Shallow Water Equations - Distributed GraphCast
This example demonstrates how to leverage a distributed version of GraphCast to scale to larger Graph Neural Network (GNN) workloads.
Similar to the example of using Physics Informed Neural Operators in
, we consider the setting of the nonlinear
shallow water equations. These equations are applicable in several
physical scenarios including tsunami modeling. We assumed that the total
fluid column height \(\eta(x,y,t)\) was composed of a mean height
plus some perturbation, but the initial velocity fields \(u(x,y,t)\)
and \(v(x,y,t)\) were initially zero. These equations are given by
\frac{\partial(\eta)}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial(\eta u)}{\partial x}+
\frac{\partial(\eta v)}{\partial y}&=0, \\
\frac{\partial(\eta u)}{\partial t}+
\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\eta u^{2}+\frac{1}{2} g
\frac{\partial(\eta u v)}{\partial y}&=\nu\left(u_{xx} + u_{yy}\right), \\
\frac{\partial(\eta v)}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial(\eta u v)}{\partial x}+
\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\eta v^{2}+\frac{1}{2} g
\eta^{2}\right)&=\nu\left(v_{xx} + v_{yy}\right),
\textrm{with} \quad \eta(x,y,0) = \eta_{0}(x,y),\ u(x,y,0)=0,\
v(x,y,0)=0,\ \quad
x,y \in[0,1), \ t \in[0,1],
where the gravitational coefficient \(g=1\) and the viscosity coefficient \(\nu=0.002\) to prevent the formation of shocks.
Unlike the example of using Neural Operators in a Physics-Informed
fashion, we consider a purely data-drive example where loss targets are
generated by a traditional solver. In its minimal nature, the focus is
rather on the aspect of distributed this model in a tensor-parallel
fashion. Training Data is generated on the fly in the corresponding
class supporting both random initial
conditions and the Galewsky intial condition which will rather be suited
to evaluated things on a static dataset. Note that this is not intended
to be fully fledged recipe for training models on any PDE dataset but
should showcase how to setup the distributed training accordingly.
The example is also setup in such a fashion to sketch how one would setup a training setup to be both model and data parallel while also noting that this example mainly has been tested in a model-parallel fashion only.
GNNs - roughly spoken - can be seen as neural networks operating on graph data. A graph in this context can be represented as a tuple of source node IDs \(\mathcal{V}_{src}\), of destination node IDs \(\mathcal{V}_{dst}\), and edges \(\mathcal{E} \sub \mathcal{V}_{src} \times \mathcal{V}_{dst}\) which denotes all edges \(e_{uv}\) between source and destination nodes rectively. We then have the number of source nodes give as \(N_{src} = |\mathcal{V}_{scr}|\), number of destination nodes as \(N_{dst} = |\mathcal{V}_{dst}|\), and number of edges \(E = |\mathcal{E}|\). In the context of machine learning, we also assume that both and source and destination nodes and edges might cary feature vectors Futhermore assuming contiguous IDs, we can arange them in contigous feature tensors of the following shapes.
source node features: \(H_{src}\) of shape \([N_{src} \times D_{src}]\) where \(H_{src}[u] = h_{src,u}\)
destination node features: \(H_{dst}\) of shape \([N_{dst} \times D_{dst}]\) where \(H_{dst}[u] = h_{dst,v}\)
edge features \(H_{edge}\) of shape \([E \times D_{edge}]\) where \(H_{edge}[uv] = h_{edge,uv}\)
Message passing itself then is often denoted as as an alternating step of preparing messages between nodes u and v
()\[m_{uv}^{(k)} = COMBINE^{(k)} \left(
and aggregation of messages.
()\[h_{dst,v}^{(k)} = AGG_{u: u\in \mathcal{N}(v)} \left(m_{uv}^{(k)}\right)\]
Transormation functions \(f_{\theta}^{(k)}\) in each lyer \(k\) usually are just simple Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) which transform the corresponding hidden representation of the previous layer. In its simplest form, the aggregation operation just corresponds to summing up all incoming messages from each of the destination node’s neighbors.
In the case of attention or other specialized aggregation schemes, this operation can correspond to a weighted aggregation based on scaled dot-product based attention scores. The overall message passing scheme then is rather just a single aggregation step
()\[h_{dst,v}^{(k)} = AGG_{u: u\in \mathcal{N}(v)} \left(
By just looking at these definitions, we can already make the following observations
transormation functions \(f_{\theta}^{(k)}\) are naively parallel across corresponding node or edge features.
given destination node features \(h_{dst,v}\) and all edge features \(h_{edge,uv}\) of
a destination node’s neighbors, all we are missing for a valid message-passing step is the corresponding features of its source nodes \(h_{src,u}\).
These can be extended with the addition or concatenation of residual features or any other updates of source and edge features for subsequent layers. It is also likely that these are extended in further transformation layers between the actual message passing layers.
Parallelizing the MLPs in the transformation functions thus is rather straightforward. By just dividing the original inputs into chunks, each rank can transform its according tensor chunk in the forward phase and its according input gradients in the backward phase.
We refer to to these chunks as partitioned tensors. A visualization of distributing the MLP computations on partitioned tensors is shown below.
