Aerial RAN CoLab Over-the-Air - 23.1.A0.6

On-Boarding Help

  1. Where is the HW BOM? The complete qualified Aerial RAN CoLab Over-the-Air BOM is located in the Procure the Hardware chapter of the Installation Guide.

  2. Does the platform support MU-MIMO? Today the Aerial RAN CoLab Over-the-Air does not offer MU-MIMO integrated interop, however the same platform is capable of adding software features for MU-MIMO. MU-MIMO support is targeted in Y2023

  3. Which frequency bands does the platform support?

    Currently Aerial RAN CoLab Over-the-Air offers tested solution in n78 band, however with access to source can be qualified to interoperate in other sub-6 frequency bands

  4. How can I apply for an experimental license in United States? Please review the application located on If you have a program experimental license ( you can use it also on the Innovation Zone areas (Boston and the PAWR platforms) by submitting a request on that website.

  5. Where can I utility RF tools and calculators Please see the following site

Logfiles generated while installing tools, OS and NVIDIA SW/FW can be found below:

Below page is a reference to the syllabus from NVIDIA/UIUC Accelerated Computing Teaching Kit and outlines each module’s organization in the downloaded Teaching Kit

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