NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.11.2

Modules REST API

  • Description – returns information on all modules in the fabric, or on a specific module by name, or on all modules of a specific system

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/modules

  • Main Operations

    • Get all modules

    • Get module/s by name

    • Get all modules of a specific system

  • Description – returns information on all modules in the fabric

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/modules

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-FANF-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4001_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1704X09072", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / FAN 1", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-FANF-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4001_03", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 3", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 3, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1704X09071", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / FAN 3", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-FANF-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4001_02", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 2", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 2, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1704X09078", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / FAN 2", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-FANF-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4001_04", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 4", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 4, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1704X09070", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / FAN 4", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MSB7800-ES2F", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4000_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "MGMT", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "MGMT - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1702X09706", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / MGMT 1", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "fatal", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-PSF-AC-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_2005_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "PS", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "PS - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1702X07738", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / PS 1", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Warning" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MSB7800-ES2F", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_1007_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "3.8.1991-02-X86_64", "type": "SYSTEM", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "SYSTEM", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1702X09706", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / system 1", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "45", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-PSF-AC-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_2005_02", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "PS", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "PS - 2", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 2, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1702X07735", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / PS 2", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MSX6036F-1SFR", "name": "0002c903007b78b0_4000_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "MGMT", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "MGMT - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1230X02600", "path": "default / Switch: r-dmz-ufm-sw49 / MGMT 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MSX60-PF", "name": "0002c903007b78b0_2005_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "PS", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "PS - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1212X03551", "path": "default / Switch: r-dmz-ufm-sw49 / PS 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MSX6036F-1SFR", "name": "0002c903007b78b0_1007_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "PPC_M460EX 3.6.8012 2019-02-22 07:53:42 ppc", "type": "SYSTEM", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "SYSTEM", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1230X02600", "path": "default / Switch: r-dmz-ufm-sw49 / system 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "temperature": "43", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MSX60-FF", "name": "0002c903007b78b0_4001_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1230X04280", "path": "default / Switch: r-dmz-ufm-sw49 / FAN 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "active", "sw_version": "NA", "hw_version": "NA", "description": "Aggregation Node (248a070300f88fe8)", "severity": "Info", "number_of_chips": 0, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "module_index": 0, "temperature": "N/A", "device_type": "SHArP", "serial_number": 53001, "path": "default / SubModule: Mellanox Technologies Aggregation Node", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "type": "SHARP", "ports": [], "name": "248a070300f88fe8" } ]

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – get module/s using their name

  • Request URL – GET/ufmRest/resources/modules/<module-name1>,<module-name2>,…

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-FANF-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4001_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1704X09072", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / FAN 1", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "severity": "Info" } ]

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 404 – NOT FOUND—module was not found (by name)

  • Description – returns all modules for a specific system

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/modules?system=<system-name>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-FANF-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4001_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1704X09072", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / FAN 1", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-FANF-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4001_03", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 3", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 3, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1704X09071", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / FAN 3", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-FANF-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4001_02", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 2", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 2, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1704X09078", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / FAN 2", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-FANF-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4001_04", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "FAN", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "FAN - 4", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 4, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1704X09070", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / FAN 4", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MSB7800-ES2F", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_4000_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "MGMT", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "MGMT - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1702X09706", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / MGMT 1", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "fatal", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-PSF-AC-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_2005_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "PS", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "PS - 1", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1702X07738", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / PS 1", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Warning" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MSB7800-ES2F", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_1007_01", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "3.8.1991-02-X86_64", "type": "SYSTEM", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "SYSTEM", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1702X09706", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / system 1", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "45", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "OK", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "MTEF-PSF-AC-A", "name": "248a070300f88fe0_2005_02", "hca_dev_id": "N/A", "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "PS", "number_of_chips": 0, "description": "PS - 2", "max_ib_ports": 0, "module_index": 2, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "device_type": "Switch", "serial_number": "MT1702X07735", "path": "default / Switch: switch-ec4034 / PS 2", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "active", "sw_version": "NA", "hw_version": "NA", "description": "Aggregation Node (248a070300f88fe8)", "severity": "Info", "number_of_chips": 0, "hosting_system_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "module_index": 0, "temperature": "N/A", "device_type": "SHArP", "serial_number": 53001, "path": "default / SubModule: Mellanox Technologies Aggregation Node", "device_name": "switch-ec4034", "type": "SHARP", "ports": [], "name": "248a070300f88fe8" } ]

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – lists all hosts’ HCA modules in the fabric.

