
NeMo 2.0 is an experimental feature and currently released in the dev container only: Please refer to NeMo 2.0 overview for information on getting started.

Large Language Models

To learn more about using NeMo to train Large Language Models at scale, please refer to the NeMo Framework User Guide.

  • GPT-style models (decoder only)

  • T5/BART/UL2-style models (encoder-decoder)

  • BERT-style models (encoder only)

  • RETRO model (decoder only)



Mohammad Shoeybi, Mostofa Patwary, Raul Puri, Patrick LeGresley, Jared Casper, and Bryan Catanzaro. Megatron-lm: training multi-billion parameter language models using model parallelism. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.08053, 2019.