BlueField Host Network Interface

NVIDIA BlueField BMC Software v24.04

Under URI redfish/v1/Systems/Bluefield, there is a collection called EthernetInterfaces that represents the data ports and the OOB port of the BlueField. They are read-only and contain network information such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, and more.


curl -k -u root:'<password>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://<bmc_ip>/redfish/v1/Systems/Bluefield/EthernetInterfaces { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/Bluefield/EthernetInterfaces", "@odata.type": "#EthernetInterfaceCollection.EthernetInterfaceCollection", "Description": "Collection of EthernetInterfaces of the host", "Members": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/Bluefield/EthernetInterfaces/eth0" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/Bluefield/EthernetInterfaces/oob0" } ], "Members@odata.count": 2, "Name": "Ethernet Network Interface Collection" }


curl -k -u root:'<password>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://<bmc_ip>/redfish/v1/Systems/Bluefield/EthernetInterfaces/oob0 { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/Bluefield/EthernetInterfaces/oob0", "@odata.type": "#EthernetInterface.v1_6_0.EthernetInterface", "DHCPv4": { "DHCPEnabled": true, "UseDNSServers": false, "UseDomainName": false, "UseNTPServers": false }, "DHCPv6": { "OperatingMode": "Stateful", "UseDNSServers": false, "UseDomainName": false, "UseNTPServers": false }, "Description": "Host Network Interface for port oob0", "IPv4Addresses": [ { "Address": "10.345.41.97", "AddressOrigin": "Static", "Gateway": "", "SubnetMask": "" } ], "IPv4StaticAddresses": [ { "Address": "10.345.41.97", "AddressOrigin": "Static", "Gateway": "", "SubnetMask": "" } ], "IPv6AddressPolicyTable": [], "IPv6Addresses": [ { "Address": "fe80::a278:c2ff:fe0e:87a4", "AddressOrigin": "Static", "AddressState": null, "PrefixLength": 64 } ], "IPv6DefaultGateway": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0", "IPv6StaticAddresses": [ { "Address": "fe80::a278:c2ff:fe0e:87a4", "PrefixLength": 64 } ], "Id": "oob0", "InterfaceEnabled": false, "LinkStatus": "LinkUp", "MACAddress": "a0:88:a2:0e:87:a4", "MTUSize": 1500, "Name": "Host Ethernet Interface", "NameServers": [], "SpeedMbps": 1000, "StaticNameServers": [], "Status": { "Health": "OK", "HealthRollup": "OK", "State": "Disabled" } }

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