Document Revision History
Rev 7.1-3.10.31xx, August 2022
The command "module-type"
Rev 7.0-3.10.30xx, July 2022
The command "ip filter reset-to-default-rules"
The command "show interfaces ethernet transceiver counters"
show interfaces ethernet transceiver counters details
Rev 7.0-3.10.22xx, May 2022
There are no changes to this version of the user manual. For further information on bug fixes and improvements, see the release notes of this software version.
Rev 6.9-3.10.20xx,April 2022
The command "ldap nested-group-search"
The command "ldap nested-group-depth"
The command "ldap nested-group-count"
Note in the command "system secure-mode enable"
The command "show ptp timeout counters"
The command "clear ptp timeout counters"
The command "ptp monitor logging enable"
The command "no ptp monitor logging enable"
The command "show ptp monitor"
The command "show ptp monitor phc"
The command "ptp monitor interval"
The command "no ptp monitor interval"
The command "ptp monitor interval phc"
The command "no ptp monitor interval phc"
The command "show ldap"
Note regarding PTP
Rev 6.7-3.9.32xx, July 2021
Example of the command "show banner"
The command "neighbor local-v6-addr"
Rev 6.6-3.9.31xx, June/July 2021Added:
The command "ip arp cache-update"
The command "monitor session"
The subsection " EVPN Neighbor-Suppression"
The command "file open-source-licenses upload"
ibdiagnet commands
Note about SNMP traps and informs
Note about IP filter
Updated the "terminal sysrq enable" command to be disabled by default
Moved "file help-docs upload" and "file eula upload" command to the .Configuration Management Commands v6.9-3.10.1100 section
The options in the command "crypto ipsec peer local"
List of possible output messages in Link Diagnostic Per Port section
MAC addresses to all be lowercase
The section Automated Periodic Backup
Configuring L2 MLAG subsection
MLAG Interoperability with Routing Protocols subsection
PTP configuration flow
Output of the command "show interfaces vlan"
Output of the command "show ip interface"
Output of the command "show ip interface port-channel"
Output of the command "show access-lists action"
Notes about Gratuitous ARP
The section Configuring Secure Connection to OpenFlow
MLAG Interoperability with L3 Protocols subsection
Rev 6.6-3.9.25xx, April 2021
A note about MLAG configuration.
Rev 6.6-3.9.24xx, March 2021
The section "IGMP-STD-MIB Information"
The section "Support of MLAG Interface in OpenFlow"
Description of Gratuitous ARP feature
Note to the command "no zero-touch suppress-write"
The command "openflow mode hybrid"
Example in the command "show openflow flows ethernet-names"
Example in the command "show openflow groups ethernet-names"
reg ex syntax description in the command "ip as-path access-list"
Rev 6.6-3.9.23xx, February 2021
Description to section Flow Samples and Statistical Samples
Added a BFD-related note
Note and command description to the command "ptp enable forced-master"
The command "ptp enable forced-master allow-mgmt"
Note to the command "openflow add-flows"
Output of the command "show docker stats"
"log-level" option to the command "docker"
Output example of the command "show docker"
Output example of the command "show docker containers"
"logging-facility-level" and "env-string" options to the command "docker start"
Output of the command "show ip bgp paths"
Rev 6.6-3.9.21xx, January 2021
The command "ip igmp snooping profile"
The command "show ip igmp snooping profile"
The command "ip igmp snooping filter profile"
The command "ip igmp snooping max-groups"
The command "show ip igmp snooping filter"
The command "clear ip igmp snooping filter"
The command "ipv6 routing disable-discard-counter"
The support IGMP snooping filtering (see the command "debug ethernet ip igmp-snooping")
List of control protocols
The output of the command "show ip igmp snooping interfaces"
The example of the command "timers bgp"
The provided information in the command "show interfaces ethernet"
Rev 6.5-3.9.20xx, November 2020
The section "Policy Based Routing (PBR)"
The command "tacacs-server enable"
The command "radius-server enable"
The command "puppet-agent enable"
The command "PTP TTL"
The command "snmp-server notify event what-just-happened"
The command "show snmp events what-just-happened"
The command "openflow acl table counter disable"
The command "show docker" to the user manual
The command "ldap enable"
The section Management VRF
VRF option to the command "file debug-dump"
VRF option to the command "file tcpdump"
VRF option to the command "file stats telemetry upload latests"
VRF option to the command "file stats telemetry upload all"
VRF option to the command "ldap ssl"
VRF option to the command "file image upload"
VRF option to the command "image upload"
VRF option to the command "snmp-server enable"
VRF option to the command "snmp-server host traps"
VRF option to the command "snmp-server host informs"
VRF option to the command "docker"
VRF option to the command "ntp"
VRF option to the command "file stats"
VRF option to the command "ip ftp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show ip ftp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "ip tftp source-interface"
