NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

7.0 Release
cvcore::vision3d Namespace Reference

Data Structures

struct  PoseHypothesis
 A struct to describe the Pose hypothesis returned by RANSAC-based pose estimation. More...


uint32_t EvaluateRansacFormula (const float successRate, const float outlierRatio, const uint32_t sampleSize)
 A function to calculate the number of RANSAC rounds necessary to sample at least a single uncontaminated sample set with a certain success rate given the expected ratio of outliers. More...
Pose3d ComputeCameraPoseEpnp (const Array< Vector3d > &points3, const Array< Vector2d > &points2, const Vector2d focal, const Vector2d principal)
 A function to compute the pose of a camera give the camera instrinsics and at least 6 2D-3D point correspondences without outliers. More...
std::vector< PoseHypothesisComputeCameraPoseEpnpRansac (const Array< Vector3d > &points3, const Array< Vector2d > &points2, const Vector2d focal, const Vector2d principal, const uint32_t numExperiments, const double ransacThreshold, const uint32_t maxTopPoses, const uint32_t seed)
 A function to compute the pose of a pinhole camera from at least 6 2D-3D point correspondences with outliers using RANSAC. More...
Pose3d ComputeCameraPoseIterativePnp (const Array< Vector3d > &points3, const Array< Vector2d > &points2, const Vector2d focal, const Vector2d principal, const Pose3d &initialGuess, size_t iterations=5)
 A function to compute the pose of a camera give the camera instrinsics iteratively. More...

Function Documentation

◆ ComputeCameraPoseEpnp()

Pose3d cvcore::vision3d::ComputeCameraPoseEpnp ( const Array< Vector3d > &  points3,
const Array< Vector2d > &  points2,
const Vector2d  focal,
const Vector2d  principal 

A function to compute the pose of a camera give the camera instrinsics and at least 6 2D-3D point correspondences without outliers.

Assumptions No lens distortions, you need to un-distort points in advance. Using Right handed coordinate system.

points3Array of 3d world coordinates
points2Array of 2d projection points in pixels.
focalFocal length in horizontal axis and vertical axis in pixel units.
principalPrincipal point / image center in x axis and y axis.
camera pose: rigid transformation that maps 3D points from the world frame into the camera frame.

◆ ComputeCameraPoseEpnpRansac()

std::vector<PoseHypothesis> cvcore::vision3d::ComputeCameraPoseEpnpRansac ( const Array< Vector3d > &  points3,
const Array< Vector2d > &  points2,
const Vector2d  focal,
const Vector2d  principal,
const uint32_t  numExperiments,
const double  ransacThreshold,
const uint32_t  maxTopPoses,
const uint32_t  seed 

A function to compute the pose of a pinhole camera from at least 6 2D-3D point correspondences with outliers using RANSAC.

points3Array of 3d world coordinates
points2Array of 2d projection points in pixels.
focalFocal length in horizontal axis and vertical axis in pixel units.
principalPrincipal point / image center in x axis and y axis.
numExperimentsNumber of RANSAC iterations or experiments to run.
ransacThresholdRANSAC threshold in terms of reprojection error in pixels.
maxTopPosesMaximum number of pose hypotheses to return.
seedInteger seed for random number generation.
Returns the most top-K pose hypotheses in decreasing order of score. Each pose hypothesis has min 6 inliers and is a rigid transformation mapping 3D points from world to camera frame.

◆ ComputeCameraPoseIterativePnp()

Pose3d cvcore::vision3d::ComputeCameraPoseIterativePnp ( const Array< Vector3d > &  points3,
const Array< Vector2d > &  points2,
const Vector2d  focal,
const Vector2d  principal,
const Pose3d initialGuess,
size_t  iterations = 5 

A function to compute the pose of a camera give the camera instrinsics iteratively.

Assumptions No lens distortions, you need to un-distort points in advance. Using Right handed coordinate system.

points3Array of 3d world coordinates
points2Array of 2d projection points in pixels.
focalFocal length in horizontal axis and vertical axis in pixel units.
principalPrincipal point / image center in x axis and y axis.
initialGuessInital condition for the Iterative solver.
iterationsIterations of Iterative solver.
camera pose: rigid transformation that maps 3D points from the world frame into the camera frame.

◆ EvaluateRansacFormula()

uint32_t cvcore::vision3d::EvaluateRansacFormula ( const float  successRate,
const float  outlierRatio,
const uint32_t  sampleSize 

A function to calculate the number of RANSAC rounds necessary to sample at least a single uncontaminated sample set with a certain success rate given the expected ratio of outliers.

successRate: Required probability in the range (0,0.9999] of finding the solution. As success_rate tends to 1.0, the number of experiments tends to Inf.
outlierRatio: Maximum expected ratio of outliers in the open interval [0,0.9].
sampleSize: The minimum number of samples necessary to fit the model (at least 1).
Returns the number of experiments (RANSAC iterations) from the formula.