Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActorDesc Class Reference

Descriptor for creating a rendering mesh (collection of parts and submesh extra data) More...

#include <RenderMeshActorDesc.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActorDesc:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

PX_INLINE RenderMeshActorDesc ()
 constructor sets to default.
PX_INLINE void setToDefault ()
 (re)sets the structure to the default.
PX_INLINE bool isValid () const
 Returns true if the descriptor is valid.

Public Attributes

bool visible
 Initial visibility of all parts.
bool bufferVisibility
 If this set to true, render visibility will not be updated until the user calls syncVisibility().
bool keepVisibleBonesPacked
 Pack visible bones.
bool renderWithoutSkinning
 Render without skinning.
bool forceFallbackSkinning
 Enforce the use of fallback skinning.
uint32_t maxInstanceCount
 If maxInstanceCount = 0, mesh will be renedered without instancing. Otherwise, instance buffers (below) will be used.
RenderBufferHint::Enum indexBufferHint
 Hint passed along to the user describing whether the index buffer of this render mesh can be modified.
const char ** overrideMaterials
 Per-actor material names, to override those in the asset. The number of override material names is given by overrideMaterialCount.
uint32_t overrideMaterialCount
 Number of override material names in the overrideMaterials array. If this number is less than the number of materials in the asset, only the first overrideMaterialCount names will be overridden. If this number is greater than the number of materials in the asset, the extra override material names will be ignored.
bool keepPreviousFrameBoneBuffer
 If true, the previous frame's bone buffer is kept and delivered during updateRenderResources as a second bone buffer.
bool forceBoneIndexChannel
 If true, a static runtime bone index channel will be created.

Detailed Description

Descriptor for creating a rendering mesh (collection of parts and submesh extra data)

Member Function Documentation

PX_INLINE bool nvidia::apex::RenderMeshActorDesc::isValid ( void  ) const [inline]

Returns true if the descriptor is valid.

true if the current settings are valid.

Reimplemented from nvidia::apex::ApexDesc.

Member Data Documentation

Enforce the use of fallback skinning.

This will not create render resources with bone buffers since all the skinning will be done on the CPU already. Does not work if keepVisibleBones is set. These two features are mutually exclusive.

Pack visible bones.

If set, bone transform order will be maitained in an order that keeps visible bones contiguous. This is more efficient for cases where there are large number of nonvisible parts (it reduces the number of bone transforms that need to be updated in writeBuffer). This only works when vertices are single-weighted, and the number of bones equals the number of parts.

Render without skinning.

If set, all vertices will be transformed by one transform, set using RenderMeshActor::setTM with boneIndex = 0 (the default).

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Generated on Tue Aug 1 2017 22:44:10

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