NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

7.0 Release
BodyPose2D.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPart
 Data structure for storing body part location. More...
struct  cvcore::bodypose2d::Human
 Data structure for storing human info. More...
struct  cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams
 Data structure to describe the post processing for BodyPose2D. More...
struct  cvcore::bodypose2d::HandBoundingBoxParams
 Data structure to describe the parameters tuned for bounding box detection from pose. More...
class  cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPreProcessor
 Interface for running pre-processing on bodypose2d network. More...
class  cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2D
 Interface for loading and running bodypose2d network. More...
class  cvcore::bodypose2d::BodyPose2DPostProcessor
 Interface for running post-processing on bodypose2d network. More...
class  cvcore::bodypose2d::HandBoundingBoxGenerator
 Class to compute the bounding box of hand from pose. More...




enum  cvcore::bodypose2d::HandType : uint32_t {
  cvcore::bodypose2d::HandType::LEFT_HAND = 0,
 Enum listing the hand used for gestures. More...


const CVCORE_API HandBoundingBoxParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultHandParams
 Default parameters for computing hand bounding box from pose. More...
const CVCORE_API ImagePreProcessingParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultPreProcessorParams
 Default parameters for the preprocessing pipeline. More...
const CVCORE_API ModelInputParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultModelInputParams
 Default parameters to describe the input expected for the model. More...
const CVCORE_API ModelInferenceParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultInferenceParams
 Default parameters to describe the model inference parameters. More...
const CVCORE_API BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultPostProcessorParams
 Default parameters for the post processing pipeline. More...