The command "show ip tftp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "ip scp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show ip scp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "ip icmp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show ip icmp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "ip traceroute source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show ip traceroute source-interface"
VRF option to the command "ip sftp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show ip sftp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "ntp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show ntp source-interface"
VRF option to the command "tacacs-server source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show tacacs-server source-interface"
VRF option to the command "logging source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show logging source-interface"
VRF option to the command "snmp-server source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show snmp-server source-interface"
VRF option to the command "ssh client global source-interface"
VRF option to the command "show ssh client source-interface"
VRF option to the command "logging"
VRF option to the command "logging port"
VRF option to the command "logging trap"
VRF option to the command "image fetch"
"no-autoneg" parameter on the command "speed"
Force option to the command "vrf definition"
Host-trust option to the command "docker start"
VRF option to the command "logging"
Note to the command "ip l3"
The command "password"
The command "show password hardening"
The command "show tacacs"
The command "show radius"
The command "show puppet-agent"
The command "what just happened"
The command "what just happened status"
The output of the command "show snmp"
The output of the command "show web"
The output of the command "show ntp"
The output of the command "show sflow"
The output of the command "show docker containers"
The output of the command "show what-just-happened buffer"
The output of the command "show what-just-happened aggregated buffer"
The output and the notes of the command "openflow mode hybrid"
The output and the notes of the command "show stats sample data"
The output of the command "show ip igmp snooping interfaces"
Notes in the command "bandwidth shape"
The default MTU size in L2 interfaces in the command "mtu"
The default MTU size in L3 interfaces in the command "mtu"
The section "Management Information Bases (MIBs)"
Rev 6.5-3.9.19xx, October 2020
The section "Bidirectional PIM"
The section "PIM Load-Sharing"
PIM Bidr commands:
Bidir option to the following commands:
Note in the command "dhcp"
Note in the command "ipv6 dhcp client enable"
The command "ip prefix-list bulk-mode"
The command "ip prefix-list commit"
Output of the command "show ip pim rp"
Output of the command "show ip pim interface"
Output of the command "show ip pim neighbor"
Output of the command "show ip pim rp-candidate"
Output of the command "show ip pim protocol"
Output of the command "show vrf"
Output and note of the command "show interfaces mgmt0"
Rev 6.5-3.9.16xx, September 2020
The command "docker login"
The command "docker logout"
The command "show docker login"
Note to the command "openflow fail-mode secure"
Note to the command "openflow add-group"
The command "power-management width"
The command "dcb ets"
"ethernet", "port-channel", and "vlan" options from the commands "ipv6 route" and "ip route"
Rev 6.5-3.9.13xx, August 2020
Router ID section
Output of "show what-just-happened status"
Example in the command "traffic-class congestion-control"
Example of the command "show ip routing counters"
Rev 6.4-3.9.10xx, July 2020
Added support for VRRP IPv6
Added support for MAGP IPv6
The command "show interfaces counters vlan"
The command "default interface ethernet"
Counter per VLAN in the command "nve vni vlan"
Support for IPv6 Neighbor Suppression
Ability input a range of ports on the following "show interfaces ethernet counters" commands:
Ability to select several attributes for filtering output in the commands show ip bgp evpn
Note to command "recirculation"
Information about EVPN MAC Mobility
Note in SSH section
Organized log events in order of severity
Notes and "session-id" ranges in the command "monitor session"
Led Indicators information
Note in command "what-just-happened"
Output of the command "show telemetry"
Output of the command "show interface port-channel"
Output of the command "show interfaces mlag-port-channel"
Note in "show interfaces counters discard"
Notes of OpenFlow commands with delete functions
Notes in "speed"
Output of "show interface nve 1 detail"
Output of "show interface nve 1"
Output if "show vrrp statistics"
Output of "show interfaces ethernet description"
Output of "show interfaces ethernet status
Output of "show interfaces status"
Preempt Delay option from VRRP section
The deprecated command "IPv6 neighbor"
Rev 6.4-3.9.0900, May/June 2020
The command "no logging debug-files rotation criteria"
The command "no logging files rotation criteria"
The command "logging mac masking"
Notes in "ssh server login attempts" command
Note to "username" command
The command "switchmode exceptions sip-equals-dip"
The command "show switchmode exceptions"
The command "show logging"
The example "show what-just-happened acl" and the notes
The example "show what-just-happened aggregated acl" and notes
Support for "module-types" cables.
