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nvidia::apex Namespace Reference

apex namespace More...


namespace  APEX_ATTRACT

The APEX_ATTRACT namespace contains the defines for setting the preview detail levels.

namespace  APEX_JET

The APEX_JET namespace contains the defines for setting the preview detail levels.

namespace  APEX_NOISE

The APEX_NOISE namespace contains the defines for setting the preview detail levels.

namespace  APEX_TURBO

The APEX_TURBO namespace contains the defines for setting the preview detail levels.

namespace  APEX_VORTEX

The APEX_VORTEX namespace contains the defines for setting the preview detail levels.

namespace  APEX_WIND

The APEX_WIND namespace contains the defines for setting the preview detail levels.


class  PhysX3DescTemplate
class  Actor
 Base class for APEX module objects. More...
class  ActorSource
 Base class for APEX classes that spawn PhysX SDK Actors. More...
class  ApexDesc
 Base class for all APEX Descriptor classes. More...
class  ApexInterface
 Base class for all interface classes implemented by APEX SDK. More...
class  GroupsMask64
 64-bit mask used for collision filtering between IOSes and Field Samplers. More...
struct  GroupsFilterOp
 Collision groups filtering operations. More...
class  ApexSDKDesc
 Descriptor class for ApexSDK. More...
class  ApexSDK
 The ApexSDK abstraction. Manages scenes and modules. More...
class  ModuleCachedData
 Cached data is stored per-module. More...
class  ApexSDKCachedData
 A method for storing actor data in a scene. More...
class  Asset
 Base class of all APEX assets. More...
class  AssetAuthoring
 base class of all APEX asset authoring classes More...
class  AssetPreview
 Base class of all APEX asset previews. More...
class  AssetPreviewScene
 An APEX class for. More...
class  AttractorFSActor
 AttractorFS Actor class. More...
class  AttractorFSPreview
 This class provides the asset preview for APEX AttractorFS Assets. The class provides multiple levels of prevew detail that can be selected individually. More...
class  BasicFSAsset
 BasicFS Asset class. More...
class  BasicFSAssetAuthoring
 BasicFS Asset Authoring class. More...
class  JetFSActor
 JetFS Actor class. More...
class  JetFSPreview
 This class provides the asset preview for APEX TurbulenceFS Assets. The class provides multiple levels of prevew detail that can be selected individually. More...
class  ModuleBasicFS
 BasicFS module class. More...
class  NoiseFSActor
 JetFS Actor class. More...
class  NoiseFSPreview
 This class provides the asset preview for APEX NoiseFS Assets. The class provides multiple levels of prevew detail that can be selected individually. More...
class  VortexFSActor
 VortexFS Actor class. More...
class  VortexFSPreview
 This class provides the asset preview for APEX VortexFS Assets. The class provides multiple levels of prevew detail that can be selected individually. More...
class  WindFSActor
 WindFS Actor class. More...
class  WindFSPreview
 This class provides the asset preview for APEX WindFS Assets. The class provides multiple levels of prevew detail that can be selected individually. More...
class  BasicIosActor
 BasicIOS Actor. A simple actor that simulates a particle system. More...
class  BasicIosAsset
 APEX Particle System Asset. More...
class  BasicIosAssetAuthoring
 APEX Particle System Asset Authoring class. More...
class  ModuleBasicIos
 BasicIOS Module. More...
struct  ClothingTeleportMode
 selects the mode the clothing actor will be in the simulation frame More...
class  ClothingActor
 Instance of ClothingAsset. Can be positioned, animated, updated and rendered. More...
struct  ClothSolverMode
 Describes the solver that is used to simulate the clothing actor. More...
struct  ClothingMeshSkinningMap
 Maps from a triangle of the simulated mesh to a vertex of the rendered mesh. The barycentric coordinates describe the position of a point in space relative to a simulated triangle. The actual z-coordinate is computed by bary.z = 1 - bary.x - bary.y. The z part of the vector contains the height of the skinned vertex along the normal of the simulated triangle. More...
class  ClothingAsset
 A clothing asset. It contains all the static and shared data for a given piece of clothing. More...
class  ClothingAssetAuthoring
 The clothing authoring asset. This is used to generate streams that can then be deserialized into a regular asset. More...
struct  ClothingCollisionType
 Type of the ClothingCollision. More...
class  ClothingCollision
 Base class of all clothing collision types. More...
class  ClothingPlane
 Plane collision of a clothing actor. More...
class  ClothingConvex
 Convex collision of a clothing actor. More...
class  ClothingSphere
 Sphere collision of a clothing actor. More...
class  ClothingCapsule
 Capsule collision of a clothing actor. More...
class  ClothingTriangleMesh
 Triangle mesh collision of a clothing actor. More...
struct  ClothingConstrainCoefficients
 Constrain coefficients of the physical mesh vertices. More...
struct  ClothingPhysicalMeshStats
 Contains the data for handing out statistics about a ClothingPhysicalMesh. More...
class  ClothingPhysicalMesh
 Holder for a physical mesh, this can be generated through various ways (see single- and multi-layered clothing) or hand crafted. More...
class  ClothingPreview
 A lightweight preview of a ClothingActor that will not perform any simulation. More...
class  ClothingRenderProxy
 Instance of ClothingRenderProxy. This is the renderable of a clothing actor. The data in this object is consistent until it is returned to APEX with the release() call. More...
class  ClothingVelocityCallback
