
This collection of industry-specific workflows is tailored to address unique challenges and opportunities in various sectors.

These workflows leverage advanced AI techniques to solve complex problems and enhance existing systems, helping businesses streamline processes, improve efficiency, and drive innovation in their respective domains. Each workflow is designed to cater to the specific needs of the industry it serves, providing developers with the tools and frameworks necessary to build intelligent applications that deliver real-world value.

Reference AI Workflow




Sample Use Cases

Few-Shot Product Recognition (Alpha)

Architecture showcase. Enhances existing retail store self-checkout kiosks with adaptive visual recognition capabilities. Detects and recognizes items, compares predicted SKU label with scanned ones, and flags mismatches. Employs few-shot active learning to add unknown items, improving future recognition accuracy.

  • IP camera or recorded video of a retail checkout scenario

  • Barcode signal when each item is scanned (Optional, simulated in the workflow)

  • Real-time SKU prediction of visible items

  • Signals for mismatches between predicted SKU and scanned one

  • Updated item database for improved future recognition

  • Self-checkout kiosks in grocery stores

  • Automated inventory tracking in retail warehouses

  • Loss prevention in retail environments

Below is a mockup of a possible UI. It is not included as part of this workflow.

Few-shot product recognition visualization