Classes | Public Member Functions
nvidia::apex::EmitterActor Class Reference

Apex emitter actor class. Emits particles within a given shape. More...

#include <EmitterActor.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvidia::apex::EmitterActor:

List of all members.


class  EmitterValidateCallback

Public Member Functions

virtual EmitterAssetgetEmitterAsset () const =0
 Returns the asset the instance has been created from.
virtual EmitterGeomExplicitisExplicitGeom ()=0
 Returns the explicit geometry for THIS ACTOR only.
virtual PxMat44 getGlobalPose () const =0
 Gets the global pose.
virtual void setCurrentPose (const PxTransform &pose)=0
 Sets the curent pose of the emitter.
virtual void setCurrentPosition (const PxVec3 &pos)=0
 Sets the curent position of the emitter.
virtual void setAttachActor (PxActor *)=0
 PhysX SDK 3.X. Attaches the emitter to an actor.
virtual void setAttachRelativePose (const PxTransform &pose)=0
 sets the relative pose of the emitter in the space of the actor to which it is attached
virtual const PxActor * getAttachActor () const =0
 PhysX SDK 3.X. Retrieves the actor, to which the emitter is attached. NULL is returned for an unattached emitter.
virtual const PxMat44 getAttachRelativePose () const =0
 Retrieves the relative pose of the emitter in the space of the actor to which it is attached.
virtual float getObjectRadius () const =0
 Retrieves the particle radius.
virtual void setOverlapTestCollisionGroups (uint32_t)=0
 Sets collision groups used to reject particles that overlap the geometry.
virtual void startEmit (bool persistent=true)=0
 start emitting particles
virtual void stopEmit ()=0
 Stop emitting particles.
virtual bool isEmitting () const =0
 Returns true if the emitter is emitting particles.
virtual const EmitterLodParamDescgetLodParamDesc () const =0
 Gets LOD settings.
virtual void setLodParamDesc (const EmitterLodParamDesc &)=0
 Sets LOD settings.
virtual void setDensity (const float &)=0
 Sets the range from which the density of particles within the volume is randomly chosen.
virtual void setRate (const float &)=0
 Sets the range from which the emission rate is randomly chosen.
virtual void setVelocityLow (const PxVec3 &)=0
 Sets the range from which the velocity of a particle is randomly chosen.
virtual void setVelocityHigh (const PxVec3 &)=0
 Sets the range from which the velocity of a particle is randomly chosen.
virtual void setLifetimeLow (const float &)=0
 Sets the range from which the lifetime of a particle is randomly chosen.
virtual void setLifetimeHigh (const float &)=0
 Sets the range from which the lifetime of a particle is randomly chosen.
virtual void emitAssetParticles (bool enable)=0
 Sets whether or not authored asset particles are emitted.
virtual bool getEmitAssetParticles () const =0
 Gets whether or not authored asset particles are emitted.
virtual void setPreferredRenderVolume (RenderVolume *volume)=0
 Emitted particles are injected to specified render volume on initial frame.
virtual void getRate (float &) const =0
 Gets the range from which the emission rate is randomly chosen.
virtual uint32_t getSimParticlesCount () const =0
 Returns the number of particles in simulation.
virtual uint32_t getActiveParticleCount () const =0
 Returns the number of particles still alive.
virtual void setDensityGridPosition (const PxVec3 &pos)=0
 Sets the origin of the density grid used by this emitter. Important, this density grid may be shared with lots of other emitters as well, it is based on the underlying IOS.
virtual void setApexEmitterValidateCallback (EmitterValidateCallback *callback)=0
 Sets the ApexEmitterPosition validation callback interface.
virtual PX_DEPRECATED void setObjectScale (float scale)=0
 Sets the uniform overall object scale.
virtual PX_DEPRECATED float getObjectScale (void) const =0
 Retrieves the uniform overall object scale.
virtual void setCurrentScale (float scale)=0
 Sets the uniform overall object scale.
virtual float getCurrentScale (void) const =0
 Retrieves the uniform overall object scale.

Detailed Description

Apex emitter actor class. Emits particles within a given shape.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void nvidia::apex::EmitterActor::setAttachActor ( PxActor *  ) [pure virtual]

PhysX SDK 3.X. Attaches the emitter to an actor.

PxActor pointer can be NULL to detach existing actor

virtual void nvidia::apex::EmitterActor::setDensity ( const float &  ) [pure virtual]

Sets the range from which the density of particles within the volume is randomly chosen.

Override authored scalable parameters, if necessary

virtual void nvidia::apex::EmitterActor::setPreferredRenderVolume ( RenderVolume volume) [pure virtual]

Emitted particles are injected to specified render volume on initial frame.

This will work only if you have one renderVolume for each emitter. Set to NULL to clear the preferred volume.

virtual void nvidia::apex::EmitterActor::startEmit ( bool  persistent = true) [pure virtual]

start emitting particles

If persistent is true, the emitter will emit every frame until stopEmit() is called.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:08

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