DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.5.78 Release
For Test and Development only

Porting Guide from SDK 2.2 to SDK 3.0

This document will help you port your applications from DriveWorks SDK 2.2 to DriveWorks SDK 3.0.

For NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software Releases

The following subsections are applicable for both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.


This release has removed the capability to select DW_CALIBRATION_CAMERA_SIGNAL_NONE for camera self-calibration signal specification, and has added the new option to select DW_CALIBRATION_CAMERA_SIGNAL_DEFAULT instead, which will automatically select the calibration signals for a given camera based on it's properties. Specific signals can still be selected for the non-default case as before.

The lidar self-calibration API dwCalibrationEngine_addLidarSweep() has been replaced with the simpler dwCalibrationEngine_addLidarPointCloud() and now expects a CAN bus index to be passed at initialization with dwCalibrationEngine_initializeLidar(), so that dwVehicleIOState data from this CAN bus provided with the existing dwCalibrationEngine_addVehicleIOState() API is consumed internally. Also, the previously deprecated dwCalibrationEngine_addLidarPoses() API has been removed, the more general dwCalibrationEngine_addLidarPose() API should be used instead.

The IMU self-calibration has been adjusted to not require a dedicated egomotion handle anymore. Instead, dwCalibrationEngine_initializeIMU() requires the index of a CAN bus from the rig file and the calibration engine initialized by it must be passed dwVehicleIOState data from this CAN bus via dwCalibrationEngine_addVehicleIOState().

The radar self-calibration has been modified to remove the dependency on egomotion. The API dwCalibrationEngine_initializeRadar() doesn't need an input of egomotion handle any more. Instead, it accepts a CAN bus index as an additional input, so that dwVehicleIOState data from this CAN bus is provided with the existing dwCalibrationEngine_addVehicleIOState().


This release has removed the following previously deprecated APIs:

  • dwContext_getNvMediaDevice
  • dwContext_setNvMediaDevice

and the NvMediaDevice* nvmediaDevice field of the dwContextParameters struct.


This release removes the following old APIs:

  • dwDNN_initializeTensorRTFromFile
  • dwDNN_initializeTensorRTFromMemory

And renames:

The signature of dwDNN_infer() has been modified, and it accepts now a list of dwDNNTensorHandle_t as input and output. dwDNN_inferRaw() has been introduced to replace the previous dwDNN_infer function that works with raw device pointers.

DataConditioner Processing Pipeline

This release changes the signature of following APIs from:

  • dwStatus dwDataConditioner_setROI(const dwRect* roi, dwDataConditionerHandle_t obj)
  • dwStatus dwDataConditioner_getROI(dwRect* roi, dwDataConditionerHandle_t obj)

to following form that take an additional parameter inputIdx:

  • dwStatus dwDataConditioner_setROI(const dwRect* roi, uint32_t inputIdx, dwDataConditionerHandle_t obj)
  • dwStatus dwDataConditioner_getROI(dwRect* roi, uint32_t inputIdx, dwDataConditionerHandle_t obj)

inputIdx corresponds to the index of image to set/get ROI. Previously all input images share one global ROI, after the change, each input image slot can have one unique ROI attached.

This release has renamed dwDataConditioner_prepareData to dwDataConditioner_prepareDataRaw.


This release has exposed the capability to choose gains for the simple version of the linear acceleration filter. It exposed accelerationFilterTimeConst, processNoiseStdevSpeed, processNoiseStdevAcceleration, measurementNoiseStdevSpeed, and measurementNoiseStdevAcceleration. These variables should all be set when dwEgomotionLinearAccelerationFilterMode is set to DW_EGOMOTION_ACC_FILTER_SIMPLE.

This release has removed the model-based acceleration filter (DW_EGOMOTION_ACC_FILTER_MODELBASED).

This release has modified the following API functions:

This release has removed the following deprecated API functions:

  • dwEgomotion_getHistoryEntry (please use dwEgomotion_getHistoryElement() instead)
  • dwEgomotion_applyRelativeUncertainty
  • dwEgomotion_addGPSMeasurement (please use the dwGlobalEgomotion module instead)

This release has removed the deprecated estimationPeriod parameter in dwEgomotionParameters. Use the dwEgomotionParameters.automaticUpdate parameter going forward.