 container class for the velocity shader callback. More...
class  ModuleClothing
 APEX Clothing Module. More...
class  Context
 A container for Actors. More...
class  RenderableIterator
 Iterate over all renderable Actors in an Context. More...
struct  ConvexHullMethod
 Method by which chunk mesh collision hulls are generated. More...
class  CudaTestManager
 A class that set information on kernels should be tested and give directive for creation ApexCudaTestContext. More...
struct  Vec2T
 A trivial templatized math vector type for pairs. More...
class  Curve
class  CustomBufferIterator
 This class is used to access specific elements in an untyped chunk of memory. More...
struct  DestructibleEmitterType
struct  DestructibleParameterizedType
struct  DestructibleHitChunk
struct  DestructibleActorSyncFlags
struct  DestructiblePhysXActorQueryFlags
struct  DestructibleActorSyncState
struct  DestructibleChunkSyncState
struct  DestructibleActorChunkFlags
class  DestructibleActor
class  DestructibleActorJointDesc
class  DestructibleActorJoint
struct  DestructibleDepthParametersFlag
 PX_PS4. More...
struct  DestructibleDepthParameters
struct  DestructibleRTFractureParameters
struct  DestructibleParametersFlag
struct  DestructibleParameters
struct  DestructibleInitParametersFlag
struct  DestructibleInitParameters
struct  DamageSpreadFunction
class  DestructibleBehaviorGroupDesc
class  DestructibleChunkDesc
class  DestructibleGeometryDesc
class  DestructibleAssetCookingDesc
struct  DestructibleAssetStats
class  DestructibleAssetAuthoring
class  DestructibleAsset
class  DestructiblePreview
 Destructible module's derivation AssetPreview. More...
class  DestructibleRenderable
struct  ExplicitVertexFormat
struct  ExplicitSubmeshData
struct  CollisionVolumeDesc
struct  CollisionDesc
struct  FractureMethod
struct  FractureMaterialDesc
struct  MaterialFrame
class  DisplacementMapVolume
struct  BSPOpenMode
class  ExplicitHierarchicalMesh
class  FractureToolsAPI
struct  ApexChunkFlag
struct  ChunkData
struct  DamageEventReportData
struct  DestructibleChunkEvent
struct  ChunkStateEventData
class  UserChunkReport
struct  ChunkParticleReportData
class  UserChunkParticleReport
class  UserDestructiblePhysXActorReport
struct  ModuleDestructibleConst
struct  DestructibleActorMeshType
struct  DamageEventCoreData
struct  ImpactDamageEventData
class  UserImpactDamageReport
class  UserDestructibleSyncHandler
struct  DamageEventHeader
struct  DamageEventUnit
struct  FractureEventHeader
struct  FractureEventUnit
struct  ChunkTransformHeader
struct  ChunkTransformUnit
struct  DestructibleActorRaycastFlags
struct  DestructibleCallbackSchedule
class  ModuleDestructible
class  EmitterActor
 Apex emitter actor class. Emits particles within a given shape. More...
class  EmitterAsset
 APEX Emitter asset. Emits particles within some shape. More...
class  EmitterAssetAuthoring
 APEX Emitter Asset Authoring. Used to create APEX Emitter assets. More...
struct  EmitterType
 Emitter type. More...
class  EmitterGeom
 Base class for all emitter shapes. More...
class  EmitterGeomSphereShell
 Sphere shell shape for an emitter. It's a shape formed by the difference of two cocentered spheres. More...
class  EmitterGeomSphere
 Spherical shape for an emitter. More...
class  EmitterGeomCylinder
 Cylindrical shape for an emitter. More...
class  EmitterGeomBox
 Box shape for an emitter. More...
class  EmitterGeomExplicit
 Explicit geometry. Coordinates of each particle are given explicitly. More...
class  EmitterLodParamDesc
 LOD parameters fro emitters. More...
class  EmitterPreview
class  MaterialLookupCallback
 a user calback interface used to map raycast hitpoints to material ID If an instance of this class is registered with a ground emitter actor, the actor will call requestMaterialLookups() in lieu of doing raycasts. The call will occur from within the scope of the ApexScene thread, so the callback must be thread safe. More...
class  GroundEmitterActor
 Ground Emitter actor. Uses raycasts against ground to spawn particles. More...
class  GroundEmitterAsset
 Ground emitter asset. Used to create Ground emitter actors with specific properties. More...
class  GroundEmitterAssetAuthoring
 Ground emitter authoring class. Used to create Ground emitter assets. More...
class  GroundEmitterPreview
 Ground emitter preview class. Use for preview rendering. More...
class  ImpactEmitterActor
 Impact emitter actor. Emits particles at impact places. More...
class  ImpactEmitterAsset
 Impact emitter asset class. More...
class  ImpactEmitterAssetAuthoring
 Impact emitter asset authoring. Used to create Impact Emitter assets. More...
class  ImpactEmitterPreview
 Impact emitter preview. Used for preview rendering of the emitter actors. More...
class  ModuleEmitter
 An APEX Module that provides generic Emitter classes. More...
class  FieldSamplerWeightedCollisionFilterCallback
 This is an optional callback interface for collision filtering between field samplers and other objects If this interface is not provided, then collision filtering happens normally through the default scene simulationfiltershader callback However, if this is provided, then the user can no only return true/false to indicate whether or not the two objects should interact but can also assign a weighted multiplier value to control how strongly the two objects should interact. More...
class  ModuleFieldSampler
 FieldSampler module class. More...
class  ForceFieldActor
 ForceField Actor. More...
class  ForceFieldAsset
 ForceField Asset. More...
class  ForceFieldAssetAuthoring
 ForceField Asset Authoring. More...
class  ForceFieldPreview
