – The input node features to consider. Default includes ‘pos’ and ‘marker’

  • outvar_keys (List[str], optional) – The output features to consider. Default includes ‘u’, ‘v’, and ‘p’.

  • List[str] (normalize_keys) – The features to normalize. Default includes ‘u’, ‘v’, and ‘p’.

  • optional – The features to normalize. Default includes ‘u’, ‘v’, and ‘p’.

  • force_reload (bool, optional) – If True, forces a reload of the data, by default False.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the dataset, by default ‘dataset’.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, enables verbose mode, by default False.


adds relative displacement & displacement norm as edge features

static denormalize(invar, mu, std)[source]

denormalizes a tensor


normalizes a tensor


normalizes node features

modulus.datapipes.gnn.utils.load_json(file: str) → Dict[str, Tensor][source]

Loads a JSON file into a dictionary of PyTorch tensors.


file (str) – Path to the JSON file.


Dictionary where each value is a PyTorch tensor.

Return type

Dict[str, torch.Tensor]

modulus.datapipes.gnn.utils.read_vtp_file(file_path: str) → Any[source]

Read a VTP file and return the polydata.


file_path (str) – Path to the VTP file.


The polydata read from the VTP file.

Return type


modulus.datapipes.gnn.utils.save_json(var: Dict[str, Tensor], file: str) → None[source]

Saves a dictionary of tensors to a JSON file.

  • var (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) – Dictionary where each value is a PyTorch tensor.

  • file (str) – Path to the output JSON file.

class modulus.datapipes.cae.mesh_datapipe.MeshDaliExternalSource(data_paths: Iterable[str], file_format: str, variables: List[str], num_samples: int, batch_size: int = 1, shuffle: bool = True, process_rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1)[source]

Bases: object

DALI Source for lazy-loading with caching of mesh data

  • data_paths (Iterable[str]) – Directory where data is stored

  • num_samples (int) – Total number of training samples

  • batch_size (int, optional) – Batch size, by default 1

  • shuffle (bool, optional) – Shuffle dataset, by default True

  • process_rank (int, optional) – Rank ID of local process, by default 0

  • world_size (int, optional) – Number of training processes, by default 1

class modulus.datapipes.cae.mesh_datapipe.MeshDatapipe(data_dir: str, variables: List[str], num_variables: int, file_format: str = 'vtp', stats_dir: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: int = 1, num_samples: int = 1, shuffle: bool = True, num_workers: int = 1, device: Union[str, device] = 'cuda', process_rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1)[source]

Bases: Datapipe

DALI data pipeline for mesh data

  • data_dir (str) – Directory where ERA5 data is stored

  • variables (List[str, None]) – Ordered list of variables to be loaded from the files

  • num_variables (int) – Number of variables to be loaded from the files

  • file_format (str, optional) – File format of the data, by default “vtp” Supported formats: “vtp”, “vtu”, “cgns”

  • stats_dir (Union[str, None], optional) – Directory where statistics are stored, by default None If provided, the statistics are used to normalize the attributes

  • batch_size (int, optional) – Batch size, by default 1

  • num_steps (int, optional) – Number of timesteps are included in the output variables, by default 1

  • shuffle (bool, optional) – Shuffle dataset, by default True

  • num_workers (int, optional) – Number of workers, by default 1

  • device (Union[str, torch.device], optional) – Device for DALI pipeline to run on, by default cuda

  • process_rank (int, optional) – Rank ID of local process, by default 0

  • world_size (int, optional) – Number of training processes, by default 1

load_statistics() → None[source]

Loads statistics from pre-computed numpy files

The statistic files should be of name global_means.npy and global_std.npy with a shape of [1, C] located in the stat_dir.

  • IOError – If mean or std numpy files are not found

  • AssertionError – If loaded numpy arrays are not of correct size

parse_dataset_files() → None[source]

Parses the data directory for valid files and determines training samples


ValueError – In channels specified or number of samples per year is not valid

class modulus.datapipes.cae.mesh_datapipe.MetaData(name: str = 'MeshDatapipe', auto_device: bool = True, cuda_graphs: bool = True, ddp_sharding: bool = True)[source]

Bases: DatapipeMetaData

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© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Sep 24, 2024.