Features from Accelerated Segment Test (FAST) is a corner detection algorithm. It detects corners on an input image, returning their coordinates. These corners can then be used as feature keypoints for tracking. The main advantage of using FAST is its computational efficiency, thus its name. This advantage is important in real-time video processing and machine learning pipelines. The main disadvantage of FAST is its lack of orientation and sensitivity to image domain and feature scale. The following table shows an example input image, a set of input parameters for the FAST algorithm (explained below), and the detected corners in red.
Input | Parameters | Output |
![]() | \begin{align*} \mathit{circleRadius} &= 3 \\ \mathit{arcLength} &= 9 \\ \mathit{intensityThreshold} &= 142 \\ \mathit{nonMaxSuppression} &= 1 \end{align*} | ![]() |
The FAST algorithm does a corner detection test on all pixels of an input image. The algorithm was first described in [1] and later improved on [2]. A pixel is detected to be a corner if a number of consecutive pixels around it are either brighter or darker than it.
The FAST algorithm defines pixels around a central, candidate pixel \( p \) as those lying on a Bresenham circle \( x \in \{1...M\} \) with radius \( R \), produced by the function \( B(R, p) \). The figure below shows an example of a candidate pixel (in yellow) and its Bresenham circle (in orange) with \( R = 3 \), and thus containing \( M = 16 \) pixels. The circle radius \( R \) is a parameter of the algorithm (VPIFASTCornerDetectorParams::circleRadius) and it uniquely defines the \( M \) pixels around the central pixel.
The intensity of the central pixel is denoted by \( I_p \), and the intensity of pixels on the circle is denoted by \( I_{p\rightarrow x} \). Each pixel on the circle can have one of three states: \(\text{brighter}\); \(\text{darker}\); or \(\text{similar}\). The state of pixels on the circle is denoted by \( S_{p\rightarrow x} \). The FAST algorithm tests if at least \( N \) consecutive pixels in the circle, called an arc, have the same state of either \(\text{brighter}\) or \(\text{darker}\) than the candidate pixel, plus or minus a threshold \( t \), respectively. The following equations summarize these concepts:
\begin{align*} S_{p\rightarrow x} &= \begin{cases} \text{brighter} &I_p + t \geq &I_{p\rightarrow x} & \\ \text{darker} & &I_{p\rightarrow x} \leq &I_p - t \\ \text{similar} &I_p - t < &I_{p\rightarrow x} < &I_p + t \\ \end{cases} \\ I_{p\rightarrow x} &= B(R, p) \end{align*}
The figure below shows an example of a candidate pixel (in yellow) and an arc in the circle around it (in red) with \( N = 9 \). The arc length \( N \) and the intensity threshold \( t \) are parameters of the algorithm (respectively: VPIFASTCornerDetectorParams::arcLength and VPIFASTCornerDetectorParams::intensityThreshold).
The FAST algorithm also provides a secondary test to remove neighbor corners called non-maximum suppression. If the non-maximum suppression parameter flag (VPIFASTCornerDetectorParams::nonMaxSuppression) is turned on, each pixel detected as a corner checks its immediate 1-rind neighborhood for another pixel also detected as a corner. If 2 or more neighbor pixels are marked as a corner, each is assigned a score value \( V \) as the maximum threshold value that makes it remain a corner. The pixel with the maximum score \( V \) survives the test, i.e. remains a corner, while the others are no longer corners. This effectively reduces the key-point corners found. This secondary test reduces the performance of the FAST algorithm.
For list of limitations, constraints and backends that implements the algorithm, consult reference documentation of the following functions:
Function | Description |
vpiInitFASTCornerDetectorParams | Initializes VPIFASTCornerDetectorParams with default values. |
vpiSubmitFASTCornerDetector | Submits a FAST Corner Detector operation to the stream. |
For more information, see FAST Corners in the "C API Reference" section of VPI - Vision Programming Interface.
For information on how to use the performance table below, see Algorithm Performance Tables.
Before comparing measurements, consult Comparing Algorithm Elapsed Times.
For further information on how performance was benchmarked, see Performance Benchmark.