
You are viewing the NeMo 2.0 documentation. This release introduces significant changes to the API and a new library, NeMo Run. We are currently porting all features from NeMo 1.0 to 2.0. For documentation on previous versions or features not yet available in 2.0, please refer to the NeMo 24.07 documentation.

Hiddens Module#

The hiddens module allows to add hidden transformations and hidden losses to Megatron encoder-decoder models. Hidden transformations are transformations that are applied to the output of the encoder. Hidden losses are losses that are applied to the outputs of the hidden transformations. A common use case for hidden transformations is to train a Mutual Information Machine (MIM) or a Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) models.

Quick Start#

Below is an example command of training a MIM model with BART data augmentation (i.e., includes masking the input):

python examples/nlp/language_modeling/ \
    trainer.devices=2 \
    trainer.accelerator=gpu \
    trainer.log_every_n_steps=1 \
    trainer.val_check_interval=10 \
    trainer.limit_val_batches=2 \
    trainer.accumulate_grad_batches=1 \
    trainer.max_steps=10 \
    trainer.precision=16 \
    trainer.gradient_clip_val=1.0 \
    exp_manager.exp_dir=/results/megatron_mim \
    model.micro_batch_size=2 \
    model.global_batch_size=4 \
    model.seq_length=128 \
    model.encoder.num_layers=4 \
    model.encoder.hidden_size=64 \
    model.encoder.arch=perceiver \
    model.encoder.num_attention_heads=8 \
    model.decoder.num_layers=4 \
    model.decoder.hidden_size=64 \
    model.decoder.num_attention_heads=8 \ \[1.0,/data/wiki.txt] \\'\"800,100,100\"\' \ \
    model.tokenizer.library=sentencepiece \
    model.tokenizer.model=/data/spm_64k_all_langs_plus_en.model \
    ++model.hiddens.enc_output_name=z \
    ++model.hiddens.transform.q_z_given_x.cls_name=cond_gaussian \
    ++model.hiddens.transform.q_z_given_x.hidden_size=64 \
    ++model.hiddens.loss.mim.cls_name=a_mim \

The last 5 lines in the above command enable sampling with reparameterization (cond_gauss hidden transformation) and MIM loss where the hidden part of the loss is weighted by 1.0.

The above example will produce the following plots in Weights and Biases:

MIM training W&B plots

See below detailed description of usage and configuration format.

High Level Description#

Megatron encoder-decoder models directly pass the output of the encoder to the decoder. The hidden transformations provides a mechanism to add transformations and losses to the encoder outputs. This is achieved my naming the output of the encoder (hiddens) and any provided hidden transformation. Each hidden transformation is defined over expected existing outputs and produces a new set of outputs. This allows us to define losses on any of the named outputs (i.e., the outputs of the encoder or any of the transformations).

Detailed Description#


  1. Hidden transformations and losses can be added to any Megatron encoder-decoder model.

  2. Externally implemented transformations and losses can easily be registered and used.

  3. Transformations (and losses) order is supported to allow one transformation to use the output of another.

  4. All transformations’ outputs are named, allowing for easy access in losses or other transformations (encoder raw output defaults to hiddens, and respective hiddens_mask).

  5. All loss outputs are logged, allowing for easy monitoring of the training and validation process.

  6. Transformations’ outputs can be used in more than one loss.

  7. The joint loss supports weighting the terms, and is computed as follows: loss = hiddens.tokens_loss_weight * tokens_loss_weight + sum_i hiddens.loss[i].loss_weight * hiddens.loss[i].loss.

  8. Detailed error messages are provided. Please check raised exceptions and log outputs. Errors will be raised if:

    • The same named output is used more than once.

    • A loss is expected an undefined named output.

    • A Mismatch in a transformation or loss constructor parameters.

Configuring Hidden Transformations and Losses#

A detailed example can be found in : NeMo/examples/nlp/language_modeling/conf/megatron_hiddens_base_config.yaml. Below is the content of the config file above:

# this file main purpose is documentation, and it should not be used directly
enc_output_name: z # name of key in hidden transforms output to pass to decoder (default: hiddens). e.g., z for VAE/MIM.
tokens_loss_weight: 1.0 # weight of tokens loss (if not specified defaults to 1.0)
# the lists below are useful for adding multiple transforms and losses according to order
# if order is not important, you can use a single dictionary in the list with multiple keys
transform: # a list of dictionaries of transforms (or a joint dictionary) to apply to hiddens (list enforces order)
# - <transform_name>: # name of transform
#     cls_name: <a registered transformation class name> # class name
#     <transform_param>: <transform_value> # transform parameters
#     ...
  - q_z_given_x: # Gaussian posterior with reparameterization
      cls_name: cond_gaussian # class name
      hidden_size: 512 # hidden size of the encoder
      min_logvar: -6.0 # minimum log variance
  - logP_cls: # logP classifier logits
      cls_name: guided_cls
      input_name: hiddens
      attr_name: logP
    QED_cls: # QED classifier logits
      cls_name: guided_cls
      input_name: hiddens
      attr_name: QED
loss: # a list of dictionaries of loss terms (or a joint dictionary) to add to reconstruction loss (list enforces order)
# - <loss_name>: # name of loss
#     cls_name: <a registered loss class name> # class name
#     <loss_param>: <loss_value> # loss parameters
#     ...
# below is example where order of losses does not matter so a single dictionary is enough
    mim: # A-MIM example
        cls_name: a_mim
        loss_weight: 1.0 # weight of the MIM latent loss
    vae: # VAE example
        cls_name: vae
        min_kl_value: null # minimum KL value if a float is provided
        loss_weight: 1e-2 # weight of KL term in loss
    logP_cls: # logP classifier loss (cross entropy)
        cls_name: guided_cls_loss
        input_name: logP
        loss_weight: 0.1
    QED_cls: # QED classifier loss (cross entropy)
        cls_name: guided_cls_loss
        input_name: logP
        loss_weight: 0.1

Listing Registered Hidden Transformations and Losses#

The hidden transformations and losses are should be registered in the hiddens module. To check available (i.e., registered) transformation and losses use the following python code:

from nemo.collections.nlp.modules.common.hiddens import get_registered_hiddens

# List all registered hidden transformations and losses
# {
#     "loss": ["a_mim", "vae"],
#     "transform": ["cond_gaussian"],
# }

Implementing and Registering a Custom Hidden Transformation or Loss#

Implementing a custom hidden transformation or loss is straightforward.

Generally speaking, the custom hidden transformation or loss should inherit from MegatronBaseHiddenTransform or MegatronBaseHiddenLoss respectively. Before using the classes, they should be registered in the hiddens module as described above.

from nemo.collections.nlp.modules.common.hiddens import (

class MyTransform(MegatronBaseHiddenTransform):

class MyLoss(MegatronBaseHiddenLoss):

# Registering a new hidden transformation MyTransform
# e.g., class_path = "nemo.collections.nlp.modules.common.hiddens.MyTransform"
class_path = MyTransform.__module__ + '.' + MyTransform.__qualname__
# The command below will allow the use of `my_transform` as a config `cls_name` value for a transformation
register_hidden_transform(cls_name="my_transform", class_path=MyTransform)

# Registering a new hidden loss MyLoss
# e.g., class_path = "nemo.collections.nlp.modules.common.hiddens.MyLoss"
class_path = MyLoss.__module__ + '.' + MyLoss.__qualname__
# The command below will allow the use of `my_loss` as a config `cls_name` value for a loss
register_hidden_loss(cls_name="my_loss", class_path=MyLoss)