This release has removed the following GNSS-related parameters and flags:

  • Configuration parameters:
    • dwEgomotionSensorCharacteristics.gpsSamplingRateHz
    • dwEgomotionSensorCharacteristics.gpsHorizontalNoiseMeter
    • dwEgomotionSensorCharacteristics.gpsVerticalNoiseMeter
    • dwEgomotionParameters.gps2rig
    • dwEgomotionParameters.disableLocationFilter
  • Validity flags:
    • dwEgomotionDataField.DW_EGOMOTION_LOCATION_LON
    • dwEgomotionDataField.DW_EGOMOTION_LOCATION_LAT
    • dwEgomotionDataField.DW_EGOMOTION_LOCATION_ALT
  • Types:
    • dwEgomotionReferenceFrame
  • Estimates:
    • dwEgomotionResult.location
    • dwEgomotionResult.rotationFrame
    • dwEgomotionUncertainty.location

This release has added an interpolation and extrapolation limit; requests for interpolation over an interval larger than 5 seconds or extrapolation of more than 2.5 seconds into the future will return DW_NOT_AVAILABLE. Affected APIs:

Image Processing

Feature Detector and Feature Tracker

dwConnectedComponents_labelImage has been removed. Instead the following API should be used:

This release removes dw_features module, header file dw/features/Features.h should be replaced to dw/imageprocessing/features/FeatureList.h, dw/imageprocessing/features/FeatureDetector.h and dw/imageprocessing/tracking/FeatureTracker.h respectively.

Refer to Porting Guide from SDK 1.5 to SDK 2.0 for API changings.

Inter Process Communication


This release has removed the following previously deprecated APIs:

  • dwSocketConnection_send
  • dwSocketConnection_peek
  • dwSocketConnection_peekNonBlock
  • dwSocketConnection_recv
  • dwSocketConnection_recvNonBlock

and renamed:

Lidar Accumulator

dwLidarAccumulator has been removed. Use dwPointCloudAccumulator from PointCloudAccumulator.h instead.

Point Cloud Processing

The following depracated items have been removed:

  • xyzi member of dwPointCloud structure
  • dwPointCloudAccumulator_bindInput
  • dwPointCloudStitcher_setMotionCompensation

The old dwPointCloudStitcher_bindInput has been removed and dwPointCloudStitcher_bindInputToSlot has been renamed to dwPointCloudStitcher_bindInput().

Refer to Porting Guide from SDK 1.5 to SDK 2.0 for more details.

Rig File

This release updates the rig files to version 6, converting the rig throttle and brake maps to a torque map. That is, instead of mapping the inputs to an output force it maps them to a torque value. The old output force values can be mapped to torque values by multiplying them by the nominal wheel radius. (Torque = Force x Nominal_Radius)

The fields [throttleStateInput, throttleForceOutput, brakeStateInput, brakeForceOutput] are changed to [throttlePedalInput, throttleSpeedInput, throttleTorqueOutput, brakePedalInput, brakeTorqueOutput] under the field torqueLUT.

The throttle map is also now a 2-d table, mapping a pedal position at a given speed to a torque value. As such, the throttleTorqueOutput table is of size (throttlePedalInput x throttleSpeedInput).

With VERSION 6, there is also an additional field effectiveMass, providing the effective mass due to vehicle rotational inertia (wheel rotation, engine, and other parts of the CVT drive-train) in kg.

DriveWorks SDK documentation contains examples for the new version 6 rig files.

Sensor Abstraction Layer


This release removes the following previously deprecated APIs:

  • dwSensor_getSeekTable
  • dwSensorSerializer_serializeImage
  • dwSensorSerializer_serializeImageAsync

See wFrameCapture_appendFrame() and dwFrameCapture_appendFrameAsync() to support of the use cases previously covered by dwSensorSerializer_serializeImage and dwSensorSerializer_serializeImageAsync.

This release also removes support for Pointgrey cameras, therefore camera.pointgrey protocol is deprecated.

This release removes support for dwSoftISP and the isp module all together. Raw cameras and raw videos are to be processed via Tegra ISP, automatically in place when output-format contains processed and a processed image is requested from the acquired frame handle.

