
The NeMo Framework playbooks demonstrate how to use the NeMo Framework training container to fine-tune Large Language Models (LLMs) with different data sets. The information includes how to:

  • Set up your infrastructure to use the playbooks with DGX Cloud and Kubernetes.

  • Use Llama 2, Mixtral-8x7B, and Mistral-7B LLMs to pre-process, train, validate, test, and run fine-tuning scripts.

  • Apply supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and parametric-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) techniques to the databricks-dolly-15k and PubMedQA datasets.

  • Set up and launch foundation model pre-training in your infrastructure.

Infrastructure Setup

  • The Run NeMo Framework on DGX Cloud playbook focuses on preparing a dataset and pre-training a foundational model with NeMo Framework on DGX Cloud. The playbook covers essential aspects of DGX Cloud, such as uploading containers, creating workspaces, mounting workspaces, launching jobs, and pre-training a model.

  • The Run NeMo Framework on Kubernetes playbook demonstrates deploying and managing NeMo using Kubernetes. The playbook covers cluster setup, NeMo Framework installation, data preparation, and model training.

Model Alignment

  • The NeMo Framework SFT with Llama 2 playbook shows how to fine-tune Llama 2 models of various sizes using SFT against the databricks-dolly-15k dataset. It demonstrates data preprocessing, training, validation, testing, and running the fine-tuning scripts included in NeMo Framework. It also shows how to run inference against the fine-tuned model.

  • The NeMo Framework SFT with Mistral-7B playbook shows how to fine-tune the Mistral-7B model using SFT against the databricks-dolly-15k dataset. It demonstrates data preprocessing, training, validation, testing, and running the fine-tuning scripts included in NeMo Framework.

  • The NeMo Framework SFT with Mixtral-8x7B playbook shows how to fine-tune Mixtral 8x7B using SFT against the databricks-dolly-15k dataset. It demonstrates data preprocessing, training, validation, testing, and running the fine-tuning scripts included in NeMo Framework. It also shows how to run inference against the fine-tuned model.

  • The NeMo Framework PEFT with Mistral-7B playbook shows how to fine-tune the Mistral-7B model using PEFT against the PubMedQA dataset. It demonstrates data preprocessing, training, validation, testing, and running the fine-tuning scripts included in NeMo Framework. It also shows how to run inference against the fine-tuned model.

  • The NeMo Framework PEFT playbook shows how to fine-tune Mixtral 8x7B and Llama 2 models of various sizes using PEFT against the PubMedQA dataset. It demonstrates data preprocessing, training, validation, testing, and running the fine-tuning scripts included in NeMo Framework.


  • The NeMo Framework Foundation Model Pre-training playbook focuses on successfully launching a foundation model pre-training job on your infrastructure and getting the necessary training artifacts as the output of the successful runs. It demonstrates how to execute the workflow of pre-training foundation models using NeMo Framework and the Pile dataset, as well as producing checkpoints, logs, and event files.

  • The NeMo Framework AutoConfigurator playbook demonstrates how to use NeMo Framework AutoConfigurator to determine the optimal model size for a given compute and training budget. Then, it shows how to produce optimal foundation model pre-training and inference configurations to achieve the highest throughput runs. It specifically focuses on automating the configuration process for NeMo, such as autoconfiguration, parameter tuning, and optimization to streamline setup.

  • The NeMo Framework Single Node Pre-training playbook shows how to pre-train a simple GPT-style model using consumer hardware.

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