Installing with Kickstart#

Kickstart provides a method of automating the installation process by providing a file which contains the answers to the questions that would be asked during installation. NVIDIA provides kickstart templates for all supported platforms in the following locations:

For more information on using kickstart files with Red Hat 9, refer to the 27.2. How Do You Perform a Kickstart Installation? section in Red Hat documentation.

In these files are tags that you must replace with your site specific information: language, keyboard, timezone, hostname, etc.

Each tag is of the form “CHANGE_YOUR_xxxx”. These tags must be replaced with your specific information.

Once you have a kickstart file customized for your installation, place that file in a location that can be accessed by NFS, FTP, HTTP, or HTTPS.

After booting from the installation medium, when the grub menu appears, press e to edit the grub entry as you normally would to add the “nomodeset” option. In addition to “nomodeset”, add an option in the format “inst.ks=<URL>”.

For example:


Lastly, after using these kickstart files – remember to reboot the system one final time to apply all settings.