Overview of the APIs

NVSHMEM includes the OpenSHMEM 1.3 API, and several APIs that are defined in OpenSHMEM versions 1.4 and 1.5.

Here are the naming conventions:

  • OpenSHMEM function names are prefixed with nv, for example, nvshmem_init.
  • Type names are prefixed with nv, for example, nvshmem_team_t.
  • Constants are prefixed with NV, for example, NVSHMEM_VENDOR_STRING.
  • Environment variables are prefixed with NVSHMEM, for example, NVSHMEM_SYMMETRIC_SIZE.

NVSHMEM functions are classified based on where they can be invoked:

  • On the host.
  • On the GPU.
  • On both the host and the GPU.

The following APIs can be invoked only on the host:

  • Initialization and termination, for example, nvshmem_init and nvshmem_finalize.
  • Memory management, for example, nvshmem_malloc and nvshmem_free.
  • Collective kernel launch, for example, nvshmemx_collective_launch.
  • Stream-based operations.

The following APIs can be invoked only on the GPU:

  • Thread block scoped operations, for example, nvshmem_putmem_block.
  • Thread warp scoped operations, for example, nvshmem_putmem_warp.

The remaining operations, including one-sided remote memory access, one-sided remote atomic memory access, memory ordering, point-to-point synchronization, collectives, pointer query, and PE information query operations are supported from both the host and the device.

Unsupported OpenSHMEM 1.3 APIs

The following OpenSHMEM 1.3 APIs are not currently supported in NVSHMEM:

  • OpenSHMEM Fortran API
  • shmem_pe_accessible
  • shmem_addr_accessible
  • shmem_realloc
  • shmem_collect
  • shmem_alltoalls
  • shmem_lock
  • _SHMEM_* constants (deprecated)
  • SMA_* environment variables (deprecated)
  • CUDA supports only a subset of the atomic operations in the OpenSHMEM specification. In NVSHMEM, the long long, int64_t, and ptrdiff_t types are currently unsupported for add, fetch_add, inc, and fetch_inc atomic operations.

OpenSHMEM 1.3 APIs Not Supported Over Remote Network Transports

The following OpenSHMEM 1.3 APIs are not currently supported over remote network transports in NVSHMEM:

  • shmem_iput
  • shmem_iget

Supported OpenSHMEM APIs (OpenSHMEM 1.4 and 1.5)

The following OpenSHMEM 1.5 APIs are supported by NVSHMEM:

  • nvshmem_wait_until_{any, all, some} and nvshmem_wait_until_{any, all, some}_vector
  • nvshmem_test_{any, all, some} and nvshmem_wait_until_{any, all, some}_vector

The following OpenSHMEM 1.4 APIs are supported by NVSHMEM:

  • Threading support, with functions nvshmem_init_thread and nvshmem_query_thread, and NVSHMEM_THREAD_SINGLE, NVSHMEM_THREAD_FUNNELED, NVSHMEM_THREAD_SERIALIZED, and NVSHMEM_THREAD_MULTIPLE constants.
  • NVSHMEM_SYNC_SIZE constant
  • nvshmem_calloc (host)
  • Bitwise atomic memory operations and, fetch_and, or, fetch_or, xor, and fetch_xor (host and device)
  • nvshmem_sync and nvshmem_sync_all (host and device)

NVSHMEM API Extensions For CPU Threads

NVSHMEM extension APIs invoked only by CPU threads:

nvshmemx_init_attr nvshmemx_hostlib_init_attr
CUDA kernel launch


CUDA kernels that invoke synchronizing NVSHMEM APIs such as nvshmem_barrier, nvshmem_wait, collective operations, and others, must be launched using this API; otherwise behavior is undefined.

Collective launch grid size


Used to query the largest grid size that can be used for the given kernel with CUDA cooperative launch on the current GPU.

Remote memory access

nvshmemx_put_<all_variants>_on_stream, nvshmemx_get_<all_variants>_on_stream

Asynchronous with respect to the calling CPU thread; takes a cudaStream_t as argument and is ordered on that CUDA stream.