 APEX asset preview force field asset. More...
class  ModuleForceField
 ForceField Module. More...
class  IofxActor
 IOFX actor public interface. More...
class  IofxAsset
 IOFX Asset public interface. Used to define the way the visual parameters are created from physical parameters of a particle. More...
class  IofxAssetAuthoring
 IOFX Asset Authoring public interface. More...
struct  IofxSharedRenderData
 IofxSharedRenderData stores common render data shared by several IOFX Renderables. More...
struct  IofxSpriteSharedRenderData
 IofxSpriteSharedRenderData stores sprite render data shared by several IOFX Renderables. More...
struct  IofxMeshSharedRenderData
 IofxMeshSharedRenderData stores mesh render data shared by several IOFX Renderables. More...
struct  IofxCommonRenderData
 IofxCommonRenderData stores common render data for one IOFX Renderable. More...
struct  IofxSpriteRenderData
 IofxSpriteRenderData stores sprite render data for one IOFX Renderable. More...
struct  IofxMeshRenderData
 IofxMeshRenderData stores mesh render data for one IOFX Renderable. More...
class  IofxRenderable
 The IOFX renderable represents a unit of rendering. It contains complete information to render a batch of particles with the same material/mesh in the same render volume. More...
struct  IofxRenderSemantic
 Enumerates the potential IOFX render semantics. More...
struct  IofxSpriteRenderLayoutElement
 Enumerates the potential IOFX mesh render layout elements. More...
struct  IofxSpriteRenderLayoutSurfaceElement
 Enumerates the potential IOFX sprite render layout surface elements. More...
struct  IofxSpriteRenderLayout
 Describes the layout for sprite rendering. More...
struct  IofxMeshRenderLayoutElement
 Enumerates the potential IOFX mesh render layout elements. More...
struct  IofxMeshRenderLayout
 Describes the layout for mesh rendering. More...
class  IofxRenderCallback
 User defined callback for IOFX rendering. More...
class  Modifier
 Modifier contains all of the data necessary to apply a single modifier type to a particle system. More...
class  ModifierT
 ModifierT is a helper class to handle the mapping of Type->Enum and Enum->Type. More...
class  RotationModifier
 RotationModifier applies rotation to the particles using one of several rotation models. More...
class  SimpleScaleModifier
 SimpleScaleModifier just applies a simple scale factor to each of the X, Y and Z aspects of the model. Each scalefactor can be applied independently. More...
class  ScaleByMassModifier
 ScaleByMassModifier scales by mass of the particle. More...
class  RandomScaleModifier
 RandomScaleModifier applies a random scale uniformly to all three dimensions. Currently, the scale is a uniform in the range specified. More...
class  ColorVsLifeModifier
 ColorVsLifeModifier modifies the color constants associated with a particle depending on the life remaining of the particle. More...
class  ColorVsDensityModifier
 ColorVsDensityModifier modifies the color constants associated with a particle depending on the density of the particle. More...
class  SubtextureVsLifeModifier
 SubtextureVsLifeModifier is a modifier to adjust the subtexture id versus the life remaining of a particular particle. More...
class  OrientAlongVelocityModifier
 OrientAlongVelocity is a modifier to orient a mesh so that a particular axis coincides with the velocity vector. More...
class  ScaleAlongVelocityModifier
 ScaleAlongVelocityModifier is a modifier to apply a scale factor along the current velocity vector. More...
class  RandomSubtextureModifier
 RandomSubtextureModifier generates a random subtexture ID and places it in the subTextureId field. More...
class  RandomRotationModifier
 RandomRotationModifier will choose a random orientation for a sprite particle within the range as specified below. More...
class  ScaleVsLifeModifier
 ScaleVsLifeModifier applies a scale factor function against a single axis versus the life remaining. More...
class  ScaleVsDensityModifier
 ScaleVsDensityModifier applies a scale factor function against a single axis versus the density of the particle. More...
class  ScaleVsCameraDistanceModifier
 ScaleVsCameraDistance applies a scale factor against a specific axis based on distance from the camera to the particle. More...
class  ViewDirectionSortingModifier
 ViewDirectionSortingModifier sorts sprite particles along view direction back to front. More...
class  RotationRateModifier
 RotationRateModifier is a modifier to apply a continuous rotation for sprites. More...
class  RotationRateVsLifeModifier
 RotationRateVsLifeModifier is a modifier to adjust the rotation rate versus the life remaining of a particular particle. More...
class  OrientScaleAlongScreenVelocityModifier
 OrientScaleAlongScreenVelocityModifier is a modifier to orient & scale sprites along the current screen velocity vector. More...
class  ColorVsVelocityModifier
 ColorVsVelocityModifier modifies the color constants associated with a particle depending on the velocity of the particle. More...
struct  ApexMeshParticleRollType
 Roll type of a particle. More...
class  IofxRenderableIterator
 Iterate over all renderables in IOFX module. IMPORTANT: release() should be called for each returned not-NULL renderable! More...
class  ModuleIofx
 IOFX Module. More...
class  RenderVolume
 An object which "owns" a volume of world space. More...
class  IosAsset
 The base class of all Instanced Object Simulation classes. More...
class  IProgressListener
 User-provided class for following the progress of a task. More...
class  ModuleIofxLegacy
 ModuleIofx interface used in APEXSDK before v. 1.4. More...
class  ModuleLoader
