Step #4: Log in with Kubernetes CLI Tools
Use the following steps to log into the Supervisor Cluster and set the context.
You will need the VM Console link located on the left navigation pane. DO NOT USE the vCenter web console!
Save the IP address of the control plan node. This will be provided to your DevOps engineer and used in the next step.
Save IP address of one of the Supervisor Cluster VM in vCenter e.g. “SupervisorControlPlaneVM (1)”.
kubectl vsphere login --server=<KUBERNETES-CONTROL-PLANE-IP-ADDRESS> --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local --insecure-skip-tls-verify --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace launchpad
Enter the password for the vSphere administrator account.
Run the command below to view a list of your Namespaces.
kubectl config get-contexts
Run the command below to choose your default context.
kubectl config use-context <context>
Use the commands below to see your cluster’s existing nodes and pods.
kubectl get nodes kubectl get pods -A