Classes | Public Member Functions
nvidia::apex::RenderMeshAssetAuthoring Class Reference

Authoring interface for an RenderMeshAsset. More...

#include <RenderMeshAsset.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvidia::apex::RenderMeshAssetAuthoring:

List of all members.


struct  IndexType
class  MeshDesc
struct  Primitive
 How the geometry is stored. Currently only supporting triangles. More...
class  SubmeshDesc
class  VertexBuffer
 Vertex buffer class used for mesh creation. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void createRenderMesh (const MeshDesc &meshDesc, bool createMappingInformation)=0
 Mesh-building function.
virtual uint32_t createReductionMap (uint32_t *map, const Vertex *vertices, const uint32_t *smoothingGroups, uint32_t vertexCount, const PxVec3 &positionTolerance, float normalTolerance, float UVTolerance)=0
virtual void deleteStaticBuffersAfterUse (bool set)=0
virtual uint32_t getSubmeshCount () const =0
 Return the number of submeshes.
virtual uint32_t getPartCount () const =0
 Return the number of mesh parts.
virtual const char * getMaterialName (uint32_t submeshIndex) const =0
 Return the name of a submesh.
virtual void setMaterialName (uint32_t submeshIndex, const char *name)=0
 Set the name of a submesh.
virtual void setWindingOrder (uint32_t submeshIndex, RenderCullMode::Enum winding)=0
 Set the winding order of a submesh.
virtual RenderCullMode::Enum getWindingOrder (uint32_t submeshIndex) const =0
 Return the winding order of a submesh.
virtual const RenderSubmeshgetSubmesh (uint32_t submeshIndex) const =0
 Return a submesh.
virtual RenderSubmeshgetSubmeshWritable (uint32_t submeshIndex)=0
 Return a mutable submesh.
virtual const PxBounds3 & getBounds (uint32_t partIndex=0) const =0
 Return the bounds of a mesh part.
virtual void getStats (RenderMeshAssetStats &stats) const =0
 Get the asset statistics.

Detailed Description

Authoring interface for an RenderMeshAsset.

Member Function Documentation

virtual uint32_t nvidia::apex::RenderMeshAssetAuthoring::createReductionMap ( uint32_t *  map,
const Vertex vertices,
const uint32_t *  smoothingGroups,
uint32_t  vertexCount,
const PxVec3 &  positionTolerance,
float  normalTolerance,
float  UVTolerance 
) [pure virtual]

Utility to reduce a vertex buffer of explicit vertices (Vertex). The parameters 'map' and 'vertices' must point to arrays of size vertexCount. The parameter 'smoothingGroups' must point to an array of size vertexCount, or be NULL. If not NULL, only vertices with equal smoothing groups will be merged. Upon return, the map array will be filled in with remapped vertex positions for a new vertex buffer. The return value is the number of vertices in the reduced buffer. Note: this function does NOT actually create the new vertex buffer.

virtual void nvidia::apex::RenderMeshAssetAuthoring::createRenderMesh ( const MeshDesc meshDesc,
bool  createMappingInformation 
) [pure virtual]

Mesh-building function.

[in]meshDesccontains the setup for all vertex buffers
[in]createMappingInformationA vertex buffer with remapping indices will be generated. The name of the buffer is VERTEX_ORIGINAL_INDEX
virtual void nvidia::apex::RenderMeshAssetAuthoring::deleteStaticBuffersAfterUse ( bool  set) [pure virtual]

If set, static data buffers will be deleted after they are used in createRenderResources.

virtual uint32_t nvidia::apex::RenderMeshAssetAuthoring::getSubmeshCount ( ) const [pure virtual]

Return the number of submeshes.

Old mesh-building interface follows (DEPRECATED, to be removed by beta release):

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:10

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