 The ModuleLoader is a utility class for loading APEX modules. More...
class  ReadLock
 RAII wrapper for the Scene read lock. More...
class  WriteLock
 RAII wrapper for the Scene write lock. More...
class  MirrorScene
 MirrorScene is used to create a selected mirrored copy of a primary scene. Works only with PhysX 3.x. More...
struct  RenderLockMode
 Render lock modes. These are used per-module to determine how render locking is done. More...
struct  Range
 A structure that holds two templated values, a min and a max. More...
class  Module
 base class of all APEX modules More...
class  EffectPackageActor
 Defines the EffectPackageActor API which is instantiated from an EffectPackageAsset. More...
class  EffectPackageAsset
 Describes an EffectPackageAsset; a collection of particle related effects (emitters, field samplers, etc.) More...
class  EffectPackageAssetAuthoring
 Describes an EffectPackageAssetAuthoring class; not currently used. The ParticleEffectTool is used to author EffectPackageAssets. More...
class  ModuleParticles
 Defines the API for the Particles Module. More...
class  ParticlesPreview
 APEX asset preview wind asset. More...
class  PhysXObjectDesc
 PhysX object descriptor. More...
class  ModuleParticleIos
 ParticleIOS Module - Manages PhysX 3.0 PxParticleSystem and PxParticleFluid simulations. More...
class  ParticleIosActor
 ParticleIOS Actor. A simple actor that simulates a particle system. More...
class  ParticleIosAsset
 APEX Particle System Asset. More...
class  ParticleIosAssetAuthoring
 APEX Particle System Asset Authoring class. More...
class  PxStreamFromFileBuf
 A wrapper class that provides an NvStream API for a PxFileBuf. More...
class  Renderable
 Base class of any actor that can be rendered. More...
class  RenderSemanticData
 Describes the data location and layout of a single semantic. More...
class  RenderBufferData
 Describes all of the semantics of a render buffer. More...
class  ModuleSpecificRenderBufferData
 Describes data semantics provided by a particular module. More...
class  RenderContext
 Describes the context of a renderable object. More...
struct  RenderDataFormat
 Enumeration of possible formats of various buffer semantics. More...
class  RenderDataProvider
 An actor instance that provides renderable data. More...
class  PhysXRenderBuffer
 This is a helper class implementation of PxRenderBuffer that holds the counts and pointers for renderable data. Does not own the memory, simply used to transfer the state. The append method is not supported. More...
class  RenderDebugInterface
 wrapper for DebugRenderable More...
class  VertexBuffer
 a vertex buffer that supports multiple formats More...
class  RenderSubmesh
 a mesh that has only one material (or render state, in general) More...
struct  RenderMeshActorRaycastFlags
 Flags used for raycasting an RenderMeshActor. More...
struct  RenderMeshActorRaycastHitData
 Return data from raycasting an RenderMeshActor. More...
class  RenderMeshActor
 Renderable mesh (dynamic data associated with RenderMeshAsset) More...
class  RenderMeshActorDesc
 Descriptor for creating a rendering mesh (collection of parts and submesh extra data) More...
struct  RenderMeshAssetStats
 Stats for an RenderMeshAsset: memory usage, counts, etc. More...
struct  RenderMeshAssetInstanceMode
 Instance buffer data mode. DEPRECATED, to be removed by APEX 1.0. More...
struct  VertexColor
 The full RGBA color of a vertex. More...
struct  VertexUV
 a simple u, v coordinate struct More...
struct  Vertex
 An inefficient vertex description used for authoring. More...
struct  ExplicitRenderTriangle
 A less inefficient triangle description used for authoring. More...
struct  RenderMeshPartData
 Descriptor for creating a rendering mesh part. More...
class  RenderMeshAssetAuthoring
 Authoring interface for an RenderMeshAsset. More...
class  RenderMeshAsset
 Rendering mesh (data) class. More...
class  ResourceCallback
 User defined callback for resource management. More...
class  ResourceProvider
 A user provided class for mapping names to pointers or integers. More...
class  RWLockable
 Base class for any rw-lockable object implemented by APEX SDK. More...
class  PhysX3Interface
 Interface used to call setter function for PhysX 3.0. More...
class  SceneDesc
 Data used to initialize a new Scene. More...
struct  StatDataType
 APEX stat struct that contains the type enums. More...
struct  oaValueStruct
 data value definitions for stats (derived from openautomate) More...
struct  StatsInfo
 data value definitions for stats More...
struct  SceneStats
 Per scene statistics. More...
struct  ViewMatrixType
 Types of view matrices handled by APEX. More...
struct  ProjMatrixType
 Types of projection matrices handled by APEX. More...
struct  UserBoundingBoxFlags
 Enum of the bounding box types. More...
class  Scene
 An APEX wrapper for an PxScene. More...
class  ScopedPhysXLockRead
 This helper class creates a scoped read access to the PhysX SDK API. More...
class  ScopedPhysXLockWrite
 This helper class creates a scoped write access to the PhysX SDK API. More...
class  Shape
 Describes the format of an Shape. More...
class  SphereShape
 helper Sphere shape More...
class  CapsuleShape
 helper the capsule is oriented along the y axis by default and its total height is height+2*radius More...
class  BoxShape
 helper Box shape More...
class  HalfSpaceShape
 helper HalfSpace shape More...
class  TestFunctionInterface
class  TestBase
class  FlameEmitterActor
 Flame Emitter Actor class. More...
class  FlameEmitterAsset
 Flame Emitter Asset class. More...
class  FlameEmitterAssetAuthoring
 Flame Emitter Asset Authoring class. More...
