Enable Direct Access to K8s

This section details how to enable direct access to K8s for a researcher.

  1. Goto the .kube directory for the researcher.

    cd .kube
  2. Copy the default config file.

    cp config-default config-researcher
  3. Edit config-researcher file.

    Using the following code as an example, with these exceptions:

    • Keep the certificate-authority-data the same as config-default.

    • Replace <REALM-NAME> with the realm that is on the General Settings page of the Run:ai UI.

     1apiVersion: v1
     3- cluster:
     4    certificate-authority-data:
     5    server: https://localhost:10443
     6name: default
     8- context:
     9    cluster: default
    10    namespace: runai-researcher1
    11    user: runai-authenticated-user
    12name: default
    13current-context: default
    14kind: Config
    15preferences: {}
    17- name: runai-authenticated-user
    19    auth-provider:
    20    config:
    21        airgapped: "true"
    22        auth-flow: cli
    23        client-id: runai-cli
    24        idp-issuer-url: https://app.run.ai/auth/realms/<REALM-NAME>
    25        realm: <REALM-NAME>
    26    name: oidc