Public Member Functions
nvidia::apex::ClothingAsset Class Reference

A clothing asset. It contains all the static and shared data for a given piece of clothing. More...

#include <ClothingAsset.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvidia::apex::ClothingAsset:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual uint32_t getNumActors () const =0
 Returns the number of ClothingActors this asset has created.
virtual ClothingActorgetActor (uint32_t index)=0
 Returns the index'th ClothingActor.
virtual PxBounds3 getBoundingBox () const =0
 Returns the bounding box for the asset.
virtual uint32_t getNumGraphicalLodLevels () const =0
 returns the number of LOD levels present in this asset
virtual uint32_t getGraphicalLodValue (uint32_t lodLevel) const =0
 returns the actual LOD value of any particular level, normally this is just the identity map
virtual float getBiggestMaxDistance () const =0
 returns the biggest max distance of any vertex in any physical mesh
virtual ClothSolverMode::Enum getClothSolverMode () const =0
 returns for which solver the asset has been cooked for.
virtual bool remapBoneIndex (const char *name, uint32_t newIndex)=0
 remaps bone with given name to a new index for updateState calls
virtual uint32_t getNumBones () const =0
 Returns the number of bones.
virtual uint32_t getNumUsedBones () const =0
 Returns the number of bones that are actually used. They are the first ones internally.
virtual const char * getBoneName (uint32_t internalIndex) const =0
 Returns the name of the bone at the given internal index.
virtual bool getBoneBasePose (uint32_t internalIndex, PxMat44 &result) const =0
 Returns the bind pose transform for this bone.
virtual void getBoneMapping (uint32_t *internal2externalMap) const =0
 returns the mapping from internal to external indices for a given asset.
virtual const RenderMeshAssetgetRenderMeshAsset (uint32_t lodLevel) const =0
 Gets the RenderMeshAsset associated with this asset.
virtual uint32_t prepareMorphTargetMapping (const PxVec3 *originalPositions, uint32_t numPositions, float epsilon)=0
 Prepares the asset for use with morph target.
virtual uint32_t getMeshSkinningMapSize (uint32_t lod)=0
 Returns the size of the mesh skinning map.
virtual void getMeshSkinningMap (uint32_t lod, ClothingMeshSkinningMap *map)=0
 Provides the mesh to mesh skinning map.
virtual bool releaseGraphicalData ()=0
 Releases all data needed to compute render data in apex clothing.

Detailed Description

A clothing asset. It contains all the static and shared data for a given piece of clothing.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void nvidia::apex::ClothingAsset::getBoneMapping ( uint32_t *  internal2externalMap) const [pure virtual]

returns the mapping from internal to external indices for a given asset.

Use this map to transform all the boneIndices returned from the ClothingPhysicalMesh into the order you specified initially

virtual void nvidia::apex::ClothingAsset::getMeshSkinningMap ( uint32_t  lod,
ClothingMeshSkinningMap map 
) [pure virtual]

Provides the mesh to mesh skinning map.

This map stores for each graphics mesh vertex the corresponding triangle indices of the physics mesh and barycentric coordinates to skin the vertex position, normal and tangent.

This call has the side effect of merging the immediate map into the mesh skinning map. This might affect skinning performance done by APEX.
[in]lodlod for which the map is requested
[out]mapSkinning map
virtual uint32_t nvidia::apex::ClothingAsset::getMeshSkinningMapSize ( uint32_t  lod) [pure virtual]

Returns the size of the mesh skinning map.

This call has the side effect of merging the immediate map into the mesh skinning map. This might affect skinning performance done by APEX.
Number of entries in the map
virtual const RenderMeshAsset* nvidia::apex::ClothingAsset::getRenderMeshAsset ( uint32_t  lodLevel) const [pure virtual]

Gets the RenderMeshAsset associated with this asset.

[in]lodLevelThe LoD level of the render mesh asset
NULL if lodLevel is not valid
See also:
virtual uint32_t nvidia::apex::ClothingAsset::prepareMorphTargetMapping ( const PxVec3 *  originalPositions,
uint32_t  numPositions,
float  epsilon 
) [pure virtual]

Prepares the asset for use with morph target.

When setting morph target displacements, the asset needs to create a mapping of external to internal vertex order. These positions will be matched with the internal mesh positions with a smallest distance criterion.

[in]originalPositionsArray of positions before the morphing is applied.
[in]numPositionsLength of the Array
[in]epsilonDifference two vertices can have before being reported
Number of vertices for which the distance to the next originalPosition was larger than epsilon
virtual bool nvidia::apex::ClothingAsset::remapBoneIndex ( const char *  name,
uint32_t  newIndex 
) [pure virtual]

remaps bone with given name to a new index for updateState calls

This is needed when the order of bones differs from authoring tool to runtime

must be called after asset is deserialized. Changing this any later, especially after the first ClothingActor::updateState call will lead to ill-defined behavior.

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Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:07

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