The previously separate concepts of HV (Human Vision) using Tegra ISP and MV (Machine Vision) using dwSoftISP are now surpassed for a unified vision paradigm. DNN (refer to the specific DNNs documentation) are now compatible with the unified paradigm, unless specified otherwise

The equivalent sample common classes CameraRawFramePipeline and RawSimpleCamera are also removed as based on dwSoftISP.

All samples have been stripped of dwSoftISP.

Protocol camera.gmsl based on NvMedia's IPP has been moved to camera.gmsl.ipp and replaced in functionality by NvSIPL library, see IPP to NvSIPL Porting Guide for info

sample_camera_gmsl, sample_camera_gmsl_raw, sample_camera_multiple_gmsl and sample_camera_gmsl_custom are all combined into sample_camera. Refer to its README for more details

Vehicle and Motion Actuation


This release has removed the API dwRig_initializeFromStringWithPath and integrated its functionality into dwRig_initializeFromString() with a new parameter relativeBasePath. If relativeBasePath is NULL, then the current working directory of the current process is used to initialize it. Existing calls to dwRig_initializeFromString() can be updated to pass NULL for relativeBasePath.


Following APIs have been removed:

For NVIDIA DRIVE Software Releases

The following subsections are applicable for NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases only.



AhbNet.h has been removed in favor of LightSourceNet.h.


ClearSightNet.h has been moved to perception/safety/camera/.

dwClearSightNet_initDefaultParameters now requires an additional argument: dwContextHandle_t.

The context handle is required to determine the current GPU architecture so that the default precision is selected accordingly. If the architecture is Pascal and a DNN model for this architecture is available, the default precision is set to FP32. Otherwise, it is set to FP16.


DriveNet.h has been moved to perception/object/camera/.

dwDriveNet_initDefaultParameters() now requires an additional argument: dwContextHandle_t.

The context handle is required to determine the current GPU architecture so that the default precision is selected accordingly. If the architecture is Pascal and a DNN model for this architecture is available, the default precision is set to FP32. Otherwise, it is set to FP16.


This module has been removed. Lane detection is now performed by dwMapNet.


LightNet.h has been moved to perception/object/camera/.

dwLightNet_initDefaultParameters now requires an additional argument: dwContextHandle_t.

The context handle is required to determine the current GPU architecture so that the default precision is selected accordingly. If the architecture is Pascal and a DNN model for this architecture is available, the default precision is set to FP32. Otherwise, it is set to FP16.


MapNet.h has been moved to perception/landmarks/camera/.

dwMapNet_initDefaultParamsNew has been renamed to dwMapNet_initDefaultParams(), and now requires additional arguments: dwMapNetType and dwContextHandle_t.


OpenRoadNet.h has been moved to perception/freespace/camera/.

dwOpenRoadNet_initDefaultParameters now requires an additional argument: dwContextHandle_t.

The context handle is required to determine the current GPU architecture so that the default precision is selected accordingly. If the architecture is Pascal and a DNN model for this architecture is available, the default precision is set to FP32. Otherwise, it is set to FP16.


PathNet.h has been moved to perception/path/camera/.

dwPathNet_initDefaultParameters now requires an additional argument: dwContextHandle_t.

The context handle is required to determine the current GPU architecture so that the default precision is selected accordingly. If the architecture is Pascal and a DNN model for this architecture is available, the default precision is set to FP32. Otherwise, it is set to FP16.


SignNet.h has been moved to perception/object/camera/.

dwSignNet_initDefaultParameters now requires an additional argument: dwContextHandle_t.

The context handle is required to determine the current GPU architecture so that the default precision is selected accordingly. If the architecture is Pascal and a DNN model for this architecture is available, the default precision is set to FP32. Otherwise, it is set to FP16.


WaitNet.h has been moved to perception/object/camera/.

dwWaitNet_initDefaultParameters now requires an additional argument: dwContextHandle_t.