Memory ordering
Collective communication
nvshmemx_broadcast_<all_variants>_on_stream, nvshmemx_collect__<all_variants>_on_stream, nvshmemx_alltoall_<all_variants>_on_stream, and nvshmemx_to_all_<all_variants>_on_stream (reductions)
Collective synchronization
nvshmemx_barrier_all_on_stream, nvshmemx_barrier_on_stream, nvshmemx_sync_all_on_stream, and nvshmemx_sync_on_stream

NVSHMEM extends the remote memory access (get and put), memory ordering, collective communication, and collective synchronization APIs with support for CUDA streams. Each steam-based function performs the same operation as described in the OpenSHMEM specification. An additional argument of cudaStream_t type is added as the last argument to each function and indicates the stream on which the operation is enqueued.

Ordering APIs (fence, quiet, and barrier) that are issued on the CPU and the GPU only order communication operations that were issued from the CPU and the GPU, respectively. To ensure completion of GPU-side operations from the CPU, the developer must perform a GPU-side quiet operation and ensure completion of the CUDA kernel from which the GPU-side operations were issued, using operations like cudaStreamSynchronize or cudaDeviceSynchronize. Alternatively, a stream-based quiet operation can be used. Stream-based quiet operations have the effect of a quiet being executed on the GPU in stream order, ensuring completion and ordering of only GPU-side operations.

NVSHMEM API Extensions For GPU Threads

RMA Write

nvshmemx_put_block, nvshmemx_put_warp

New APIs for GPU-side invocation are provided that can be called collectively by a threadblock or a warp.

RMA Read
nvshmemx_get_block, nvshmemx_get_warp
Asynchronous RMA write
nvshmemx_put_nbi_block, nvshmemx_put_nbi_warp
Asynchronous RMA read
nvshmemx_get_nbi_block, nvshmemx_get_nbi_warp
Collective communication
nvshmemx_broadcast_<all_variants>_block, nvshmemx_broadcast_<all_variants>_warp, nvshmemx_collect__<all_variants>_block, nvshmemx_collect__<all_variants>_warp, nvshmemx_alltoall_<all_variants>_block, nvshmemx_alltoall_<all_variants>_warp, nvshmemx_to_all_<all_variants>_block, and nvshmemx_to_all_<all_variants>_warp (reductions)
Collective synchronization
nvshmemx_barrier_all_block, nvshmemx_barrier_all_warp, nvshmemx_barrier_block, nvshmemx_barrier_warp, nvshmemx_sync_all_block, nvshmemx_sync_all_warp, nvshmemx_sync_block, and nvshmemx_sync_warp

These extension APIs can be invoked by GPU threads. Each of the API has two variants each – one with the _block suffix and the other with the _warp suffix. For example, the OpenSHMEM API shmem_float_put has two extension APIs in NVSHMEM, nvshmemx_float_put_block and nvshmemx_float_put_warp.

These extension APIs are collective calls that must be called by every thread in the scope of the API and with exactly the same arguments. The scope of the *_block extension APIs is the block in which the thread resides. Similarly, the scope of the *_warp extension API is the warp in which the thread resides. For example, if thread 0 calls nvshmem_float_put_block, then every other thread that is in the same block as thread 0 must also call nvshmem_float_put_block with the same arguments. Otherwise, the call results in erroneous behavior or a deadlock in the program. The NVSHMEM runtime might or might not leverage the multiple threads in the scope of the API to execute the API call.

The extension APIs are useful in the following situations:

  • Converting nvshmem_float_put to nvshmemx_float_put_block enables the NVSHMEM runtime to leverage all the threads in the block to concurrently copy the data to the destination PE if the destination GPU of the put call is p2p connected. If the destination GPU is connected via a remote network, then a single thread in the block can issue an RMA write operation to the destination GPU.
  • The *_block and *_warp extensions of the collective APIs can use multiple threads to perform collective operations, such as parallel reduction operations of multiple threads sending data in parallel.