NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

7.0 Release
PnP.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  cvcore::vision3d::PoseHypothesis
 A struct to describe the Pose hypothesis returned by RANSAC-based pose estimation. More...




uint32_t cvcore::vision3d::EvaluateRansacFormula (const float successRate, const float outlierRatio, const uint32_t sampleSize)
 A function to calculate the number of RANSAC rounds necessary to sample at least a single uncontaminated sample set with a certain success rate given the expected ratio of outliers. More...
Pose3d cvcore::vision3d::ComputeCameraPoseEpnp (const Array< Vector3d > &points3, const Array< Vector2d > &points2, const Vector2d focal, const Vector2d principal)
 A function to compute the pose of a camera give the camera instrinsics and at least 6 2D-3D point correspondences without outliers. More...
std::vector< PoseHypothesis > cvcore::vision3d::ComputeCameraPoseEpnpRansac (const Array< Vector3d > &points3, const Array< Vector2d > &points2, const Vector2d focal, const Vector2d principal, const uint32_t numExperiments, const double ransacThreshold, const uint32_t maxTopPoses, const uint32_t seed)
 A function to compute the pose of a pinhole camera from at least 6 2D-3D point correspondences with outliers using RANSAC. More...
Pose3d cvcore::vision3d::ComputeCameraPoseIterativePnp (const Array< Vector3d > &points3, const Array< Vector2d > &points2, const Vector2d focal, const Vector2d principal, const Pose3d &initialGuess, size_t iterations=5)
 A function to compute the pose of a camera give the camera instrinsics iteratively. More...