
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package com
    Definition Classes
  • package nvidia
    Definition Classes
  • package mdx

    this is the base transform for mdx analytics SDK, the transform comprise of

    this is the base transform for mdx analytics SDK, the transform comprise of

    core : mdx streaming core classes
    xapp : comprise of sample applications

    Definition Classes
  • package core

    this is the core transform for mdx SDK, contains transform and classes for the core mdx functionality

    this is the core transform for mdx SDK, contains transform and classes for the core mdx functionality

    Definition Classes
  • package schema

    please see nv.schema , which is used @since v1.0

    please see nv.schema , which is used @since v1.0

    this is kept for backward compatibility and is used for json based pipeline

    the key classes representing the json schema

    Frame and

    There are two schema for sending messages perception layer to Message broker (kafka or IOT hub), The two schema are represented by Message and Frame. Frame is concise in terms amount of bytes sent over the network

    User can configure to use either of the Messaging schema

    jBehavior is specific to the domain we are dealing with, represent object movement & state over period of times

    Definition Classes
  • package calibration

    classes related to Calibration JSON

    classes related to Calibration JSON

    Definition Classes
  • CalibrationJson
  • GeoPoint
  • Line
  • Point
  • Property
  • ROI
  • Sensor
  • Tripwire
  • package frame
    Definition Classes
  • package puck
    Definition Classes
  • package trajectory

    transform for Trajectory schema

    transform for Trajectory schema

    Definition Classes



package calibration

classes related to Calibration JSON

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any

Type Members

  1. case class CalibrationJson(version: String, docType: String, city: String, osmURL: String, calibrationType: String, sensors: Array[Sensor]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. case class GeoPoint(lng: Double, lat: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    geo point comprising of lat/lng

  3. case class Line(p1: Point, p2: Point) extends Product with Serializable

    line used for tripwire

  4. case class Point(x: Double, y: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    2D point

  5. case class Property(name: String, value: String) extends Product with Serializable

    name / value pair

    name / value pair

    array of such pair is used to describe a place

  6. case class ROI(id: String = "", roiCoordinates: Array[Point]) extends Product with Serializable

    region of interest

  7. case class Sensor(type: String, id: String, origin: GeoPoint = null, geoLocation: GeoPoint = null, place: Array[Property] = null, imageCoordinates: Array[Point] = null, globalCoordinates: Array[Point] = null, tripwires: Array[Tripwire] = null, rois: Array[ROI] = null) extends Product with Serializable

    Sensor configuration used for calibration

    Sensor configuration used for calibration



  8. case class Tripwire(id: String, wire: Line, direction: Line, in: Int = 0, out: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

    tripwire definition

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
