Using Reranking#
This section provides some examples of reranking, some best practices, and describes some security issues you need to consider.
Shell (cURL)#
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8000/v1/ranking' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"model": "nvidia/nv-rerankqa-mistral-4b-v3",
"query": {"text": "which way should i go?"},
"passages": [
{"text": "two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry i could not travel both and be one traveler, long i stood and looked down one as far as i could to where it bent in the undergrowth;"},
{"text": "then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim because it was grassy and wanted wear, though as for that the passing there had worn them really about the same,"},
{"text": "and both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black. oh, i marked the first for another day! yet knowing how way leads on to way i doubted if i should ever come back."},
{"text": "i shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hense: two roads diverged in a wood, and i, i took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."}
"truncate": "END"
"rankings": [
{ "index": 0, "logit": -1.2421875 },
{ "index": 3, "logit": -3.029296875 },
{ "index": 2, "logit": -5.41015625 },
{ "index": 1, "logit": -8.2421875 }
Best Practices#
A request to Text Reranking NIM includes a query
, a list of passages
, and an optional truncate
parameter (either NONE
or END
, defaulting to NONE
). It then reranks the passages
based on relevance. Note that while many datastores will return scores for passages
, those scores are not used by Text Reranking NIM. Only the text of the query
and candidate passages
are used, and are ranked according to the model’s understanding of the content.
If truncate
, the container returns an error for inputs whose tokenized representation exceeds the token limit for the underlying model. If truncate
is END
, all tokens beyond the token limit are ignored (see below).
Token Limits & Truncation#
Text Reranking NIM API allows over 9,000 characters of text to be passed in for query
and passages
, however this far higher than current model limits. The token limit is a function of the underlying model. For NV-Rerank-QA-Mistral-4B
, the total token limit is 503
including the query. So if your query
is 200 tokens and a passage
is 400
tokens, the rightmost 97
tokens will get truncated.
Note that this means if your query
is 503
tokens and truncate
is END
, the entire passage
will be truncated, rendering the reranking service useless.
Max passages#
You can pass up to 512 passages
in a single reranking call.
Understanding results#
The results from a reranking request will include a list of objects with index
and logit
keys. They will be sorted descending by logit
value. logit
is the raw, unnormalized predictions that a model generates for each query / passage pair.
The index
references the index
of the passage being referred to in the request. So if the request list included passages ["bears", "house", "grass"]
and the indexes in the response are 1,2,0
then the response is saying that the sorted passages
order is ["house", "grass", "bears"]
Security & Authentication#
As a Developer, you are responsible for securing access to any application using the NeMo ecosystem, including an authentication layer between users and your application and securing communication between services in your application.
Rate Limiting#
Text Reranking NIM does not impose rate limits. If you want to restrict access to your application, it is your responsibility to implement a strategy.
Text Retriever NIM uses multiple ports, but only the API Port of 8000 needs to be accessible outside of the cluster. The services’ ports are set at start up for both Text Embedding NIM and Text Reranking NIM.
Additional Security Reminders#
As a Developer, you must secure your own API endpoints. We suggest using a proxy as well as HTTPS/TLS 1.2.
Incident Response#
If you deploy Text Retriever NIM components using Helm charts, please follow the instructions in the Creating Secrets section.