Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
nvidia::apex::ApexSDKDesc Class Reference

Descriptor class for ApexSDK. More...

#include <ApexSDK.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvidia::apex::ApexSDKDesc:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 constructor sets to default.
PX_INLINE void setToDefault ()
 (re)sets the structure to the default.
PX_INLINE bool isValid () const
 Returns true if the descriptor is valid.

Public Attributes

PxFoundation * foundation
 The PxFoundation you are building with.
uint32_t physXSDKVersion
 The PhysX SDK version you are building with.
PxPhysics * physXSDK
 Pointer to the physX sdk (PhysX SDK version specific structure)
PxCooking * cooking
 Pointer to the cooking interface (PhysX SDK version specific structure)
PxPvd * pvd
 Pointer to PVD (optional)
 User defined interface for creating renderable resources.
 Pointer to a user-callback for unresolved named resources.
const char * dllLoadPath
 Path to APEX module DLLs (Windows Only)
const char * wireframeMaterial
 Wireframe material name.
const char * solidShadedMaterial
 Solid material name.
bool renderMeshActorLoadMaterialsLazily
 Delays material loading.
const char * dllNamePostfix
 APEX module DLL name postfix (Windows Only)
const char * appGuid
 Application-specific GUID (Windows Only)
bool resourceProviderIsCaseSensitive
 Sets the resource provider's case sensitive mode.
uint32_t physXObjDescTableAllocationIncrement
 Sets the number of physX object descriptor table entries that are allocated when it gets full.
bool enableConcurrencyCheck
 Enables warnings upon detection of concurrent access to the APEX SDK.

Detailed Description

Descriptor class for ApexSDK.

Member Function Documentation

PX_INLINE bool nvidia::apex::ApexSDKDesc::isValid ( ) const [inline]

Returns true if the descriptor is valid.

true if the current settings are valid

Reimplemented from nvidia::apex::ApexDesc.

Member Data Documentation

Application-specific GUID (Windows Only)

Provide an optional appGuid if you have made local modifications to your APEX DLLs. Application GUIDs are available from NVIDIA. For non-Windows platforms the appGuid is ignored.

Path to APEX module DLLs (Windows Only)

If specified, this string will be prepended to the APEX module names prior to calling LoadLibrary() to load them. You can use this mechanism to ship the APEX module DLLS into their own subdirectory. For example: "APEX/"

APEX module DLL name postfix (Windows Only)

If specified, this string will be appended to the APEX module DLL names prior to calling LoadLibrary() to load them. You can use this mechanism to load the APEX module DLLS for two different PhysX SDKs in the same process (DCC tools).

For example, the APEX_Destructible_x86.dll is renamed to APEX_Destructible_x86_PhysX-2.8.4.dll. dllNamePostfix would be "_PhysX-2.8.4"

The PhysX SDK version you are building with.

A particular APEX build will be against a particular PhysX version except the case physXSDKVersion = 0. If physXSDKVersion = 0 APEX will be built without PhysX. Versioning the PhysX API will require versioning of APEX.

Delays material loading.

Any RenderMeshActor will issue callbacks to the ResourceCallback to create one or more materials. This happens either at actor creation or lazily during updateRenderResource upon necessity. Additionally it will call UserRenderResourceManager::getMaxBonesPerMaterial for the freshly created material right after a successful material creation. If this is set to true, the updateRenderResource calls should not run asynchronously.

Pointer to a user-callback for unresolved named resources.

This function will be called by APEX when an unresolved named resource is requested. The function will be called at most once for each named resource. The function must directly return the pointer to the resource or NULL.

Sets the resource provider's case sensitive mode.

This is a reference to the ResourceProvider string lookups

Solid material name.

If specified, this string designates the material to use when rendering solid shaded (per vertex color) lit triangles. If not specified, the default value is "ApexSolidShaded"

Wireframe material name.

If specified, this string designates the material to use when rendering wireframe data. It not specified, the default value is "ApexWireframe"

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Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:06

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