Document Revision History
Page "LLDP in Redfish"
Section "Product Instance Identifier"
Section "CEC Activation and Reset" under "BMC and CEC Firmware Update"
Section "BMC DPU Information"
Section "Installing BFB"
Section "FRU Reading IPMI Commands"
Section "Monitoring DPU OS Shutdown from BMC"
Section "Example for CSR Generation, Certificate Creation and Replacement"
Section "Redfish Event Log"
Cmds 0xa8 0x00 and 0xa8 0x01 to "NVIDIA OEM Commands"
Section "Changing Default Password"
Section "BIOS CA Certificates"
Section "System Commands"
Section "SEL Redfish Commands"
Section "Get Maximum Power Capacity"
Section "Get Dump Task State"
Section "BMC and CEC Firmware Update"
Section "Power Capping"
Section "DPU Chassis"
Section "BlueField Console Log"
Section "CA Certificates Collection Modification"
Section "Enable RShim on DPU BMC"
Section "Network Management Redfish Commands"
Section "CEC Update" under "BMC and CEC Firmware Update"
Section "OOB Network 3-Port Switch Control"
Appendix "Provisioning Software Upgrade Flow"
Section "Boot Config Using Redfish"
Section "Installing BFB"
Section "Factory Reset BMC"
Section "Reset or Reboot BMC"
Section "BMC Sensor Data"
Section "Retrieving Data from BlueField Via IPMB"
Section "Serial Over LAN (SOL)"
Section "BMC Dump Operations"
Section "System Inventory"
Section "DPU Chassis"
Section "NIC Subsystem Management"
Section "Table of Common Commands"
Section "FRU Reading"
Section "System Log"
Section "List of IPMI Supported FRUs"
Section "Boot Configuration"
Section "BIOS Secure Boot Configuration"
Section "BIOS Configuration"
Section "Reset Control"
Section "Changing Default Password"
Section "Account Service"
Section "Configuring BIOS Secure Boot"
Section "Configuring BIOS"
Section "Redfish Certificate Management"
The commands 0x32 0x97 and 0x32 0x98 to "NVIDIA Custom Commands"
Note in section "Network Protocol Support"
Section "Boot Configuration"
Section "Installing BFB"
Section "BMC and CEC Firmware Update" and its subsections
Figure "NVIDIA® BlueField®-3 BMC Connector" to section "BMC Console Interface"
Section "SEL Messages"
Section "Updating BMC and Glacier Firmware with Vendor Field Mode" which is relevant for NVIDIA® BlueField®-3 DPU only
Page "Serial Redirect Mode"
Section "BlueField BMC Redfish Triggers"
Command 0x32 0x92 and 0x32 0x93 to "NVIDIA Custom Commands" table
Section "BMC Management Interface" with new password requirements
Section "Sensor Data Record (SDR) Repository"
Link status codes to the p0_link and p1_link sensors in section "List of IPMI Supported Sensors"
Section "BMC and CEC Firmware Update"
Page "Vendor Field Mode"
Section "DPU Reset"
Section "Boot Configuration" with note on DPU boot override setting
NIC thermal sensors line in table under s ection "SDR Entry List"
Page "NVIDIA OEM Commands"