Public Member Functions
nvidia::apex::GroundEmitterActor Class Reference

Ground Emitter actor. Uses raycasts against ground to spawn particles. More...

#include <GroundEmitterActor.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvidia::apex::GroundEmitterActor:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual GroundEmitterAssetgetEmitterAsset () const =0
 Returns the asset the instance has been created from.
virtual const PxMat44 getPose () const =0
 Returns the pose of the emitter.
virtual void setPose (const PxMat44 &pos)=0
 Sets the pose of the emitter.
virtual void setMaterialLookupCallback (MaterialLookupCallback *)=0
 Set the material lookup callback method that replaces raycasts.
virtual MaterialLookupCallbackgetMaterialLookupCallback () const =0
 Get the material lookup callback method that replaces raycasts.
virtual void setAttachActor (PxActor *)=0
 Attaches the emitter to an actor PxActor pointer can be NULL to detach existing actor.
virtual void setAttachRelativePosition (const PxVec3 &pos)=0
 sets the relative position of the emitter in the space of the actor to which it is attached
virtual const PxActor * getAttachActor () const =0
 PhysX SDK 3.X. Retrieves the actor, to which the emitter is attached. NULL is returned for an unattached emitter.
virtual const PxVec3 & getAttachRelativePosition () const =0
 Retrieves the relative position of the emitter in the space of the actor to which it is attached.
virtual void setDensity (const float &)=0
 Sets the range from which the density of particles within the volume is randomly chosen.
virtual void setRadius (float)=0
 Sets the radius. The ground emitter actor will create objects within a circle of size 'radius'.
virtual void setMaxRaycastsPerFrame (uint32_t)=0
 Sets The maximum raycasts number per frame.
virtual void setRaycastHeight (float)=0
 Sets the height from which the ground emitter will cast rays at terrain/objects opposite of the 'upDirection'.
virtual void setSpawnHeight (float)=0
 Sets the height above the ground to emit particles. If greater than 0, the ground emitter will refresh a disc above the player's position rather than refreshing a circle around the player's position.
virtual const float & getDensity () const =0
 Gets the range from which the density of particles within the volume is randomly chosen.
virtual float getRadius () const =0
 Gets the radius. The ground emitter actor will create objects within a circle of size 'radius'.
virtual uint32_t getMaxRaycastsPerFrame () const =0
 Gets The maximum raycasts number per frame.
virtual float getRaycastHeight () const =0
 Gets the height from which the ground emitter will cast rays at terrain/objects opposite of the 'upDirection'.
virtual float getSpawnHeight () const =0
 Gets the height above the ground to emit particles. If greater than 0, the ground emitter will refresh a disc above the player's position rather than refreshing a circle around the player's position.
virtual void setRaycastCollisionGroups (uint32_t)=0
 Sets collision groups used to cast rays.
virtual void setRaycastCollisionGroupsMask (physx::PxFilterData *)=0
 PHYSX SDK 3.X. Sets collision groups mask.
virtual uint32_t getRaycastCollisionGroups () const =0
 Gets collision groups used to cast rays.
virtual void setPreferredRenderVolume (RenderVolume *volume)=0

Detailed Description

Ground Emitter actor. Uses raycasts against ground to spawn particles.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void nvidia::apex::GroundEmitterActor::setPreferredRenderVolume ( RenderVolume volume) [pure virtual]

Emitted particles are injected to specified render volume on initial frame. Set to NULL to clear the preferred volume.

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Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:08

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