Video Analytics & Insights

This collection of video analytics and insights workflows is designed to extract meaningful information from video feeds in various scenarios.

These workflows enable developers to gain valuable insights into occupancy, movement patterns, and space utilization, facilitating data-driven decision-making across industries. The workflows provide tools to transform raw video data into actionable intelligence, helping to monitor social distancing compliance, estimate queue lengths, analyze crowd density, and optimize space usage.

Reference AI Workflow




Sample Use Cases

Occupancy Analytics

Deployment-focused. Analyzes individual people movements, distances between people, and interactions with predefined feature maps (tripwire or ROI). Provides metrics such as social distancing violations, tripwire crossings, and people counts in ROIs.

  • IP cameras or recorded videos

  • UI-based camera calibration and/or ROI/tripwire definition (optional)

  • Real-time per-camera perception metadata (detections, local IDs & trajectories)

  • Real-time analytics data (object counts in ROIs, line crossing events)

  • Social distancing monitoring in buildings

  • Queue length estimation in retail stores

  • Crowd density analysis in airports

Occupancy Heatmap (Alpha)

Prototype-level. Demonstrates core library-level features for analyzing space occupancy and people movement patterns. Identifies hot spots and visualizes historical object distribution. Not yet hardened into a full workflow or provide as an API.

  • A video

  • Video overlaid with occupancy heatmap

  • Historical object distribution data

  • Identifying high-traffic areas in shopping malls

  • Optimizing store layout based on customer movement

  • Analyzing exhibit popularity in museums

Occupancy analytics visualization

Occupancy heatmap visualization