Rev 6.4-3.9.0600, April 2020
The command "neighbor"
The command "ip virtual-router mac-address"
Buffer drop option to WJH
The command "show configuration auto-upload"
The command "configuration auto-upload"
Description of Automated Periodic Configuration File Backup
Notes to the command "logging source-interface"
The command "ip igmp snooping querier address"
The command "match ipv6 address"
Link to new link to IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol Design Guide
Output of "show ip arp" command to reflect addition of "Flags" field
Output of "show interfaces nve counters" command
Output of "show ip routing" command
The command "dcb priority-flow-control enable"
Note in the command "dcb priority-flow-control priority"
The command "configuration upload"
Changed the "SSH server login record-period" default from 30 days to 1 day
Example and note of the "ptp delay-req interval" command
The command "virtual-router ip-address"
The commands "match community", "match interface", "match local preferences", "set as-path tag", "set community", and "set tag" from the Policy Rules section
no-autoneg parameter from the speed configuration
Rev 6.3-3.9.0300, February 2020
Updated description of the command "neighbor next-hop-peer"
Note to the ACL command "policer"
The command "show what-just-happened aggregated"
The command "show ip bgp exceptions"
The command "interface vrf ip address alias"
The command "show ip interface vrf vrf"
The command "interface ip enable"
Support for BGP unnumbered neighbors
Support for Layer-1 Aggregation in WJH
The command "show ssh server login record-period"
SSH server login record-period to the command "show ssh server"
Ability to apply reboot to the command "configuration text file"
LDAP description
The scale section in the ACL Capability Summary table
Updated example of the command "show interfaces status"
Output of the command "show roce"
Output of the command "ip pim rp-candidate"
Output of the command "show interfaces nve"
Output of the command "show interfaces nve detail"
Output for the command "show ip routing"
Output for the command "show what-just-happened"
RSA v1 from the command "ssh server host-key"
RSA v1 from notes on the command "ssh server security strict"
RSA v1 from the example in the command "show ssh server"
RSA v1 from the example in the command "show ssh server host-keys"
The command "web proxy auth host"
The command "neighbor no-route-map"
The command "match community"
The command "match interface"
The command "match local preferences"
The command "set as-path tag"
The command "set community"
The command "set tag"
Rev 6.3 January 2020
The command "neighbor out-delay"
The command "graceful-restart helper"
Rev 6.3 December 2019
New command "show ip bgp neighbors address-family"
Output of "show ip bgp evpn detail"
Output of "show interfaces nve" while running NVE BGP controller mode
Clarification about LACP system-priority configuration
“Mapping type” was added to "show interfaces nve detail" command to state whether VLAN to VNI mapping was done manually or by auto-vlan-map
The command "interface nve auto-vlan-map"
The command "interface nve disable nve vni"
Counters per VLAN in "nve vni vlan" command
The command "openflow fail-mode secure"
Changed "auto-create" command to "vni auto-create"
Output of "show ip bgp address-family l2vpn-evpn"
Replaced auto-completion of “show ip bgp evpn route-type *” command with string keywords instead on numbers
Output of "show interfaces nve" command to reflect the addition of the "auto-vlan-map" status
Rev 6.3 November 2019
ca-valid option in the "crypto certificate name" command
ca-valid option in the "crypto certificate generation" command
New command "ntp server-role disable"
New ca-valid option to the "crypto certificate system-self-signed regenerate" command
The command "logging protocol"
New command "disable dcb priority flow control"
Modified the "no dcb priority-flow-control enable"
Modified the methods for the "port-channel load-balance ethernet" command
