The DGX software stack for Red Hat Enterprise Linux does not include the NVIDIA MLNX_OFED (OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution) for Linux. This is to ensure that the MLNX_OFED driver is in sync with the Red Hat distribution kernel. This section describes how to download, install, and upgrade MLNX_OFED on systems that are running Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


  • NVIDIA validates each release of NVIDIA DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux with a specific MLNX_OFED version. Refer to the Release Notes for the recommended MLNX_OFED version to install.

Installing and Configuring MLNX_OFED#

This section describes how to install MLNX_OFED on systems that do not yet have it installed. It is imperative that a validated MLNX_OFED version is used for the RHEL version that the DGX system is running.


Running the dnf update command at any time to install the drivers can update the system to the latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux version.

  1. Determine which version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux is installed on the DGX system.

    cat /etc/redhat-release
  2. After referring to the release notes, download the MLNX_OFED software bundle.

    1. Go to the Linux InfiniBand Drivers page, and scroll down to the MLNX_OFED Download Center matrix.

    2. At the MLNX_OFED Download Center matrix, choose the MLNX_OFED version, OS distribution and distribution version, and architecture to show the software package and documentation. For example,

      • Version: 23.10-

      • OS Distribution: RHEL/CentOS/Rocky

      • OS Distribution Version: RHEL/Rocky 9.2

      • Architecture: x86_64

    3. Click the supported ISO or tgz package.

      The Mellanox OFED (MLNX_OFED) Software: End-User Agreement page appears.

    4. Accept the End User License Agreement by clicking I Have Read the Above End User License Agreement.

      The selected software package starts to download.

  3. After downloading the correct MLNX_OFED software package, proceed with the installation steps.

    For issues during RHEL 9.2 install using MODEF mlnxofedinstall, refer to the Known Issues MOFED mlnxofedinstall reports “Current operation system is not supported” using RHEL 9.2.

    1. Go to the MLNX_OFED Software Releases site and select the MLNX_OFED software version that you downloaded.

    2. Click the User Manual link and then navigate to Installation > Installing MLNX_OFED.


      Follow the installation instructions.


      The system might report that additional software needs to be installed before performing the installation. If such a message appears, install the software and then retry installing the MLNX_OFED driver.

  4. If you intend to use NVIDIA GPUDirect Storage (GDS), enable the driver’s GDS support according to the instructions at MLNX_OFED Requirements and Installation.

  5. Install nvidia-mlnx-config.

    sudo dnf install -y nvidia-mlnx-config
  6. Install kernel headers and development packages for your kernel.

    These are needed for the ensuing DKMS compilation.

    sudo dnf install -y kernel-headers-$(uname -r) kernel-devel-$(uname -r)
  7. After installing the MLNX_OFED drivers, install the NVIDIA peer memory module.

    sudo dnf install -y nvidia-peer-memory-dkms


nvidia-peer-memory-dkms version 1.2 or later, requires MOFED version 5.4- or later. Using MOFED versions that do not fit this criteria will result in a build failure of the nv_peer_mem DKMS module. For more information, see: Mellanox/nv_peer_memory#94


While in-box drivers might be available, using the in-box drivers is not recommended as they provide lower performance than the official MLNX OFED drivers and they do not support the GPUDirectTM RDMA feature. For more information on configuring the in-box drivers, see the following Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation: Configuring InfiniBand and RDMA Networks.


This section describes how to update MOFED on systems that already have it installed. The Mellanox InfiniBand Drivers in RPM packages are precompiled for a specific kernel version. Again – it is imperative that the correct MOFED version is used for the RHEL version that the DGX system has been updated to. There is no need to uninstall the current MOFED first, because the “mlnxofedinstall” script will automatically uninstall any previously installed versions.

  1. Upgrade the Red Hat Enterprise Linux release and kernel version.

    sudo dnf update --nobest
  2. Determine which version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux is installed on the DGX system.

    cat /etc/redhat-release
  3. After referring to the release notes, download the MLNX_OFED software bundle.

    1. Go to the Linux InfiniBand Drivers page, and scroll down to the MLNX_OFED Download Center matrix.

    2. At the MLNX_OFED Download Center matrix, choose the MLNX_OFED version, OS distribution and distribution version, and architecture to show the software package and documentation. For example,

      • Version: 23.10-

      • OS Distribution: RHEL/CentOS/Rocky

      • OS Distribution Version: RHEL/Rocky 9.2

      • Architecture: X86_64

    3. Click the supported ISO or tgz package.

      The Mellanox OFED (MLNX_OFED) Software: End-User Agreement page appears.

    4. Accept the End User License Agreement by clicking I Have Read the Above End User License Agreement.

      The selected software package starts to download.

  4. Mount the downloaded ISO on the system.

    The following example shows the ISO being mounted on the /mnt directory.

    sudo mount MLNX_OFED_LINUX-<version>.iso /mnt
  5. Prepare to install the driver.

    1. Remove nvidia-mlnx-config and nvidia-peer-memory-dkms.

      sudo dnf remove -y nvidia-mlnx-config nvidia-peer-memory-dkms

      The mlnxofedinstall step will remove packages prior to installing new ones, causing nvidia-mlnx-configand nvidia-peer-memory-dkms to fall out because they depend on some of these removed packages. Removing those components ahead of time avoids issues. These will be reinstalled as a final step.

    2. Specify the new kernel version to use when installing the driver.

      NEXTKERNEL=$(sudo grubby --default-kernel | sed 's/.*vmlinuz\-//g')
  6. Install the driver with the -k and -s flags to specify the new kernel version and kernel source path.

    sudo /mnt/mlnxofedinstall -k ${NEXTKERNEL} -s /lib/modules/${NEXTKERNEL}/build --force


    Note: The system might report that additional software needs to be installed before performing the installation. If such a message appears, install the software and then repeat this step.

  7. Reboot.

    sudo reboot
  8. Reinstall nvidia-mlnx-config and nvidia-peer-memory-dkms.

    sudo dnf install -y nvidia-mlnx-config nvidia-peer-memory-dkms

Installing the nvidia-peermem-loader Package#

The nvidia-peermem kernel module registers the NVIDIA GPU with the InfiniBand subsystem by using peer-to-peer APIs provided by the NVIDIA GPU driver. This module, originally maintained by Mellanox on GitHub, is now included with the NVIDIA Linux GPU driver. For more information, refer to Using nvidia-peermem in the NVIDIA GPUDirect RDMA documentation.

No service automatically loads the nvidia-peermem module. To load the module automatically at boot, install the NVIDIA peermem loader package (nvidia-peermem-loader).

sudo dnf install nvidia-peermem-loader

This package adds the nvidia-peermem module in /etc/modules-load.d/nvidia-peermem.conf.