Visualization of MLP layers on “global” tensors and on “partitioned” tensors on each rank.
In the backward - as the model weights are shared across rank - we also
need to do is to reduce the weight gradients. If e.g. the whole
GraphCast model is used in such a fashion, you can register the
necessary gradient hooks for this operation by simply calling
from modulus.distributed import mark_module_as_shared
model_with_shared_weights = GraphCast(...)
Given an original global graph, we can divide the global graph into local subgraphs such that each chunk of destination node IDs has the same neighborhood as in the original global graph. By choosing the partitions of MLPs such that all destination nodes of a local graph and all edge features related to all incoming edges for each destination node are on the same rank, we can already minimize the need to exchange tensors by design.
Visualization of the global graph vs. local graphs on rank 0 and 1 respectively.
Finally, to allow each rank perform the message operations indepdently, we need to exchange the necessary and missing source node features. This is done in a formed of indexed all-to-all fashion. Each rank prepares exchange buffers for each other rank which contain the deduplicated source node features which are needed in the local graph on the remote rank. In the following communication phase, all ranks exchange their exchange buffers in an all-to-all fashion. Finally, these exchanges buffers will be concatenated leading to a contiguous tensor of all necessary local source node features on each rank. Once the message passing is done, the partitioned node and edge features have been updated and the next layer follows in a similar fashion.
Visualization of Distributed Message Passing
Most of these distributed primitives are hidden away in the
wrapper class. The following example briefly shows how
these would work in a simplified context. GraphCastNet
already has been implemented such that its graph use these wrappers
under the hood which means that the user only has to e.g. specify the
name of the process group across the graphs are distributed and the size
of the the process group.
For more information, have a look at the corresponding documentations of these methods and classes.
from modulus.distributed import DistributedManager
from modulus.models.gnn_layers import CuGraphCSC
# setup distributed manager and process groups
dist_manager = DistributedManager()
# create wrapper graph
graph = CuGraphCSC.from_dgl(
# get partitioned tensors from global tensors
part_src_feat = graph.get_src_node_features_in_partition(global_src_feat)
part_dst_feat = graph.get_dst_node_features_in_partition(global_dst_feat)
part_edge_feat = graph.get_edge_features_in_partition(global_edge_feat)
# get tensors in local graph from global tensors
local_src_feat = graph.get_src_node_features_in_local_graph(global_src_feat)
# by design, local_dst_feat and local_edge_feat should be the same as
# part_dst_feat and part_edge_feat
local_dst_feat = graph.get_dst_node_features_in_local_graph(global_dst_feat)
local_edge_feat = graph.get_edge_features_in_local_graph(global_edge_feat)
# get global tensors from partioned tensors
global_src_feat = graph.get_global_src_node_features(part_src_feat)
global_dst_feat = graph.get_global_dst_node_features(part_dst_feat)
global_edge_feat = graph.get_global_edge_features(part_edge_feat)
As explained in more detail in the corresponding documentation sections,
the user also has much more options to configure like whether global
tensors are initially only on a single rank and should be scattered
first, whether they are only aggregated on a single rank or gathered in
an AllGather fashion, or whether a specified partition scheme is applied
instead of naively dividing vertices and edges based on their initial
IDs. Models like GraphCastNet
hide most of these options and this
example e.g. uses the following.
model = GraphCastNet(
# simplified data-loading scheme: only rank 0 has valid inputs
# model then takes care of scattering these onto participating ranks
# simplilfied loss computation, to allow e.g. the l2_loss_sphere
# without having to distribute this loss computation, valid
# output is only on rank 0, model aggregates the output accordingly
# to reduce the number of edges between partitions, we rely
# on the lat-long coordinates of vertices and divide them
# into partitions based on these instead of their initial IDs
To get started with this example for a run e.g. using 4 GPUs on a single node, simply run,
torchrun --nodes=1 --nproc-per-node=4
In case you are running on a SLURM cluster and have started a batch job e.g. using 4 GPUs, simply run,
contains usual parameters like learning
rate, hidden dimensions, number of layers, etc.. In the context of this
example, we in particular highlight the following three parameters to
control for the scale of this workload.
: angular resolution of the underlying latitude-longitude grid, default of 0.703125° corresponds to a grid of size 256 x 512, other usual resolutions are e.g. 0.1°, 0.25°, or 0.5°.data.multimesh_level
: hierarchy level of multimesh used in the processor of GraphCast, implicitly defines the resolution of the processor’s mesh, default of 6 e.g. corresponds to a graph with 40,962 nodes and 327,660 edges.model.use_lat_lon_partitioning
: boolean flag indicating whether lat-lon coordinates are used to partition the graphs used in this model compared to naively using the node IDs, by leveraging coordinate information, number of edges between partitions can be minimized.
can be also used to run scaling experiments without
the overheads of the traditional solver generating evaluation and
training targets by just running the training on random inputs and
targets and skipping the final evaluation at the very end.
Based on some validation and scaling runs, we have verified both being able to produce the convergence pattern of the single-GPU reference as well as providing linear reductions of the memory footprint on each GPUs which allows for weak scaling to higher resolutions.
Loss Validation Experiment |
Scaling Experiment |