class  FlameEmitterPreview
 This class provides the asset preview for APEX Flame Emitter Assets. More...
class  HeatSourceActor
 Turbulence HeatSource Actor class. More...
class  HeatSourceAsset
 Turbulence FieldSampler Asset class. More...
class  HeatSourceAssetAuthoring
 Turbulence FieldSampler Asset Authoring class. More...
class  HeatSourcePreview
 This class provides the asset preview for APEX HeatSource Assets. More...
class  ModuleTurbulenceFS
 Class for TurbulenceFS module. More...
class  SubstanceSourceActor
 Turbulence ScalarSource Actor class. More...
class  SubstanceSourceAsset
 Turbulence FieldSampler Asset class. More...
class  SubstanceSourceAssetAuthoring
 Turbulence FieldSampler Asset Authoring class. More...
class  TurbulenceFSActor
 Turbulence FieldSampler Actor class. More...
class  TurbulenceFSAsset
 Turbulence FieldSampler Asset class. More...
class  TurbulenceFSAssetAuthoring
 Turbulence FieldSampler Asset Authoring class. More...
class  TurbulenceFSPreview
 This class provides the asset preview for APEX TurbulenceFS Assets. The class provides multiple levels of prevew detail that can be selected individually. More...
struct  TurbulenceFieldType
 Render surface field type. More...
struct  TurbulenceRenderData
 TurbulenceRenderData stores render data for one Turbulence Renderable. More...
class  TurbulenceRenderable
 The Turbulence renderable represents a unit of rendering. More...
struct  TurbulenceVelocityFormat
 Velocity format for Turbulence rendering. More...
struct  TurbulenceDensityFormat
 Density format for Turbulence rendering. More...
struct  TurbulenceFlameFormat
 Flame format for Turbulence rendering. More...
struct  TurbulenceRenderLayout
 Render layout for Turbulence rendering. More...
class  TurbulenceRenderCallback
 User defined callback for Turbulence rendering. More...
class  VelocitySourceActor
 Turbulence VelocitySource Actor class. More...
class  VelocitySourceAsset
 Turbulence FieldSampler Asset class. More...
class  VelocitySourceAssetAuthoring
 Turbulence FieldSampler Asset Authoring class. More...
class  VelocitySourcePreview
 This class provides the asset preview for APEX VelocitySource Assets. More...
class  UserOpaqueMeshDesc
 Opaque mesh description. More...
class  UserOpaqueMesh
 An abstract interface to an opaque mesh. More...
class  RenderBoneBufferData
 type of the bone buffer data More...
class  UserRenderBoneBuffer
 Used for storing skeletal bone information used during skinning. More...
struct  RenderBoneSemantic
 The semantics available for bone buffers. More...
class  UserRenderBoneBufferDesc
 Descriptor to generate a bone buffer. More...
struct  RenderInteropFlags
 Render interop flags. More...
struct  RenderMapType
 Render map type. More...
class  UserRenderData
 User render data. More...
class  UserRenderDataHolder
 User render data holder. More...
class  UserRenderStorage
 User render storage. More...
struct  UserRenderBufferDesc
 User render buffer desc. More...
class  UserRenderBuffer
 User render buffer. More...
struct  UserRenderSurfaceDesc
 User render surface desc. More...
class  UserRenderSurface
 User render surface. More...
class  UserRenderCallback
 User render callback. More...
class  UserRenderer
 User provided renderer interface. More...
class  UserRenderIndexBuffer
 Used for storing index data for rendering. More...
class  UserRenderIndexBufferDesc
 PX_PS4. More...
class  RenderInstanceBufferData
 The instance buffer type (deprecated) More...
class  UserRenderInstanceBuffer
 Used for storing per-instance data for rendering. More...
struct  RenderInstanceSemantic
 PX_PS4. More...
struct  RenderInstanceLayoutElement
 potential semantics of a sprite buffer More...
class  UserRenderInstanceBufferDesc
 Describes the data and layout of an instance buffer. More...
class  UserRenderResource
 An abstract interface to a renderable resource. More...
class  UserRenderResourceDesc
 Describes all the data that makes up a renderable resource. More...
struct  RenderPrimitiveType
 Describe the implied vertex ordering. More...
struct  RenderCullMode
 Possible triangle culling modes. More...
struct  RenderBufferHint
 Hint of the buffer data lifespan. More...
class  UserRenderResourceManager
 User defined renderable resource manager. More...
class  RenderSpriteBufferData
 Sprite buffer data (deprecated) More...
class  UserRenderSpriteBuffer
 Used for storing per-sprite instance data for rendering. More...
struct  RenderSpriteSemantic
 PX_PS4. More...
struct  RenderSpriteLayoutElement
 potential semantics of a sprite buffer More...
struct  RenderSpriteTextureLayout
 Struct for sprite texture layout info. More...
class  UserRenderSpriteTextureDesc
 Class for storing sprite texture render data. More...
class  UserRenderSpriteBufferDesc
 describes the semantics and layout of a sprite buffer More...
class  RenderSurfaceBufferData
 surface buffer data More...
class  UserRenderSurfaceBuffer
 Used for storing per-vertex data for rendering. More...
class  UserRenderSurfaceBufferDesc
 Describes the semantics and layout of a Surface buffer. More...
class  RenderVertexBufferData
 vertex buffer data More...
class  UserRenderVertexBuffer
 Used for storing per-vertex data for rendering. More...
struct  RenderVertexSemantic
 Potential semantics of a vertex buffer. More...
struct  TextureUVOrigin
 Texture UV direction convention. More...
class  UserRenderVertexBufferDesc
 Describes the semantics and layout of a vertex buffer. More...
struct  ColorRGBA
 Color stored in 32 bits. More...
struct  RenderDataAccess
 Type of render data. More...
class  VertexFormat
 Describes the format of an VertexBuffer. More...


