
NeMo 2.0 is an experimental feature and currently released in the dev container only: Please refer to the Migration Guide for information on getting started.

NeMo Speech Classification Configuration Files

This page covers NeMo configuration file setup that is specific to models in the Speech Classification collection. For general information about how to set up and run experiments that is common to all NeMo models (e.g. experiment manager and PyTorch Lightning trainer parameters), see the NeMo Models page.

The model section of NeMo Speech Classification configuration files will generally require information about the dataset(s) being used, the preprocessor for audio files, parameters for any augmentation being performed, as well as the model architecture specification. The sections on this page cover each of these in more detail.

Example configuration files for all of the NeMo ASR scripts can be found in the <NeMo_git_root>/examples/asr/conf>.

Dataset Configuration

Training, validation, and test parameters are specified using the train_ds, validation_ds, and test_ds sections of your configuration file, respectively. Depending on the task, you may have arguments specifying the sample rate of your audio files, labels, whether or not to shuffle the dataset, and so on. You may also decide to leave fields such as the manifest_filepath blank, to be specified via the command line at runtime.

Any initialization parameters that are accepted for the Dataset class used in your experiment can be set in the config file. See the Datasets section of the API for a list of Datasets and their respective parameters.

An example Speech Classification train and validation configuration could look like:

  sample_rate: 16000
  repeat: 2 # number of convolutional sub-blocks within a block, R in <MODEL>_[BxRxC]
  dropout: 0.0
  kernel_size_factor: 1.0
  labels: ['bed', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'down', 'eight', 'five', 'four', 'go', 'happy', 'house', 'left', 'marvin',
  'nine', 'no', 'off', 'on', 'one', 'right', 'seven', 'sheila', 'six', 'stop', 'three', 'tree', 'two', 'up',
  'wow', 'yes', 'zero']

    manifest_filepath: ???
    sample_rate: ${model.sample_rate}
    labels: ${model.labels} # Uses the labels above
    batch_size: 128
    shuffle: True

    manifest_filepath: ???
    sample_rate: ${model.sample_rate}
    labels: ${model.labels} # Uses the labels above
    batch_size: 128
    shuffle: False # No need to shuffle the validation data

If you would like to use tarred dataset, have a look at Datasets Configuration.

Preprocessor Configuration

Preprocessor helps to compute MFCC or mel spectrogram features that are given as inputs to model. For details on how to write this section, refer to Preprocessor Configuration

Check config yaml files in <NeMo_git_root>/examples/asr/conf to find the processors been used by speech classification models.

Augmentation Configurations

There are a few on-the-fly spectrogram augmentation options for NeMo ASR, which can be specified by the configuration file using the augmentor and spec_augment section. For details on how to write this section, refer to Augmentation Configuration

Check config yaml files in <NeMo_git_root>/tutorials/asr/conf to find the processors been used by speech classification models.

Model Architecture Configurations

Each configuration file should describe the model architecture being used for the experiment. Models in the NeMo ASR collection need a encoder section and a decoder section, with the _target_ field specifying the module to use for each.

The following sections go into more detail about the specific configurations of each model architecture.

The MatchboxNet and MarbleNet models are very similar, and they are based on QuartzNet and as such the components in their configs are very similar as well.

Decoder Configurations

After features have been computed from ConvASREncoder, we pass the features to decoder to compute embeddings and then to compute log_probs for training models.

    _target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.ConvASRDecoderClassification
    feat_in: *enc_final_filters
    return_logits: true # return logits if true, else return softmax output
    pooling_type: 'avg' # AdaptiveAvgPool1d 'avg' or AdaptiveMaxPool1d 'max'

Fine-tuning Execution Flow Diagram

When preparing your own training or fine-tuning scripts, please follow the execution flow diagram order for correct inference.

Depending on the type of model, there may be extra steps that must be performed -