Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
nvidia::apex::DestructibleChunkDesc Class Reference

#include <DestructibleAsset.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvidia::apex::DestructibleChunkDesc:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

PX_INLINE DestructibleChunkDesc ()
 constructor sets to default.
PX_INLINE void setToDefault ()
 (re)sets the structure to the default.
PX_INLINE bool isValid () const

Public Attributes

bool isSupportChunk
bool doNotFracture
bool doNotDamage
bool doNotCrumble
bool runtimeFracture
bool useInstancedRendering
PxVec3 instancePositionOffset
PxVec2 instanceUVOffset
uint16_t meshIndex
int32_t parentIndex
PxVec3 surfaceNormal
int8_t behaviorGroupIndex
uint32_t scatterMeshCount
const uint8_t * scatterMeshIndices
const PxMat44 * scatterMeshTransforms

Detailed Description

Destructible authoring structure.

Descriptor to build one chunk in a fracture hierarchy.

Member Function Documentation

PX_INLINE bool nvidia::apex::DestructibleChunkDesc::isValid ( ) const

Returns true iff an object can be created using this descriptor.

Reimplemented from nvidia::apex::ApexDesc.

Member Data Documentation

Referring to the behavior group used of this chunk, please check DestructibleAssetCookingDesc::behaviorGroupDescs for more detail.

Defines the chunk to be uncrumbleable. This means this chunk will not be broken down into fluid mesh particles no matter how much damage it takes. Note: this only applies to chunks with no children. For a chunk with children, then: 1) The chunk may be broken down into its children, and then its children may be crumbled, if the doNotCrumble flag is not set on them. 2) If the Destructible module's chunk depth offset LOD may be set such that this chunk effectively has no children. In this case, the doNotCrumble flag will apply to it.

Defines the chunk to be undamageable. This means this chunk will not fracture, but its children might.

Defines the chunk to be unfractureable. If this is true, then none of its children will be fractureable.

Translation for this chunk mesh within the asset. Normally a chunk needs no translation, but if a chunk is instanced within the asset, then this translation is needed. Default = (0,0,0).

UV translation for this chunk mesh within the asset. Normally a chunk needs no UV translation, but if a chunk is instanced within the asset, then this translation is usually needed. Default = (0,0).

Defines the chunk to be environmentally supported, if the appropriate DestructibleParametersFlag flags are set in DestructibleParameters.

If useInstancedRendering = TRUE, this index is the instanced mesh index. If useInstancedRendering = FALSE, this index is the mesh part index for the skinned or statically rendered mesh. This must index a valid DestructibleGeometryDesc (see below). Default = 0xFFFF (invalid).

The parent index of this chunk. If the index is negative, this is a root chunk. Default = -1.

Defines the chunk to use run-time, dynamic fracturing. The chunk will use the fracture pattern provided by the asset to guide it's fracture. The resulting chunks will follow a similar process for subdivision.

The number of scatter mesh instances on this chunk. Default = 0.

Array of indices corresponding the scatter mesh assets set using DestructibleAssetAuthoring::setScatterMeshAssets(). The array length must be at least scatterMeshCount. This pointer may be NULL if scatterMeshCount = 0. Default = NULL.

Array of chunk-relative transforms corresponding the scatter mesh assets set using DestructibleAssetAuthoring::setScatterMeshAssets(). The array length must be at least scatterMeshCount. This pointer may be NULL if scatterMeshCount = 0. Default = NULL.

A direction used to move the chunk out of the destructible, if an impact kick is applied.

Whether or not to use instancing when rendering this chunk. If useInstancedRendering = TRUE, this chunk will share a draw call with all others that instance the mesh indexed by meshIndex. This may extend to other destructible actors created from this asset. If useInstancedRendering = FALSE, this chunk may share a draw call only with other chunks in this asset which have useInstancedRendering = FALSE. Default = FALSE.

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Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:07

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