Jetson Linux API Reference

32.7.5 Release
API Modules
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
 Application Framework APIsProvide buffer, imaging, logging, rendering, and video functionality to Jetson Linux graphics applications
 Application Resource Profiler APIHelper class for profiling the overall application resource usage
 Buffer APIThe NvBuffer API provides buffer functionality, including reference count functionality and convenience methods
 DRM Renderer API
 Element Profiler APIHelper class for profiling the performance of individual elements
 @c valid_field values for the #NvElementProfilerData structure.
 Imaging APIProvides JPEG encode and decode functionality to Jetson Linux applications
 Image Decoder
 Image Encoder
 Logging APIThis file defines macros that provide message logging functionality
 NvElement and Derived ClassesDerives and provides functionality for V4L2 and V4L2 components
 NvElement Base Class
 NvV4l2ElementPlane Class
 V4L2 Element Class
 Rendering APIThe NvEglRenderer API provides EGL and Open GL ES 2.0 rendering functionality
 Video APIProvides video encode, decode, conversion, and other functionality to Jetson Linux applications
 Video Converter
 Video Decoder
 Video Encoder
 Video Read/Write
 Common UtilitiesProvide commonly used utilities
 Buffer Manager
 Direct Rendering ManagerPerforms low-level graphics operations through the GPU
 Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (GMSL)Defines the interface used to control the MAX9295 serializer and MAX9296 deserializer modules
 Hardware Random Number Generator FunctionSpecifies an API for NIST 800-108 key definition functions
 Hardware-Based AES-CMAC FunctionsSpecifies an implementation of the hardware-based AES-CMAC function, very similar to the OpenSSL CMAC implementation, and based on the same concepts
 Libargus Camera APILibargus is an API for acquiring images and associated metadata from cameras. The fundamental libargus operation is a capture: acquiring an image from a sensor and processing it into a final output image
 ExtensionsThis module provides a list of extensions currently available for libargus
 Ext::BayerAverageMapGenerates local averages of a capture's raw Bayer data
 Ext::BayerSharpnessMapAdds internally-generated sharpness metrics to CaptureMetadata results
 Ext::BlockingSessionCameraProviderAdds a interface to camera provider to create a blocking capture session
 Ext::DeFogAdds internal de-fog post-processing algorithms
 Ext::DebugCaptureSessionAdds a debug interface to dump internal libargus runtime information
 Ext::DolWdrSensorModeAdds extra functionalities for the Digital Overlap (DOL) Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) sensor mode type
 Ext::FaceDetectAdds internal face-detection algorithms
 Ext::InternalFrameCountAdds accessors for an internal frame count performance metric
 Ext::NonLinearHistogramThis adds a method to interpret the compressed histogram data correctly It introduces one new interface:
 Ext::PwlWdrSensorModeAdds extra functionalities for the Piecewise Linear (PWL) Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) sensor mode type
 Ext::SensorEepromDataAdds a EEPROM interface to get EEPROM data
 Ext::SensorOtpDataAdds a OTP interface to get OTP data
 Ext::SensorPrivateMetadataAdds accessors for sensor embedded metadata
 Ext::SensorPrivateMetadataClientBufferAdds accessors for set client buffer for sensor embedded metadata
 Ext::SensorTimestampTscAdds a timestamp interface to get TSC HW timestamp
 Ext::SyncSensorCalibrationDataAdds accessors for sync sensor calibration data
 Objects and InterfacesThis module provides a list of libargus objects and the interfaces that they support. Children of objects in this list describe either child InterfaceProviders provided by the object or specialized types of the object (ie. Event types)
 BufferObject that wraps an application-managed buffer for use as a capture request destination
 Buffer Types
 Sync Types
 BufferSettingsContainer for settings used to configure/create a Buffer
 Buffer Types
 CameraDeviceObject representing a single camera device
 SensorModeChild object representing a CameraDevice's sensor mode, returned by ICameraProperties::getAllSensorModes
 CameraProviderObject providing the entry point to the libargus runtime
 CaptureMetadataContainer for metadata generated by a single completed capture
 BayerHistogramChild Bayer histogram metadata, returned by ICaptureMetadata::getBayerHistogram
 FaceDetectResultMetadata for a single face detection result, returned by Ext::IFaceDetectMetadata::getFaceDetectResults
 RGBHistogramChild RGB histogram metadata, returned by ICaptureMetadata::getRGBHistogram
 StreamMetadataChild stream metadata, returned by ICaptureMetadata::getStreamMetadata
 CaptureSessionObject that controls all operations on a single sensor
 EventContainer representing a single event
 CaptureComplete EventEvent type used to report when all capture processing has completed
 CaptureStarted EventEvent type used to report when a capture starts
 Error EventEvent type used to report an error
 EventQueueObject to receive and expose Events from an IEventProvider
 OutputStreamObject representing an output stream capable of receiving image frames from a capture
 OutputStreamSettingsContainer for settings used to configure/create an OutputStream
 RequestContainer for all settings used by a single capture request
 AutoControlSettingsChild auto control settings, returned by IRequest::getAutoControlSettings
 SourceSettingsChild source settings, returned by IRequest::getSourceSettings
 StreamSettingsChild per-stream settings, returned by IRequest::getStreamSettings
 MAX9295 serializer driverControls the MAX9295 serializer module
 MAX9296 deserializer driverControls the MAX9296 deserializer module
 NIST 800-108 Key Definition FunctionsSpecifies an API for NIST 800-108 key definition functions
 Sample Applications
 Secure Random Number Generator
 Software-Based AES-CMAC FunctionSpecifies a software implementation of the AES-CMAC function, very similar to the OpenSSL CMAC implementation, and based on the same concepts
 V4L2 NV Extensions APIThis file declares NVIDIA V4L2 extensions, controls, and structures
 V4L2 Video CameraNVIDIA V4L2 Camera Description and Extensions
 V4L2 Video ConverterNVIDIA V4L2 Video Converter Description and Extensions
 V4L2 Video DecoderNVIDIA V4L2 Video Decoder Description and Extensions
 V4L2 Video EncoderNVIDIA V4L2 Video Encoder Description and Extensions
 V4L2 over IPCNVIDIA V4L2 IPC Description and Extensions