New command "show ptp time-property"
New command "ptp mean-path-delay"
New command "show ptp clock foreign-masters"
New command "ptp offset-from-master"
New command "show ptp status"
New section "PTP Debuggability Logging Examples"
New command "route-table prefix-list"
New command "ip prefix-list * permit"
EVPN MAC mobility logging examples
Output example of the "qos map pcp dei" command
Output example of the "show what just happened" command
Output example of the "show crypto certificate" command
Command "show ptp clock parent"
Updated maximum sequence value in "ip prefix-list" command
Output in "show ip bgp address-family" commad
"prefix-modes show-config" option because it is no longer available in the "cli session" command
Terminal type vt320 from the "cli session" command
"dcb ets enable" command is deprecated
Rev 6.2 September 2019
Instructions on how to change initial password through JSON API
Instruction on logging out through JSON API
The section "Changing Default Password" in order to conform to new law: California's Senate Bill No. 327, Chapter 886
The command "logging"
The command "logging filter include"
The command "logging filter exclude"
The command "no logging filter"
New feature: LLDP is now enabled by default
New feature: RoCE automation
New feature: IGMP Snooping Querier Guard
New field "PTP operational state" to the following commands: "show ptp vrf", "show ptp vrf <name>", "show ptp interface", "show ptp interface ethernet <id>", "show ptp interface vlan <id>", "show ptp interface vlan <id> ethernet <id>", and "show ptp interface port-channel <id>"
New command "ptp enable ipv6"
ACL option for the "what-just-happened" command
ACL option for the "what-just-happened auto-export" command
ACL option for the "clear what-just-happened" command
The command "ip igmp snooping querier-guard"
The command "show ip igmp snooping querier-guard"
The command "clear buffers interface ethernet 1/1 max-usage" to the user manual
The command "clear buffers interface max-usage" to the user manual
The command "clear buffers pool iPool2 max-usage" to the user manual
The command "clear buffers pool max-usage" to the user manual
The command "show ptp interface ethernet" to the user manual
The command "show ptp interface" to the user manual
Option to the "show ip arp" command
The command "disable interface ethernet traffic-class congestion-control"
The command "disable interface port-channel traffic-class congestion-control"
The command "disable interface mlag-port-channel traffic-class congestion-control"
Description of the no form of the "neighbor ebgp-multihop" command
Output example of "show traffic pool interface ethernet" command
Output example of "show interfaces ethernet description" command
Output example of "show interfaces counters discard" command
Output example of "show qos mapping ingress interface egress interface"
Output example of the "show what-just-happened" command
Output example of the "qos rewrite pcp" command
Output example of the "qos rewrite dscp" command
Output example of the "qos rewrite map switch-priority pcp dei" command
Moved JSON API Authentication Example from "JSON Examples" section to JSON API "Authentication" section
Output example of the "show ptp" command
Output example of the "show ptp interface port-channel" command
Output example of the "show ptp interface vlan" command
Output example of the "show ptp" interface ethernet command
Output example of the "show ip igmp snooping interfaces" command
Output example of the "show interfaces ethernet description" command
Options in the "neighbor local-as" command
Notes in the "mlag-vip" command to clarity that currently, this command only supports IPv4
Switch priority range in Port Mirroring#headerformat section
The XML API is deprecated as of release 3.8.2000.
xml-gw enable" due to XML API depreciation
The command "show xml-gw" due to XML API depreciation
Rev 6.1 August 07, 2019
No changes to this version. The software version was changed due to bug fixes. For further information, see Release Notes.
