Public Member Functions
nvidia::apex::SubstanceSourceActor Class Reference

Turbulence ScalarSource Actor class. More...

#include <SubstanceSourceActor.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvidia::apex::SubstanceSourceActor:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual SubstanceSourceAssetgetSubstanceSourceAsset () const =0
 Returns the asset the instance has been created from.
virtual void setEnabled (bool enable)=0
 enable whether or not to use density in the simulation (enabling density reduces performance).
virtual bool isEnabled () const =0
 Returns true if substance source enabled.
virtual bool intersectAgainstAABB (PxBounds3)=0
 intersect the collision shape against a given AABB
virtual ShapegetShape () const =0
 Returns pointer to Shape of substance source.
virtual BoxShapegetBoxShape ()=0
 If it is a box, cast to box class, return NULL otherwise.
virtual SphereShapegetSphereShape ()=0
 If it is a sphere, cast to sphere class, return NULL otherwise.
virtual float getAverageDensity () const =0
 Return average value of density.
virtual float getStdDensity () const =0
 Return STD value of density.
virtual void setDensity (float averageDensity, float stdDensity)=0
 Set average and STD values for density.
virtual void setCurrentScale (float scale)=0
 Sets the uniform overall object scale.
virtual float getCurrentScale (void) const =0
 Retrieves the uniform overall object scale.
virtual void release ()=0
 Release an object instance.

Detailed Description

Turbulence ScalarSource Actor class.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void nvidia::apex::SubstanceSourceActor::release ( ) [pure virtual]

Release an object instance.

Calling this will unhook the class and delete it from memory. You should not keep any reference to this class instance after calling release

Implements nvidia::apex::ApexInterface.

virtual void nvidia::apex::SubstanceSourceActor::setEnabled ( bool  enable) [pure virtual]

enable whether or not to use density in the simulation (enabling density reduces performance).

If you are enabling density then you also need to add substance sources (without substance sources you will see no effect of density on the simulation, except a drop in performance)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:11

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