NVIDIA UFM-SDN Appliance User Manual v4.13.1

Configuring General Settings in gv.cfg

Configure general settings in the conf/gv.cfg file. When running UFM in HA mode, the gv.cfg file is replicated to the standby server.

Fabric interface should be set to one of the InfiniBand IPoIB interfaces which connect the UFM/SM to the fabric:


fabric_interface = ib0

  • By default, fabric_interface is set to ib0

  • fabric_interface must be up and running before UFM startup, otherwise, UFM will not be able to run

  • fabric_interface must be configured with a valid IPv4 address before UFM startup, otherwise, UFM will not be able to run


monitoring_mode = yes

For more information, see Changing UFM Running Mode.


enable_predefined_groups = true


By default, pre-defined groups are enabled. In very large scale fabrics, pre-defined groups can be disabled in order to allow faster startup of UFM.


multinic_host_enabled = true


Upon first installation of UFM 4.6.1 and above, mutli-NIC host grouping is enabled by default. However, if a user is upgrading from an older version, then this feature will be disabled for them.


It is recommended to set the value of this parameter before running UFM for the first time.


management_mode = sm_only

For more information, see Configuring UFM-SDN Appliance with External UFM-SMs.

The default multicast address is configured to an IPv4 address. To run over IPv6, this must be changed to the following in section UFMAgent of gv.cfg.


[UFMAgent] ... # if ufmagent works in ipv6 please set this multicast address to FF05:0:0:0:0:0:0:15F mcast_addr = FF05:0:0:0:0:0:0:15F

Add ccmgr for example:


# Event plugin name(s) event_plugin_name osmufmpi ccmgr

Add the plug-in options file to the event_plugin_options option:


# Options string that would be passed to the plugin(s) event_plugin_options ccmgr --conf_file /opt/ufm/files/conf/cc-mgr.conf

These plug-in parameters are copied to the opensm.conf file in Management mode only.


Mellanox SHARP AM is disabled by default.


[Sharp] sharp_enabled = true


Upon startup of UFM or SHARP Aggregation Manager, UFM will resend all existing persistent allocation to SHARP AM.

OpenSM supports up to 8 GUIDs being configured in opensm.conf file. This allows users to configure several fabric interfaces for OpenSM in UFM configuration file conf/gv.cfg. This means that users can specify multiple IPoIB interfaces or bonds in UFM, and UFM will translate them to GUIDs and add them to the OpenSM configuration file (conf/opensm/opensm.conf). If users specify more than 8 interfaces, the extra interfaces are ignored.


[Server] # True/false flag to configure OpenSM with multiple GUIDs enable_multi_port_sm = false # When enabling multi_port_sm, specify here the additional fabric interfaces for opensm.conf # Example: ib1,ib2,ib5 (OpenSM will support the first 8 GUIDs where first GUID are extracted # from the fabric_interface field. The remaining GUIDs are taken from the # additional_fabric_interfaces field. additional_fabric_interfaces =


UFM treats bonds as a group of IPoIB interfaces. So, for example, if bond0 consists of the interfaces ib0 and ib1, then expect to see GUIDs for ib0 and ib1 in opensm.conf.


Duplicate interface names are ignored (e.g. ib1,ib1,ib1,ib2,ib1 = ib1,ib2).

To work with large scale fabrics, users should set the set_udp_buffer flag under the [IBPM] section to yes in order for UFM to set the buffer size (default is no).


# By deafult, UFM does not set the UDP buffer size. For large scale fabrics # it is recommended to increase the buffer size to 4MB (4194304 bits). set_udp_buffer = yes # UDP buffer size udp_buffer_size = 4194304

Virtualization allows for supporting virtual ports in UFM.


[Virtualization] # By enabling this flag, UFM will discover all the virtual ports assigned for all hypervisors in the fabric enable = false # Interval for checking whether any virtual ports were changed in the fabric interval = 60

Users may configure a static value for the SM LID in order so UFM SM runs on this LID upon UFM startup.


[SubnetManager] # 1- Zero value (Default): Disable static SM LID functionality and allow the SM to run with any LID. # Example: sm_lid=0 # 2- Non-zero value: Enable static SM LID functionality so SM will use this LID upon UFM startup. sm_lid=0


To configure an external SM (UFM server running in sm_only mode), users must manually configure the opensm.conf file (conf/opensm/opensm.conf) and align the value of master_sm_lid to the value used for sm_lid in gv.cfg on the main UFM server.