Rev 6.1 July 2019
Documentation of The command ip igmp version
The options of "keep-docker" and "clear-label <label name>" to the "reset factory" command
show interface pfc-wd command output
The title of the "Telemetry" section is now called "Buffer Histograms Monitoring"
Licensing section.
Rev 6.0 July 2019
No changes to this version. The software version was changed due to bug fixes. For further information, see Release Notes.
Rev 6.0 June 2019
Rev 5.9 June 2019
No changes to this version. The software version was changed due to bug fixes. For further information, see Release Notes.
Rev 5.9 May 2019
Added step for configuring MTU on MLAG IPL VLAN interface in MLAG configuration flow
The command "ovs logging level"
The command "show ovs"
The parameter "vrf" to multiple commands under "IGMP and PIM Commands"
"Web Interface Overview" with note on the maximum allowed number of WebUI sessions
"Upgrading HA Groups" with note regarding slave switches not learning MAC addresses when they are upgraded while master switches are still in the lower version
JSON "Authentication" section
Section "Authentication Example"
Section "IGMP Snooping Querier"
The command "ip igmp snooping (config)"
The command "show ip igmp snooping membership"
Content under "Multicast (IGMP and PIM)"
Rev 5.8 April 2019
“Additional Reading and Use Cases” sections referring to various community posts providing more information about a given subject matter
Section "56GbE Link Speed" on page "Ethernet Interfaces"
Sections ESF Configuration Using CLI, ESF Configuration using AnsibleAdded IPv4 link local to section IP Routing Overview
Section WJH Streaming and Integration with Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana (TIG) Stack
Section Ethernet VPN (EVPN)
Section "Transceiver Information" on page "Ethernet Interfaces"
Section "Port Type" on page "Spanning Tree Protocol"
The command "show running-config interface"
The command "file stats telemetry delete latest"
The command "file stats telemetry delete all"
The command "file stats telemetry upload latest"
The command "file stats telemetry upload all"
Section "Upgrade Ramifications" on page "Linux Dockers"
The command "what just happened auto-export"
The command "show snmp source interface"
The command "snmp server source interface"
The command "nve controller bgp"
The command "vxlan mlag-tunnel-ip"
The command "vxlan mlag-tunnel-ip"
The command "nve neigh-suppression"
The command "nve vlan neigh-suppression"
The command "show interface nve detail"
The command "vni"
The command "vni rd"
The command "vni route-target"
The command "auto-create"
Page “Image Maintenance via ONIE”
The command "show stats sample data"
The command “snmp-server user”
The command "monitor session"
The command "ib fabric import"
The command "radius-server host"
The command "show radius"
The command "show ip bgp neighbors received"
Section "Destination Interface" on page "Port Mirroring"
Section "Configuring an SNMPv3 User" on page "Network Management Interfaces"
Page "Linus Dockers"
The command "show json-gw"
Section "Router ID" on page "OSPF"
Section "Memory Resources Allocation Protocol" on page "Linux Dockers"
The command "show running-config"
The command "start"
The command "show docker containers"
The command "copy-sdk"
The command "cli session"
The command "show hosts"
The command "web enable"
The command "web https"
The command "show interface nve"
The command "show ip bgp address-family"
Section "Execution Types" on page "Network Management Interfaces"
The command "show mac-address-table"
The command "show mac-address-table summary"
The command "port-channel load-balance ethernet"
Page "What Just Happened"
The command "what just happened"
The command "clear what just happened"
The command "show what just happened"
The command "ip default-gateway"
Section "System Configuration"
The command "logging trap"
The command "logging port"
The command "show logging port"
Rev 5.7 December 2018
The command “ip pim multipath rp”
The command “ipv6 dhcp client enable”
The command “ipv6 dhcp client renew”
The command “stats sample max-entries”
The command “show stats sample data”
The command “system profile”
The command “show what-just-happened”
Section “MLAG Keepalive and Failover”
The command “link state tracking group”
The command “link state tracking vlan”
The command “switchport access”
Section “Signal Degradation Monitoring”
Section “ECMP Consistent Hashing”
The command “ip load-sharing”
The command “show ip load-sharing”
The command “show ip route”
Section “Changing the Module Type to a Split Mode”