typedef unsigned int AuthObjTypeID
 Integer values, each representing a unique authorable object class/type.
typedef Vec2T< float > Vec2R
 Vec2R is a helpful typedef for a pair of 32bit floats.
typedef struct
 data value definitions for stats (derived from openautomate)


enum  ApexCreateError {
 These errors are returned by the CreateApexSDK() and ApexSDK::createModule() functions. More...
enum  ApexSDKVersionString {
  VERSION = 0,
  BRANCH = 3,
  AUTHOR = 5,
  REASON = 6
 These values are used to select version string GetApexSDKVersionString function should return. More...
enum  ModifierTypeEnum {
  ModifierType_Invalid = 0,
  ModifierType_Rotation = 1,
  ModifierType_SimpleScale = 2,
  ModifierType_RandomScale = 3,
  ModifierType_ColorVsLife = 4,
  ModifierType_ColorVsDensity = 5,
  ModifierType_SubtextureVsLife = 6,
  ModifierType_OrientAlongVelocity = 7,
  ModifierType_ScaleAlongVelocity = 8,
  ModifierType_RandomSubtexture = 9,
  ModifierType_RandomRotation = 10,
  ModifierType_ScaleVsLife = 11,
  ModifierType_ScaleVsDensity = 12,
  ModifierType_ScaleVsCameraDistance = 13,
  ModifierType_ViewDirectionSorting = 14,
  ModifierType_RotationRate = 15,
  ModifierType_RotationRateVsLife = 16,
  ModifierType_OrientScaleAlongScreenVelocity = 17,
  ModifierType_ScaleByMass = 18,
  ModifierType_ColorVsVelocity = 19,
 Modifiers list. More...
enum  ModifierStage {
  ModifierStage_Spawn = 0,
  ModifierStage_Continuous = 1,
 Stage at which the modifier is applied. More...
enum  ColorChannel {
  ColorChannel_Red = 0,
  ColorChannel_Green = 1,
  ColorChannel_Blue = 2,
  ColorChannel_Alpha = 3
 Color channel.
enum  ScaleAxis {
  ScaleAxis_X = 0,
  ScaleAxis_Y = 1,
  ScaleAxis_Z = 2
 Scale axis.
enum  ModifierUsage {
  ModifierUsage_Spawn = 0x01,
  ModifierUsage_Continuous = 0x02,
  ModifierUsage_Sprite = 0x04,
  ModifierUsage_Mesh = 0x08
 Modifier usage.
enum  EffectType {


