Public Types | Public Member Functions
nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActor Class Reference

Renderable mesh (dynamic data associated with RenderMeshAsset) More...

#include <RenderMeshActor.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActor:

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { InvalidInstanceID = 0xFFFFFFFF }

Public Member Functions

virtual bool getVisibilities (uint8_t *visibilityArray, uint32_t visibilityArraySize) const =0
 Returns the visibilities of all mesh parts in the given array.
virtual bool setVisibility (bool visible, uint16_t partIndex=0)=0
 Set the visibility of the indexed part. Returns true iff the visibility for the part is changed by this operation.
virtual bool isVisible (uint16_t partIndex=0) const =0
 Returns the visibility of the indexed part.
virtual uint32_t visiblePartCount () const =0
 Returns the number of visible parts.
virtual const uint32_t * getVisibleParts () const =0
 Returns an array of visible part indices.
virtual uint32_t getBoneCount () const =0
 Returns the number of bones used by this render mesh.
virtual void setTM (const PxMat44 &tm, uint32_t boneIndex=0)=0
 Sets the local-to-world transform for the indexed bone. The transform need not be orthonormal.
virtual void setTM (const PxMat44 &tm, const PxVec3 &scale, uint32_t boneIndex=0)=0
 Same as setTM(), but assumes tm is pure rotation.
virtual void updateBounds ()=0
 Update the axis-aligned bounding box which encloses all visible parts in their world-transformed poses.
virtual const PxMat44 getTM (uint32_t boneIndex=0) const =0
 Returns the local-to-world transform for the indexed bone.
virtual void setReleaseResourcesIfNothingToRender (bool value)=0
 If the number of visible parts becomes 0, or if instancing and the number of instances becomes 0, then release resources if this bool is true.
virtual void setBufferVisibility (bool bufferVisibility)=0
 If this set to true, render visibility will not be updated until the user calls syncVisibility().
virtual void setOverrideMaterial (uint32_t submeshIndex, const char *overrideMaterialName)=0
 Sets the override material for the submesh with the given index.
virtual void syncVisibility (bool useLock=true)=0
 Sync render visibility with that set by the user. Only needed if bufferVisibility(true) is called, or bufferVisibility = true in the actor's descriptor.
virtual UserRenderInstanceBuffergetInstanceBuffer () const =0
 get the user-provided instance buffer.
virtual void setInstanceBuffer (UserRenderInstanceBuffer *instBuf)=0
 applies the user-provided instance buffer to all submeshes.
virtual void setMaxInstanceCount (uint32_t count)=0
 allows the user to change the max instance count in the case that the instance buffer was changed
virtual void setInstanceBufferRange (uint32_t from, uint32_t count)=0
 sets the range for the instance buffer
virtual bool rayCast (RenderMeshActorRaycastHitData &hitData, const PxVec3 &worldOrig, const PxVec3 &worldDisp, RenderMeshActorRaycastFlags::Enum flags=RenderMeshActorRaycastFlags::VISIBLE_PARTS, RenderCullMode::Enum winding=RenderCullMode::CLOCKWISE, int32_t partIndex=-1) const =0

Detailed Description

Renderable mesh (dynamic data associated with RenderMeshAsset)

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActor::getVisibilities ( uint8_t *  visibilityArray,
uint32_t  visibilityArraySize 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns the visibilities of all mesh parts in the given array.

The user must supply the array size. If the size is less than the part count, then the list will be truncated to fit the given array.

Returns true if any of the visibility values in visibilityArray are changed.

virtual const uint32_t* nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActor::getVisibleParts ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns an array of visible part indices.

The size of this array is given by visiblePartCount(). Note: the indices are in an arbitrary order.

virtual bool nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActor::rayCast ( RenderMeshActorRaycastHitData hitData,
const PxVec3 &  worldOrig,
const PxVec3 &  worldDisp,
RenderMeshActorRaycastFlags::Enum  flags = RenderMeshActorRaycastFlags::VISIBLE_PARTS,
RenderCullMode::Enum  winding = RenderCullMode::CLOCKWISE,
int32_t  partIndex = -1 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns true if and only if a part is hit matching various criteria given in the function parameters. If a part is hit, the hitData field contains information about the ray intersection. (hitData may be modified even if the function returns false.) hitData (output) = information about the mesh at the hitpoint. See RenderMeshActorRaycastHitData. worldOrig = the origin of the ray in world space worldDisp = the displacement of the ray in world space (need not be normalized) flags = raycast control flags (see RenderMeshActorRaycastFlags) winding = winding filter for hit triangle. If RenderCullMode::CLOCKWISE or RenderCullMode::COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, then triangles will be assumed to have that winding, and will only contribute to the raycast if front-facing. If RenderCullMode::NONE, then all triangles will contribute. partIndex = If -1, then all mesh parts will be raycast, and the result returned for the earliest hit. Otherwise only the part indexed by partIndex will be raycast.

N.B. Currently only works for static (unskinned) and one transform per-part, single-weighted vertex skinning.

virtual void nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActor::setInstanceBufferRange ( uint32_t  from,
uint32_t  count 
) [pure virtual]

sets the range for the instance buffer

fromthe position in the buffer (measured in number of elements) to start reading from
countnumber of instances to be rendered. Must not exceed maxInstances for this actor
virtual void nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActor::setTM ( const PxMat44 &  tm,
const PxVec3 &  scale,
uint32_t  boneIndex = 0 
) [pure virtual]

Same as setTM(), but assumes tm is pure rotation.

This can allow some optimization. The user must supply scaling separately. The scale vector is interpreted as the diagonal of a diagonal matrix, applied before the rotation component of tm.

virtual void nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActor::syncVisibility ( bool  useLock = true) [pure virtual]

Sync render visibility with that set by the user. Only needed if bufferVisibility(true) is called, or bufferVisibility = true in the actor's descriptor.

If useLock == true, the RenderMeshActor's lock is used during the sync.

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Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:10

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