NVIDIA IGX Orin Safety Extension Package (SEP) Developer Guide
Safety Extension Package (SEP) Developer Guide

Customization of SMCU Firmware

The default SMCU binary supports all the features mentioned in this document in Safety Features.

If you want to implement customized features for your usecase, you need to untar the L4T-P3740-AFW-Aurix-StepB.tbz2 file present in Linux_for_Tegra/smcu/.

This file contains the NVIDIA developed source, which can be used as a reference, to port it to your choice of real-time operating system running on Aurix TC397.

Otherwise, you can acquire vector autosar license and use the integration guide present inside L4T-P3740-AFW-Aurix-StepB.tbz2 to compile with vector source and add/enable or disable features as you wish, and reflash SMCU.

Please refer to the below steps to port the NVIDIA developer source:

  1. Untar the L4T-P3740-AFW-Aurix-StepB.tbz2 file. Upon extracting the delivery tbz2 file, the following structure will be seen.

    • L4T-P3740-AFW-AURIX-STEPB-5.02.00/

    • Sources

    • B-Step

    • Common

    • ConfigGenerator

    • AFW_Delivery_Usage_Instructions.docx

    • NVIDIA_MCU_SW_Integration_Guide.docx

  2. To understand the directory/file structure (which includes NVIDIA source code) and how to setup the build environment, please refer to “AFW_Delivery_Usage_Instruction.docx.”

  3. Once all \*.c files are placed as per the user location, you then need to add those files (with their path) to the below Makefile:



  4. After adding files, you need to make changes in Davinci-developer, as per your design. Once Davinci-developer changes are done, you need to generate code with the help of Davinci-Configurator.

  5. If code generation is successful, next issue build commands to build your source code.

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