APEX_API int CALL_CONV GetSuggestedCudaDeviceOrdinal (PxErrorCallback &errc)
 Ask the NVIDIA control panel which GPU has been selected for use by PhysX. Returns -1 if no PhysX capable GPU is found or GPU PhysX has been disabled.
APEX_API PxCudaContextManager
CreateCudaContextManager (const PxCudaContextManagerDesc &desc, PxErrorCallback &errorCallback)
 Allocate a CUDA Context manager, complete with heaps and task dispatcher. You only need one CUDA context manager per GPU device you intend to use for CUDA tasks. If mgr is NULL, no profiling of CUDA code will be possible.
APEX_API ApexSDK *CALL_CONV CreateApexSDK (const ApexSDKDesc &desc, ApexCreateError *errorCode=NULL, uint32_t APEXsdkVersion=APEX_SDK_VERSION, PxAllocatorCallback *alloc=0)
 Global function to create the SDK object. APEX_SDK_VERSION must be passed for the APEXsdkVersion.
 Returns global SDK pointer.
APEX_API const char *CALL_CONV GetApexSDKVersionString (ApexSDKVersionString versionString)
 Returns version strings.
void instantiateModuleClothing ()
void instantiateModuleDestructible ()
PX_PUSH_PACK_DEFAULT uint32_t ModifierUsageFromStage (ModifierStage stage)
 Converts ModifierStage to bitmap.
void instantiateModuleLegacy ()
void instantiateModuleLoader ()
void instantiateModuleParticles ()
void instantiateModuleTurbulenceFS ()
 If this module is distributed as a static library, the user must call this function before calling ApexSDK::createModule("Turbulence")