In the gv.cfg configuration file, it is possible to set a limit on the number of live telemetry sessions running in parallel using the field max_live_sessions.


[Telemetry] # max parallel user live sessions max_live_sessions=3 # UFM’s provider of telemetry (counters). possible values:telemetry, ibpm telemetry_provider=telemetry

Alternatively, you may run the command ufm telemetry collector max-live-sessions.

This section enables setting up the log files rotate policy. By default, log rotation runs once a day by cron scheduler.


Alternatively, you can run the following commands:

  • ufm logging files rotation criteria

  • ufm logging files rotation max-num


[logrotate] #max_files specifies the number of times to rotate a file before it is deleted (this definition will be applied to #SM and SHARP Aggregation Manager logs, running in the scope of UFM). #A count of 0 (zero) means no copies are retained. A count of 15 means fifteen copies are retained (default is 15) max_files = 15 #With max_size, the log file is rotated when the specified size is reached (this definition will be applied to #SM and SHARP Aggregation Manager logs, running in the scope of UFM). Size may be specified in bytes (default), #kilobytes (for example: 100k), or megabytes (for exapmle: 10M). if not specified logs will be rotated once a day. max_size = 3

The following show examples of configuration settings in the gv.cfg file:

  • Polling interval for Fabric Dashboard information


    ui_polling_interval = 30

  • [Optional] UFM Server local IP address resolution (by default, the UFM resolves the address by gethostip). UFM Web UI should have access to this address.


    ws_address = <specific IP address>

  • HTTP/HTTPS Port Configuration


    # WebServices Protocol (http/https) and Port ws_port = 8088 ws_protocol = http

  • Connection (port and protocol) between the UFM server and the APACHE server


    ws_protocol = <http or https> ws_port = <port number>

    For more information, see Launching a UFM Web UI Session.

  • SNMP get-community string for switches (fabric wide or per switch)


    # default snmp access point for all devices [SNMP] port = 161 gcommunity = public

  • Configuring Monitoring History


    [MonitoringHistory] # history_report_timeout = 600


    Other [Monitoringhistory] parameters are updated implicitly via the configuration script and should NOT be modified in the gv.cfg file directly.

  • Enhanced Event Management (Alarmed Devices Group)


    [Server] auto_remove_from_alerted = yes

  • Log verbosity:


    [Logging] # optional logging levels #CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG level = INFO

    For more information, see UFM Logs.

  • Settings for saving port counters to a CSV file


    [CSV] write_interval = 60 ext_ports_only = no

    For more information, see Saving the Port Counters to a CSV File.

  • Max number of CSV files (UFM Advanced)


    [CSV] max_files = 1

    For more information, see Saving Periodic Snapshots of the Fabric (Advanced License Only).


    The access credentials that are defined in the following sections of the conf/gv.cfg file are used only for initialization:

    • SSH_Server

    • SSH_Switch

    • TELNET

    • IPMI

    • SNMP

    • MLNX_OS

    To modify these access credentials, use the UFM Web UI. For more information, see Device Access.

  • Configuring the UFM communication protocol with MLNX-OS switches. The available protocols are:

    • http (default protocol)

    • https (for secure communication)


For configuring the UFM communication protocol after fresh installation and prior to the first run, set the MLNX-OS protocol as shown below.



[MLNX_OS] protocol = https port = 443 user = admin credentials = admin

Once UFM is started, all UFM communication with MLNX-OS switches will take place via the configured protocol.


For changing the UFM communication protocol while UFM is running, perform the following:

  1. Set the desired protocol of MLNX-OS in the conf/gv.cfg file (as shown in the example above).

  2. Restart UFM.

  3. Update the MLNX-OS global access credentials configuration with the relevant protocol port. Refer to Device Access for help.
    For the http protocol - default port is 80.
    For the https protocol - default port is 443.

  4. Update the MLNX-OS access credentials with the relevant port in all managed switches that have a valid IP address.

The SMTrap handler is the SOAP server that handles traps coming from OpenSM.

There are two configuration values related to this service:

  • osm_traps_debounce_interval – defines the period the service holds incoming traps

  • osm_traps_throttle_val – once osm_traps_debounce_interval elapses, the service transfers osm_traps_throttle_val to the Model Main


By default SM Trap Handler handles up to 1000 SM traps every 10 seconds.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Sep 5, 2023.