NVIDIA MLNX-GW User Manual for NVIDIA Skyway Appliance v8.1.4000

Configuring High Availability (HA)

This section explains how to configure a HA cluster with multiple appliances.

  • For all appliances in the HA cluster, the MLNX-GW version must the same.

  • For all appliances in the HA cluster, the Ethernet management interfaces must be in the same L2 subnet.

  • The Skyway appliances configured in HA mode must be connected to either Ethernet L3-dedicated switch or Ethernet L2 where all ports connected to Skyway are configured as router ports.

  • Before configuring HA, each appliance should be configured according to a the "Configuring IP Addresses and Routes" section above.

  • Virtual IP configuration and Ethernet port channel configuration must be identical for all appliances in the HA cluster.
    Example of configuration that needs to be identical for all appliances:
    Skyway A:


    gateway(config) # interface ib port-channel 1 virtual ip address gateway(config) # interface ethernet port-channel 1 ip address

    Skyway B:


    gateway(config) # interface ib port-channel 1 virtual ip address gateway(config) # interface ethernet port-channel 1 ip address

  • The ib port channel IP address may be different between the appliances in the HA cluster:
    Skyway A:


    gateway(config) # interface ib port-channel 1 ip address

    Skyway B:


    gateway(config) # interface ib port-channel 1 ip address

  • Make sure that all Ethernet interfaces that are connected to Skyway appliances in the same HA cluster are connected through an Ethernet MLAG or LAG configuration.
    Below is an example of MLAG and MAGP configuration on Ethernet switches connected to Skyway appliances.


    eth_router > enable eth_router # configure terminal eth_router (config) # protocol mlag eth_router (config) # lacp eth_router (config) # vlan 999 eth_router (config vlan 999) # exit eth_router (config) # interface vlan 999 ip address primary eth_router (config) # interface port-channel 1 eth_router (config interface port-channel 1) # exit eth_router (config) # interface ethernet 1/1-1/4 channel-group 1 mode active eth_router (config) # interface port-channel 1 ipl 1 eth_router (config) # interface vlan 999 ipl 1 peer-address eth_router (config) # mlag-vip GW-HA ip /16 force eth_router (config) # no mlag shutdown eth_router (config) # interface mlag-port-channel 101  eth_router (config interface mlag-port-channel 101) # exit eth_router (config) # interface ethernet 1/19-1/26 mlag-channel-group 101 mode active eth_router (config) # interface mlag-port-channel 101 no shutdown   eth_router (config) # ip routing eth_router (config) # vlan 101 eth_router (config vlan 101) # exit eth_router (config) # interface vlan 101 ip address primary eth_router (config) # interface mlag-port-channel 101 switchport access vlan 101 eth_router (config) # protocol magp eth_router (config) # interface vlan 101 magp 101 eth_router (config interface vlan 101 magp 101) # ip virtual-router address eth_router (config interface vlan 101 magp 101) # ip virtual-router mac-address AA:BB:CC:00:01:01 eth_router (config) # ip route vrf default

    Below is an example of LAG configuration on Ethernet switch connected to Skyway appliances. Ports 1–8 on the router are connected to the 8 Ethernet ports on the first Skyway appliance and ports 11-18 on the router are connected to the 8 Ethernet ports on the second Skyway appliance.


    eth_router > enable eth_router # configure terminal eth_router (config) # ip routing eth_router (config) # lacp eth_router (config) # interface port-channel 1 eth_router (config interface port-channel 1) # exit eth_router (config) # interface ethernet 1/1-1/8 channel-group 1 mode active eth_router (config) # interface ethernet 1/11-1/18 channel-group 1 mode active eth_router (config) # vlan 2 eth_router (config vlan 2) # exit eth_router (config) # interface port-channel 1 switchport access vlan 2 eth_router (config) # interface vlan 2 ip address /24 eth_router (config) # ip route /24


Even if working on a single Skyway appliance system, it is recommended to configure the appliance to have High Availability configuration on the system. This will allow to easily scale the topology in the future without needing to change a single Skyway appliance configuration. See section "Configuring HA on Skyway Appliance" below for configuration details.

  1. Configure HA on the gateway. Configure HA on each Skyway appliance that is going to be a part of the HA cluster.
    All Skyway appliances must share the same HA domain.

    Skyway A:


    gateway (config) # gw ha 1  Warning! Configuration is about to be saved and the system will be reloaded. Type 'YES' to confirm the HA domain id change: YES

    Skyway B:


    gateway (config) # gw ha 1  Warning! Configuration is about to be saved and the system will be reloaded. Type 'YES' to confirm the HA domain id change: YES


    After this step, the Skyway appliances will be rebooted.

  2. Once all systems complete the initialization, verify that all Skyway appliances were added properly to the HA cluster by running "show gw ha" from one of the Skyway appliances.
    Verify domain ID appears as configured and all Skyway appliances appear in the output of the command.


    gateway (config) # show gw ha   Global HA state: GW domain ID : 3 Active HA nodes: 3 Master name : skyway-7   HA domain nodes information: Name : skyway-8 GW Operational state: active System guid : b8ce:f603:0075:6eda Priority : 100   Name : skyway-64 GW Operational state: active System guid : b8ce:f603:0068:7e8a Priority : 100   Name : skyway-7 <--- (local node) GW Operational state: active System guid : b8ce:f603:0075:6efa Priority : 100

High Availability LAG/MLAG Setup


Skyway Connectivity to the Ethernet Using L2 Ethernet Switches


In this above use case, every Skyway-facing port on the side of the L2 Ethernet switches should be configured as a router port. In addition, a private network should be established (in the example above, between the router ports mentioned above and the Skyways Ethernet port channel.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on May 23, 2023.