const char * 
 Usual typedef.

Detailed Description

apex namespace

Enumeration Type Documentation

These errors are returned by the CreateApexSDK() and ApexSDK::createModule() functions.


No errors occurred when creating the Physics SDK.


Unable to find the libraries. For statically linked APEX, a module specific instantiate function must be called prior to the createModule call.


The application supplied a version number that does not match with the libraries.


The supplied descriptor is invalid.


This module cannot be created by the application, it is created via a parent module use as APEX_Particles or APEX_Legacy.

These values are used to select version string GetApexSDKVersionString function should return.


APEX version.


APEX build changelist.


APEX tools build changelist.


APEX branch used to create build.


Time at which the build was created.


Author of the build.


Reason to prepare the build.

This enum is used to identity what 'type' of effect

Stage at which the modifier is applied.


at the spawn


on every frame

Modifiers list.

These are serialized to disk, so if you reorder them or change existing modifier types, you will need to version the stream and map the old values to the new values. If new values are just appended, no other special care needs to be handled.

Function Documentation

void nvidia::apex::instantiateModuleClothing ( )

If this module is distributed as a static library, the user must call this function before calling ApexSDK::createModule("Clothing")

void nvidia::apex::instantiateModuleDestructible ( )

If this module is distributed as a static library, the user must call this function before calling ApexSDK::createModule("Destructible")

void nvidia::apex::instantiateModuleLegacy ( )

If this module is distributed as a static library, the user must call this function before calling ApexSDK::createModule("Legacy")

void nvidia::apex::instantiateModuleLoader ( )

If this module is distributed as a static library, the user must call this function before calling ApexSDK::createModule("Loader")

void nvidia::apex::instantiateModuleParticles ( )

If this module is distributed as a static library, the user must call this function before calling ApexSDK::createModule("Particles")

Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:06

Copyright © 2012-2017 NVIDIA Corporation, 2701 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050 U.S.A. All rights reserved.