The command “bfd interval”
The command “show ip route static”
The command “set community”
The command “magp”
The command “vrrp”
Section “Configuring UDK”
Section “What Just Happened (WJH)”
Section “56GbE Link Speed”
The command “show interfaces ethernet”
The command “ip pim multipath next-hop”
The command “show ip pim protocol”
The command “aaa authentication login”
The command “stats sample interval”
The command “stats export”
The command “ip route bfd”
The command “ip igmp last-member-query-response-time”
Section “OSPF”
Section “Config Router”
The command “ip igmp snooping (config)”
Section “What Just Happened (WJH)”
The command “show ip pim rp-hash”
The command “show ssh client source-interface”
The command “stats sample <sample-id> enable”
The command “show stats sample”
The command “show stats sample data”
Section “Unsplitting a Split Port”
The command “width”
Rev 5.6 December 2018
“Management Source IP Address”
Rev 5.5 December 2018
The command “clear ptp interface port-channel counters”
The command “clear ptp VRF counters”
The command “interface port-channel”
The command “ptp vrf”
The command “show ptp interface port-channel”
The command “show ptp vrf”
The command “show ptp vrf counters”
The command “show ptp interface port-channel counters”
The command “email autosupport mailhub”
The command “email autosupport recipient”
The command “show email”
The command “snmp-server cache enable”
Section “What Just Happened (WJH)”
Section “Link State Tracking”
Section “IP Diagnostic Tools”
Section “Configuring PTP”
The command “show ptp forced-master”
The command “show ptp”
Section “Supported Events”
The command “aaa authorization”
The command “show aaa”
Section “System File Encryption”
The command “system profile”
The command “show memory”
Section “Configuring an SNMPv3 User”
The command “snmp-server user”
The command “show snmp auto-refresh”
The command “show puppet-agent”
The command “show virtual-machine interface”
Section “Resource Scale”
Section “56GbE Link Speed”
The command “fec-override”
The command “show interfaces ethernet rates”
The command “show interfaces port-channel”
Section “Port Type”
Section “BPDU Guard”
Section “Loop Guard”
The command “spanning-tree mst root”
Section “Configuring Link State Tracking”
The command “link state tracking group”
The command “link state tracking vlan”
The command “deny/permit (MAC ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv4 ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv4 TCP ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv4 TCP-UDP/UDP ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv4 ICMP ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv6 ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv6 TCP ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv6 TCP-UDP/UDP ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv6 ICMPv6 ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (MAC UDK ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv4 UDK ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv4 TCP UDK ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv4 TCP-UDP/UDP UDK ACL rule)”
The command “deny/permit (IPv4 ICMP UDK ACL rule)”
The command “show access-lists action”
Section “Configuring VXLAN”
Section “IGMP Snooping Querier”
The command “igmp snooping querier query-interval”
The command “Trust Levels”
The command “qos default switch-priority”
The command “storm-control”
Section “Configuring a Router Port Interface”
The command “show ip interface ethernet”
The command “show ip interface port-channel”
The command “show ip interface vrf”
Section “Configuring OSPF”
Section “Configuring BGP”
The command “show {ip | ipv6} bgp”
Rev 5.4 November 2018
No changes made since last revision
Rev 5.3 August 2018
The command “web proxy auth authtype”
The command “web proxy auth basic”
The command “web proxy auth host”
The command “{ip | ipv6} route”
The command “image install”
The command “image options”
Section “Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA)”
The command “aaa authorization”
The command “show virtual-machine install”
The command “show telemetry”
The command “start”
The command “speed”
The command “show mac access-lists summary”
The command “dcb priority-flow-control mode”
The command “show buffers details”
The command “show ip bgp address-family”
The command “show ip bgp neighbors”
The command “show ip bgp neighbors received”
The command “vrrp”
The command “ip virtual-router address”
The command “show ip bgp peer-group”
Section "Additional Reading and Use Cases" on page "Licenses"