NvMatrix.h File Reference

Basic matrix classes with math operations. More...

#include <NvFoundation.h>

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class  nv::matrix4< T >


template<class T >
matrix4< T > nv::inverse (const matrix4< T > &m)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > nv::transpose (const matrix4< T > &m)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::rotationX (matrix4< T > &M, const T angle)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::rotationY (matrix4< T > &M, const T angle)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::rotationZ (matrix4< T > &M, const T angle)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::rotationYawPitchRoll (matrix4< T > &M, const T yaw, const T pitch, const T roll)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::translation (matrix4< T > &M, const T tx, const T ty, const T tz)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::lookAt (matrix4< T > &M, const vec3< T > &eye, const vec3< T > &center, const vec3< T > &up)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::frustum (matrix4< T > &M, const T l, const T r, const T b, const T t, const T n, const T f)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::perspective (matrix4< T > &M, const T fovy, const T aspect, const T n, const T f)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::perspectivex (matrix4< T > &M, const T fovx, const T aspect, const T near, const T far)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::ortho2D (matrix4< T > &M, T left, T right, T bottom, T top)
template<class T >
matrix4< T > & nv::ortho3D (matrix4< T > &M, T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T zNear, T zFar)

Detailed Description

Basic matrix classes with math operations.