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/modules?type=hca

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_1090120019", "hw_version": "2.42.5000", "name": "0002c9030021f970_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4099, "sw_version": "2.42.5000", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-3", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "0002c9030021f970", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm134 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm134", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "0002c9030021f972_2", "0002c9030021f971_1" ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_2190110032", "hw_version": "12.25.1020", "name": "248a0703002e6292_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4115, "sw_version": "12.25.1020", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-4", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a0703002e6292", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm139 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm139", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "248a0703002e6293_2", "248a0703002e6292_1" ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_0000000008", "hw_version": "16.27.2026", "name": "98039b030000e456_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4119, "sw_version": "16.27.2026", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-5", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "98039b030000e456", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm128 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm128", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "98039b030000e456_1" ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_0000000008", "hw_version": "16.27.2008", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4119, "sw_version": "16.27.2008", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-5", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "b8599f03000a77d0", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dcs96", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "ec0d9a03007d7d0b_2", "ec0d9a03007d7d0a_1" ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_0000000008", "hw_version": "16.27.2008", "name": "b8599f03000a77d0_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4119, "sw_version": "16.27.2008", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-5", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 2, "hosting_system_guid": "b8599f03000a77d0", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dcs96", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "b8599f03000a77d1_2", "b8599f03000a77d0_1" ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_1090120019", "hw_version": "2.42.5000", "name": "0002c90300455bc0_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4099, "sw_version": "2.42.5000", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-3", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "0002c90300455bc0", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm131 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm131", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "0002c90300455bc2_2", "0002c90300455bc1_1" ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "N/A", "name": "248a0703002e628e_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4115, "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-4", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a0703002e628e", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm135 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm135", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "248a0703002e628e_1", "248a0703002e628f_2" ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "N/A", "hw_version": "N/A", "name": "0008f10001085600_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 23141, "sw_version": "N/A", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-3", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "0008f10001085600", "device_type": "Gateway", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Gateway: Mellanox 4036E IO 4036E-20FA / HCA 1", "device_name": "Mellanox 4036E IO 4036E-20FA", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "0008f10001085601_1" ], "severity": "Info" } ]

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – lists all hosts’ HCA modules in the fabric including their respective ports.

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/modules?type=hca&ports=true

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_1090120019", "hw_version": "2.42.5000", "name": "0002c9030021f970_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4099, "sw_version": "2.42.5000", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-3", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "0002c9030021f970", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm134 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm134", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_9", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "9", "guid": "0002c9030021f972", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 6, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "0002c9030021f970", "tier": 1, "path": "default(7) / Computer: r-dmz-ufm134 / NA / HCA-1/2", "name": "0002c9030021f972_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_8", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "8", "guid": "0002c9030021f971", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 1, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "0002c9030021f970", "tier": 1, "path": "default(7) / Computer: r-dmz-ufm134 / NA / HCA-1/1", "name": "0002c9030021f971_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/1", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 } ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_2190110032", "hw_version": "12.25.1020", "name": "248a0703002e6292_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4115, "sw_version": "12.25.1020", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-4", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "248a0703002e6292", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm139 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dmz-ufm139", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_32", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "32", "guid": "248a0703002e6293", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 10, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "248a0703002e6292", "tier": 1, "path": "default(7) / Computer: r-dmz-ufm139 / NA / HCA-1/2", "name": "248a0703002e6293_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_31", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "31", "guid": "248a0703002e6292", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 9, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "248a0703002e6292", "tier": 1, "path": "default(7) / Computer: r-dmz-ufm139 / NA / HCA-1/1", "name": "248a0703002e6292_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/1", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 } ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_0000000008", "hw_version": "16.27.2026", "name": "98039b030000e456_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4119, "sw_version": "16.27.2026", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-5", "max_ib_ports": 2, ...

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – lists all hosts’ HCA modules for a specific host system

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/modules?type=hca&system=<system_id>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_0000000008", "hw_version": "16.27.2008", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4119, "sw_version": "16.27.2008", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-5", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "b8599f03000a77d0", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dcs96", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "ec0d9a03007d7d0b_2", "ec0d9a03007d7d0a_1" ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_0000000008", "hw_version": "16.27.2008", "name": "b8599f03000a77d0_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4119, "sw_version": "16.27.2008", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-5", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 2, "hosting_system_guid": "b8599f03000a77d0", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dcs96", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ "b8599f03000a77d1_2", "b8599f03000a77d0_1" ], "severity": "Info" } ]

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – lists all HCA modules for a specific host system including their respective ports

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/modules?type=hca&system=<system_id>&ports=true

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_0000000008", "hw_version": "16.27.2008", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4119, "sw_version": "16.27.2008", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-5", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 1, "hosting_system_guid": "b8599f03000a77d0", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dcs96", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_20", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "20", "guid": "ec0d9a03007d7d0b", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 4, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "b8599f03000a77d0", "tier": 1, "path": "default(7) / Computer: r-dcs96 / NA / HCA-1/2", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0b_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_19", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "19", "guid": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 3, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "b8599f03000a77d0", "tier": 1, "path": "default(7) / Computer: r-dcs96 / NA / HCA-1/1", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/1", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 } ], "severity": "Info" }, { "status": "N/A", "psid": "MT_0000000008", "hw_version": "16.27.2008", "name": "b8599f03000a77d0_0_00", "hca_dev_id": 4119, "sw_version": "16.27.2008", "type": "HCA", "number_of_chips": 1, "description": "HCA - 1", "nic_type": "ConnectX-5", "max_ib_ports": 2, "module_index": 2, "hosting_system_guid": "b8599f03000a77d0", "device_type": "Computer", "serial_number": "N/A", "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / HCA 1", "device_name": "r-dcs96", "temperature": "N/A", "ports": [ { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_20", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "20", "guid": "b8599f03000a77d1", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 15, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "b8599f03000a77d0", "tier": 1, "path": "default(7) / Computer: r-dcs96 / NA / HCA-2/2", "name": "b8599f03000a77d1_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-2/2", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_19", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "19", "guid": "b8599f03000a77d0", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 14, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "b8599f03000a77d0", "tier": 1, "path": "default(7) / Computer: r-dcs96 / NA / HCA-2/1", "name": "b8599f03000a77d0_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-2/1", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 } ], "severity": "Info" } ]

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jul 4, 2024.