The context handle is required to determine the current GPU architecture so that the default precision is selected accordingly. If the architecture is Pascal and a DNN model for this architecture is available, the default precision is set to FP32. Otherwise, it is set to FP16.


struct dwLandmarkDetectorOutput has been removed, please directly use dwLaneDetection and dwLandmarkDetection types to take LandmarkDetector output. dwLandmarkDetector_initializeDefaultParamsNew has been renamed to dwLandmarkDetector_initializeDefaultParams(), and now takes frame width and height as additional input. dwLandmarkDetector_detectLandmarksNew has been renamed to dwLandmarkDetector_detectLandmarks(), and now takes dwLaneDetection and dwLandmarkDetection as input instead of dwLandmarkDetectorOutput. dwLandmarkDetector_setDetectionROI, dwLandmarkDetector_setDetectionThreshold, dwLandmarkDetector_setTemporalSmoothFactor, dwLandmarkDetector_getTemporalSmoothFactor, dwLandmarkDetector_setModelParameterFitting functions have all been removed, these are now set as part of dwLandmarkDetectorParams.



The object model for map access has been significantly refactored for release 3.0.

Instead of directly initializing a dwMapHandle_t with dwMaps_initialize() application should instead first initialize a dwMapProviderHandle_t instance and subsequently use the Map Provider API to request Maps appropriately for scenario-specific needs.

An important change to the programming model is that Map resources are no longer owned directly by the application. Maps are only "requested" from the Map Provider and must be released back to the Map Provider via dwMapProvider_releaseMap() instead of being directly released by dwMaps_release().

Enum dwMapsLaneGeometry is changed to have mapping enum entry consistent with the 'side' concept at dwSide eg., DW_MAPS_LANE_GEOMETRY_LANEDIVIDERLEFT = DW_SIDE_LEFT.

layers/ImageLayer.h is now available and contains 3 modules:

  • Image Layer module, to work with dwMapsContentLayerType of type DW_MAPS_CONTENT_LAYER_TYPE_IMAGES
    • Image layer types available defined in enum dwMapsImageType
    • dwMapsImageLayer_checkType to check if contentLayer is an image type.
    • dwMapsImageLayer_getProperties to get a handle to dwMapsImageLayerProperties of loaded image layer
  • Image Layer View module to extend the layer views of content layers
    • dwMapsImageLayerView_getImageCount get number of image layers in layer view
    • dwMapsImageLayerView_getLocalImages get references to image layers from layer view into a buffer
  • Maps Image Layer Storage module for loading and serving maps images
    • dwMapsImageStorage_initialize to create a maps image storage handle
    • dwMapsImageStorage_release to release a maps image storage handle
    • dwMapsImageStorage_getMapsImage to request a specific maps image with a road segment ID
    • dwMapsImageStorage_returnMapsImage to release memory for a specific maps image
    • dwMapsImageStorage_getProperties to get image properties of the images being served.

DriveWorks SDK documentation contains example for correct Map request and release code following the Map Provider programming model.

This release also replaces the dwMapsLaneWaitCondition structure with dwMapsLaneWaitElement structure. The structure had limitations in holding required information such as map rules, ego, contender lane information etc. The new wait element structures are more inline with world model wait element objects and contain more information.

The previous APIs dwLanePlan_getLaneForNextWaitConditionAt(), dwLanePlan_getLaneForNextWaitCondition() are not supported through direct API as the has changed to use via local map. The usage to get new wait elements is through the LocalMap interface dwLocalMap_initialize(), dwLocalMap_bindOutput(), dwLocalMap_computeLaneGraphFromRelativePose() and dwLocalMap_bindWaitElementGroupsBuffer(). Clients can process new wait elements ego lane graph information find the next wait element in the lane plan.


This release adds the functionality of localization with radar, lidar, and the fusion of localization with any combination of camera, radar, and liar sensors. To facilitate these new functions, we have renamed the following old localization types and functions to be for camera only:

The following functions have been generalized to be used for camera, radar, and lidar localization:

The following new types and functions have been added:

We have also renamed, reordered, and added variables in dwLocalizationResult struct:


Lane Planner

The dwLanePlanner_run() function now accepts a list of target lane pointers instead of a target road segment. To get the same behavior, a list of pointers to the lanes in the road segment can be passed as target lanes:

std::vector<const dwMapsLane*> targetLanes;
for (uint32_t laneIdx = 0; laneIdx < targetRS->laneCount; ++laneIdx)
dwLanePlanner_run(... ,, static_cast<uint32_t>(targetLanes.size()), ...)